The video enlightens viewers on the correlation between physical health and self-confidence. It argues that while a sharp mind and strong emotions are often emphasized in the pursuit of success, physical well-being plays a crucial role in boosting confidence and supporting mental health. By engaging in regular physical activity and eating a balanced diet, individuals can significantly enhance their physical capabilities, mental clarity, emotional stability, and self-assurance.

It highlights how neglecting one's physical health can lead to discomfort and a sense of inadequacy, suggesting that prioritizing health in one's hierarchy of values is essential. The video sheds light on proper diet, emphasizing carbohydrate-rich and fat-limited consumption, as well as the importance of drinking adequate water. Regular exercise is underscored as fundamental for reinforcing self-worth and sustaining fitness, while proper rest and a positive attitude are also deemed vital for maintaining one's health and confidence.

Main takeaways from the video:

Proper nutrition, exercise, and adequate rest are intertwined with self-confidence, where physical well-being supports and enhances mental and emotional health.
The alignment of energy levels with external activities is important, as high energy contributes to positivity, alertness, and competitivity.
A practical approach to diet, exercise, and lifestyle adjustments, like reducing sugar, salt, and alcohol, can exponentially improve one's energy, health, and confidence.
A positive mental attitude is imperative, as it encourages the persistence of positive emotions, which in turn fosters energy and sustains performance.
Please remember to turn on the CC button to view the subtitles.

Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:

1. autonomic [ˌɔːtəˈnɒmɪk] - (adjective) - Involuntary or unconscious; relating to functions the nervous system controls automatically, like heartbeat. - Synonyms: (involuntary, automatic, self-regulating)

Your body is controlled by your autonomic nervous system, which regulates the chemical balance in your billions of cells every minute of every day.

2. vigor [ˈvɪɡər] - (noun) - Physical strength and good health; vitality. - Synonyms: (energy, vitality, strength)

It also means having a lot of energy, vigor and a general sense of well being that comes from inside.

3. cardiovascular [ˌkɑːrdiəʊˈvæskjʊlər] - (adjective) - Relating to the circulatory system, which comprises the heart and blood vessels. - Synonyms: (circulatory, heart-related, vascular)

And most importantly, you need to do cardiovascular exercise, what we call aerobic exercise, to increase endurance and improve circulation and overall health.

4. alkalis [ˈælkəˌlaɪz] - (noun) - Substances that neutralize acids; they are basic materials in chemistry. - Synonyms: (bases, neutralizers, alkaline substances)

But when you eat proteins and starches together like meat and potatoes or eggs and toast or fish and rice, your body secretes acids and alkalis, each of which neutralizes the other in the stomach and the food does not get digested, the digestive process effectively stops

5. conserve [kənˈsɜːrv] - (verb) - To protect or maintain something, especially a resource, ensuring it lasts. - Synonyms: (preserve, maintain, save)

You should continually think about how you can generate and conserve energy with everything you consume.

6. frugally [ˈfruːɡəli] - (adverb) - In an economical or sparing manner, avoiding waste. - Synonyms: (economically, thriftily, prudently)

Later in his life, when he became one of the wealthiest and most respected men in the United States, he said that the starting point of all his success was the habit of eating frugally at lunchtime.

7. malnutrition [ˌmælnjuːˈtrɪʃən] - (noun) - Poor nutrition, resulting from a lack of food or a failure to obtain essential nutrients. - Synonyms: (undernourishment, starvation, inadequate nutrition)

They called it underfeeding without malnutrition.

8. detoxification [ˌdiːˌtɒksɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] - (noun) - The process of removing toxic substances or qualities. - Synonyms: (cleansing, purification, detox)

But fortunately, if you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grain products, as I mentioned before, they will serve as a natural cleansing agent, keeping your internal system clean and your bodily functions regular.

9. exponential [ˌɛkspəˈnɛnʃəl] - (adjective) - Characterized by an extremely rapid increase in number or size. - Synonyms: (accelerated, increasing rapidly, escalating)

A practical approach to diet, exercise, and lifestyle adjustments, like reducing sugar, salt, and alcohol, can exponentially improve one's energy, health, and confidence.

10. aerobic [eəˈrəʊbɪk] - (adjective) - Relating to or involving oxygen, as in aerobic exercise which improves the efficiency of the body’s cardiovascular system in absorbing and transporting oxygen. - Synonyms: (oxygen-using, cardio, endurance)

The four best aerobic exercises for achieving maximum endurance and fitness are first running three times a week for more than 20 minutes each time.

How To Build SELF-CONFIDENCE By Your PHYSICAL HEALTH - Brian Tracy Motivational Speech

Today, we'll talk about something that is both personal well being and self empowerment. How important it is to be physically healthy for self confidence. As we look for success and happiness, we often focus on having a sharp mind and strong emotions. However, our physical health is what supports our confidence and mental health in general. Being physically healthy is more than just not being sick. It also means having a lot of energy, vigor and a general sense of well being that comes from inside.

Putting our physical health first. By exercising regularly, eating right and getting enough rest, we not only improve our physical skills, but we also improve our mental clarity, emotional stability and most importantly, our confidence in ourselves. Putting money into your health can change how you see yourself and the world around you.

Come with me. As we talk about this, we'll give you realistic plans and useful information that you can use to take charge of your health, which will give you more energy, a better mood and more confidence. Let's remember that real confidence comes from inside as we start this trip together, our motivation comes from knowing that we are taking care of our bodies, which in turn makes our thoughts and spirits stronger. We can build a life of more confidence, endurance and success by putting our physical health first.

Today. Let's talk about how important it is to take care of your body if you want to build and keep your self confidence and live a fuller, more powerful life. Your level of self confidence is closely related to your level of physical fitness. Everything you do to improve your physical well being will have a positive impact on how good you feel about yourself. In fact, every effort you make to take better care of yourself will increase your self esteem.

We've said that you always act according to your feelings and control your actions. Every time you take concrete and specific action towards self improvement, your level of self esteem and self liking increases. You see yourself as a more valuable and worthwhile person, believe more in yourself and have greater confidence in your ability to do other things as well. On the other hand, if you let yourself get physically run down, you always seem to have the persistent feeling that you are not fulfilling your responsibility to yourself.

Whenever you put your career or anything else before your health in your hierarchy of values, you tend to feel uncomfortable and inadequate. Deep down, you know that your health is paramount, that no success in anything is worth it if your health is compromised. As a result, nature always demands balance in life and the fundamental balance is between your level of physical well being and your external activities and achievements.

Every time you lose this balance, you feel vaguely uncomfortable and know that somehow you are out of the main flow of life. The key issues are health and energy. With high levels of health and energy, you feel great about yourself and feel more competent and capable of facing the challenges you encounter every day. With high levels of health and energy, you are more positive and confident, more alert and awake, sleep less and sleep better.

When you are fit and in good physical shape, you radiate a form of animal magnetism that makes people react favorably toward you. You are more relaxed and more effective in your interactions with others. You are more admired and respected by the people you work and live with. Most importantly, you respect yourself much more when you know you have paid the price in terms of sacrifice and self discipline to take excellent care of your health.

Earlier in this program, we repeated the old saying, you become what you think about most of the time. The better the quality of the thoughts you incorporate into your body, the healthier you will be mentally. In every aspect, you also become what you eat. Your body is a chemical factory, continually creating new cells and eliminating old dead cells and waste material.

Your body is controlled by your autonomic nervous system, which regulates the chemical balance in your billions of cells every minute of every day. It is nothing short of miraculous, but your body, like any factory, can only produce finished products with the raw materials it is supplied with. The critical measure of your physical health, as we said, is your energy level.

Everything you do requires energy. The more energy you have, the more different things you can do and try. And the more you achieve, the greater your self confidence and self esteem. You should continually think about how you can generate and conserve energy with everything you consume. This should be a top priority.

Energy is produced in the human body as a result of the intake of three ingredients. The first is food, the second is water or liquids, and the third is what are called impressions. The starting point for feeling great about yourself is eating the right foods and eating for more energy. Fortunately, there is now so much research available on proper diet that we don't have to guess.

There have been some interesting scientific advances in recent years in nutrition, and if you simply follow them, you will notice an almost immediate increase in energy. Robert Haas, in his book Eat to win, talks about the high performance diet and the fact that it is made up of 75% carbohydrates, about 15% proteins, and only 10% or less fat. In fact, there is now a wealth of research and evidence showing that you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight.

As long as you eat foods that the body burns rather than stores, the body burns carbohydrates of all kinds. While it tends to store excess protein and fat around the waist, hips and thighs. The ideal high performance diet consists of eating lots of fruits, vegetables and plenty of whole grain products. The more colorful the fruits and vegetables, the more vitamins and minerals they contain, and the better they are for you.

Fruits and vegetables act as a form of fiber or nature's rotor, keeping your system clean and light by continuously eliminating toxins and waste products. Whole grain products have the same impact and also contain proteins and fats in the limited amounts you need. Simply changing your diet from bacon and eggs to fruits and cereals in the mornings will make you more alert and awake throughout the first half of the day.

Benjamin Franklin, in his autobiography, talks about how at lunchtime, while his coworkers gorged themselves on the free food provided by their employer, he would judiciously chew on a piece of bread and take plenty of time to eat very little. He always satisfied his hunger this way, while at the same time reading and preparing for the afternoon. Later in his life, when he became one of the wealthiest and most respected men in the United States, he said that the starting point of all his success was the habit of eating frugally at lunchtime.

Harvey and Marilyn diamond wrote a book a few years ago called Fit for life. The book became a best seller on the New York Times book list, and millions of people read it for its unorthodox suggestions on diet. Many nutritionists disagreed with the book's recommendations, and the topic remains quite controversial.

However, what the diamond simply said was that the greatest consumer of energy in the human body is the process of digestion. If you can facilitate digestion by combining your foods in such a way that they don't require as much effort or energy to break down and assimilate, you will have more energy available for other things. There is no doubt about this conclusion. If you eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains, because they are closer to nature, they digest faster and you will feel lighter and more energetic.

The diamonds then continued by saying that when you eat proteins, your body secretes acids to break them down. When you eat starches, your body secretes alkaline substances to break them down. But when you eat proteins and starches together like meat and potatoes or eggs and toast or fish and rice, your body secretes acids and alkalis, each of which neutralizes the other in the stomach and the food does not get digested, the digestive process effectively stops.

Your stomach is determined to break down the food before it passes into the small intestine. When the acids and alkalis neutralize each other. The body works vigorously to produce even more acids and more alkalines.

This draws blood and energy from other parts of the body, making you feel tired and drowsy after eating a heavy meal. But if you eat proteins and vegetables, or starches and vegetables instead of proteins and starches together, this digestive problem does not occur. You can eat as much as you want and still feel light and clear headed. You will still get what we might call the Benjamin Franklin effect and be able to perform at your best for hours after eating.

The fact is, we eat too much protein and fat. The body simply does not need as much as we ingest to form new cells. And both proteins and fats are extremely difficult to digest. They contain more calories per ounce than any other food.

If we ingest more than we need, the body simply uses a huge amount of energy to break them down and then stores the excess proteins and fats for later use. In the work of Doctor Robert Jorgensen, titled Eat and Grow Thin, he concludes that the greatest enemy of human health is fats and cholesterol of all kinds.

He demonstrates that people can dramatically increase their energy levels and reduce weight at the same time, simply by eliminating fats of all kinds from their diet.

Now, while it is true that we need a small amount of cholesterol to maintain balance, the average person consumes too much fat in the form of butter, margarine, and a variety of oils used in the preparation of many foods. One of the reasons people consume too much fat is because foods containing them seem to taste better than foods that do not contain cholesterol.

This issue of taste is a constant dilemma, but the conclusion is that if you want, you can train your taste buds to actually enjoy foods that are also very healthy for you. One of the best health habits is to drink six to eight large glasses of water a day.

Many people start each morning by drinking one or two large glasses of water, and then keep a large glass of water handy throughout the day. They largely stop drinking coffee, tea and sodas, and instead quench their thirst with water.

Currently, the evidence is overwhelming that drinking large amounts of water will have a dramatic and positive effect on your health. Try it for a day or two and you will see by eating the right foods and in the right combinations for greater energy, there are three poisons you should avoid.

We call these the three white poisons, and they are sugar, salt, and flour. The average American consumes about 160 pounds of additional sugar each year in the form of desserts, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, cakes, candies, and who knows what else.

Sugars are used to enhance the flavor of foods and often to preserve their shelf life in supermarkets. But these are so called simple carbohydrates. They give you a temporary boost and a long term energy crash.

Ingesting simple sugars causes the pancreas to secrete large amounts of insulin into the bloodstream to absorb the additional sugar. The pancreas overreacts to protect itself from this imbalance and always secretes too much insulin. The result of this excessive activity is that it draws even more sugar from the blood than you have, leaving you feeling more tired than before you ate the chocolate bar, drank the coke, or had the doughnut.

On the other hand, when you eat healthy foods, you are consuming a form of complex carbohydrate. These are any type of food that the body must break down to obtain the nutritional value and energy it contains. Simply stopping the consumption of extra sugars, eliminating desserts, and getting the sweet taste you desire from fruits and fruit juices will make you start feeling better from day one.

The second white poison is salt. The average American needs about two pounds of salt in total per year, and the average American consumes about 20 pounds of salt. Salt is the most common product used to preserve essentially dead or inert foods on supermarket shelves. Many products have salt as a main ingredient, and the fact is that you get enough salt in your diet naturally, without needing to add more than a pinch when cooking or preparing dishes for various meals.

Many people acquire the habit from a very early age of putting salt on everything, even before tasting it. However, when you stop adding salt, you will begin to taste a wider range of flavors than in the past. Now you miss these flavors because you neutralize them all with excess salt.

Consuming too much salt can also be very bad for you. It leads to hypertension, irritability, high blood pressure, fatigue, and fluid retention. Many people are several pounds overweight because the excess salt always requires water and suspension to retain it in the body. If you simply stop consuming all the additional salt and rely on the natural salts in the foods you consume and simultaneously start drinking eight large glasses of water a day, you will begin to eliminate all the additional salt that your body has stored.

In any case, the more water you drink and the less salt you consume, the better you will feel, the better you will sleep, and the more energy you will have. The third white poison to avoid is white flour. The problem with products made from white flour is that white flour is basically an inert substance.

It is dead. The flour has been bleached, having been thoroughly cleaned previously of all nutrients. When consumers complained that white bread had no nutritional value, bakers quickly responded by adding chemical vitamins to the process and calling their product enriched white bread.

Enriched white bread products are simply those where vitamins have been added which quickly die in the baking process at 350 degrees. So what you get has no nutritional value apart from a few carbohydrates. A nutritionist even said that white bread would have more nutritional value if you threw it in the toilet instead of eating it.

And the reason, of course, is that if you threw the white bread away, you would still be hungry and would be more likely to eat another food that might contain some nutrition. If you simply switch from white bread products to whole grain bread products, you will get more vitamins and minerals, more flavor and taste, and have more energy and better digestion than you could have from eating products made with white flour.

There are other things you can do to increase your health and energy. The New York Times published an extensive article a few years ago on one of the greatest breakthroughs ever, linking diet with health, longevity, and long life. They called it underfeeding without malnutrition.

Lab rats that had been subjected to very lean diets lived up to 50% longer than rats that were allowed to eat all they wanted. Researchers found and continue to find, that a person who eats lean and mean, who eats light and less, a person who, in Ben Franklin's words, eats to live rather than lives to eat, will be much fitter, healthier, and have more energy. He or she will need less sleep and have a higher sex drive than anything else.

Eating lean products that contain high levels of nutrients at the same time reduces the incidence of diseases of all kinds. And if the experiments with rats are any indication, it could be the key to increasing the average human lifespan from 75 to 100 years or more.

When anthropologists examine the lifestyles and eating habits of men and women from tribes around the world where it is common to live to 110 years or more, they find that whether in Peru, the Soviet Union, or among the Hunza tribe of northern India, these peoples have three things in common.

The first is that, as you can imagine, they eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. The second factor they have in common is that they live in mountainous areas and do a lot of what we now call aerobic exercise. The third thing they have in common is that in their cultures, older people are very respected and remain deeply involved in the events of their communities.

They feel valuable and worthwhile, and their attitudes towards themselves and their communities are very positive. One last point regarding nutrition and its association with health, happiness, self confidence and long life is the importance of regular elimination. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains not only provides you with a wide range of nutrients, but also ensures a smoothly functioning digestive system.

One of the best ways to start a diet or cleanse your system is what is called a sea salt purge. Two level teaspoons of sea salt, not common table salt in one liter of warm water, drunk first thing in the morning, will cleanse your entire system in about an hour. Many people who have followed cleansing diets and fasts, including herbal laxatives, teas, and fruit juices, have been surprised to find that even after a week, their bodies are still eliminating toxins and waste products that have accumulated over the years.

But fortunately, if you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grain products, as I mentioned before, they will serve as a natural cleansing agent, keeping your internal system clean and your bodily functions regular. As a result, you will feel more positive, more energetic, clearer and happier, and more effective as the day progresses.

There are two additional keys regarding what you put into your body that are closely associated with health and long life. The first is moderate or no consumption of alcohol. This means, ideally, not drinking more than one alcoholic beverage a day and not averaging more than one per day over the course of a week.

Alcoholism is a major problem in the US today, and cirrhosis of the liver is the second or third leading cause of premature death. Successful men and women are almost all careful and conservative when it comes to the ingestion of alcoholic beverages.

The Greeks were right when they recommended moderation in everything. Moderate or no alcohol consumption is a key health habit for high performance. And by the way, if you drink regularly, you can test yourself to see if you can take it or leave it by reserving one month each year during which you drink no alcohol at all.

I learned this from a friend many years ago, and my wife and I do it as a regular discipline every spring. Many people are convinced that they drink just for pleasure and that it really doesn't matter. Well, it's easy to prove, just don't do it for a month and see what happens.

And here is my prediction, based on extensive experience. If instead of drinking something alcoholic, you drink fruit juices when you get home in the evenings and when you go out to dinner, you will be surprised at how much more energy you have. After a week, you will find that you feel wonderful and are having a great time without alcohol.

The next thing you will notice is how alcohol intensive much of our society is you will begin to notice the high level of alcohol consumption around you, not only in your social affairs, but on television and magazines, on billboards, and is a regular part of many people's lives. It's an interesting exercise. Try it yourself and you will see the next part of health and fitness, which is tied to high levels of self esteem and self confidence is weight.

Nothing reduces our self esteem faster than being overweight. In a world that respects and admires fitness and thinness, it is of no use to say that you have big bones or a glandular problem. The fact is that you never gain weight from anything you don't eat.

Being overweight is due to consuming more calories than you burn. If you increase your burn rate and decrease your caloric intake, you will lose weight as naturally as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. One of the fastest ways to increase self confidence is simply to lose a few pounds, and you start reaching your correct weight by setting it as a goal and then making a plan to achieve it.

Extensive research has now shown that diets do not work. The diet industry today is a multibillion dollar industry dedicated to helping people lose weight by helping them visualize affirmations and eat smaller portions and better foods. But the real key to losing weight through dieting is, on one hand, reducing intake and on the other, burning off the excess weight through exercise.

What this does is reduce what is called your automatic set point, the weight at which your body stabilizes. This is the point your body automatically adapts to when you stop disciplining yourself and watching what you eat. And you can only lower your set point through exercise.

The reason diets don't work is that people often go through what is called the cycle of starvation and binging. They starve themselves to such a point that they feel so hungry, they start dreaming of rewarding themselves with good food once the diet is over. If you consider food as a reward for any behavior, your chances of losing weight are almost nil.

The key to permanent weight loss and the health, fitness, and self esteem that come with it is to change your entire attitude towards eating. Change the combination of foods you consume, and adjust the quantity of those foods. Make a firm decision to become so involved in achieving goals that are important to you that eating becomes a secondary consideration.

Gradually, you will lower your set point and then eat so well that you won't have to worry about your weight again. And this, of course, leads us to the next essential part of health, fitness, and self confidence. Confidence, which is the need for regular and proper exercise exercise is wonderful for you.

Exercising regularly makes your brain release the natural morphine called endorphins, giving you a natural high and a feeling of well being and happiness. Even people who don't like exercise and who haven't done much of it in the past, can eventually become addicted to a regular exercise program because they feel so good about themselves and all the other auxiliary benefits that come with it.

The law of life simply says that if you don't use it, you lose it. It also says that regarding your physical body, the more you use and exercise it, the better it will work for you and the longer it will last. You need to exercise and fully articulate each joint every day.

To feel your best. You need all three forces, flexibility, strength and endurance. You need to do exercises that strengthen your muscles, like calisthenics and working with light or even heavy weights.

You also need to do exercises that stretch the muscles, increase flexibility, such as touching your toes, twisting your back, and doing yoga. And most importantly, you need to do cardiovascular exercise, what we call aerobic exercise, to increase endurance and improve circulation and overall health.

The wonderful thing about exercise is that when you start an exercise program for the first time, you will feel tired and dragged down by the effort for a few days. But after this initial break in period, you will begin to feel more energetic and more alert than ever.

In fact, the cure for low energy levels is to engage in high levels of exercise. The more you exercise and train, the more energy you will have. The best aerobic exercises require you to exercise three times a week for more than 20 minutes each time.

You only start getting what is called the aerobic effect after 20 minutes of exercise. In fact, in the first 20 minutes you are simply burning the glucose in your bloodstream and every minute after 20, you burn the excess fat that has accumulated from overeating in the past. This will work to lower your set point.

After you have done aerobic exercise, your body continues to burn excess calories for another 5 hours. When you combine aerobic exercise with proper eating, the combination can be dynamite. In less than 30 days, you will be a different person.

Your posture will improve, your smile will be bigger, your eyes will shine, you will leap out of bed in the morning and you will feel great about yourself. The four best aerobic exercises for achieving maximum endurance and fitness are first running three times a week for more than 20 minutes each time.

Cycling is another wonderful exercise and is superior to running because it does not put weight on your ankles, knees or hips, and at the same time provides a tremendous workout again all you need to achieve and maintain maximum fitness is to ride a stationary or regular bike for 20 to 30 minutes, three times a week.

Swimming is another tremendous exercise in every way. By swimming for 25 minutes or more three times a week, you will get all the aerobic points you need to enjoy maximum health and fitness. Swimming also tones your entire body, expands your lungs and gives you a stronger heart.

And the final exercise that anyone can do is simply walking. If you walk vigorously, you will improve your heart and lungs, strengthen all your muscles up to your torso and greatly improve your digestion and elimination and you will feel much, much better about yourself.

The two obvious times to exercise are in the morning before starting the day and in the evening at the end of the day. But it doesn't matter when you choose to exercise, as long as you make it a regular part of your life.

Write it in your schedule just as you would with an appointment with your boss or an important client. Many people exercise at lunchtime and find that a brisk walk combined with a light lunch allows them to perform much more effectively throughout the afternoon.

The two final keys to health and fitness are first, adequate rest and second, a proper attitude. To get enough rest, you need to sleep seven to 8 hours a night. You need to take time to sharpen your acts, take regular vacations and mini vacations.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is go to bed early and get a good night's sleep. One of the most important rules I have learned for health, long life and maximum performance is to rest completely for an entire day each week.

Even God rested on the 7th day after creating the world. And when you feel that you don't have time to restore, that's when it's most important for you to take a complete break and simply relax.

What everyone discovers is that if they take a full day off each week to rest and recreate, they will perform much better and get more done in the other six days than if they work nonstop. The final key to health and fitness is a proper attitude, or what we used to call impressions.

A positive mental attitude is absolutely essential for good physical health. A cheerful and sunny disposition leads to a healthy and vibrant body. The way you assimilate your experiences, the way you interpret them for yourself, your impressions of what happens around you are absolutely indispensable for your physical and mental health.

So the final key to health, fitness and self confidence is a proper attitude. Stay optimistic, looking for the good in every person and in every situation. Approach your life with an attitude of positive expectation.

Look for a valuable lesson in every experience. Seek the opportunity or benefit in every setback or obstacle. Do not allow your emotions to be dictated by external events. Make the decision to remain calm, happy and positive no matter what happens.

Remember that positive emotions build and generate energy while negative emotions consume and drain energy and energy is the key. If you eat well, exercise properly, rest adequately, maintain your proper weight and maintain a positive mental attitude, you will be an outstanding performer in everything you do.

As we come to the end of our talk about how important physical health is for building self confidence, let us repeat our promise to put our health first. Remember that building self confidence isn't just an emotional or mental process. It has a lot to do with our physical health as well.

By taking care of our bodies with regular exercise, healthy eating and enough rest, we build a strong base for a confident, strong and independent life. Think about the ideas and plans weve talked about today.

You might want to think about how you can add these things to your daily life to improve your health and by extension, your confidence. You can become a more energetic and sure of yourself person with every step you take toward better health.

As you leave today, I want you to think about how to boost your confidence in all areas of your life. Put the same amount of time and effort into your physical health that you do into your personal and business growth.

Doing so will not only make your body healthier, but it will also give you more confidence and energy. Thank you for taking the time to read and share the ideas we've talked about.

Today should help you reach a future where your health and self confidence go hand in hand, which will lead to a happier and more successful life. Let's make a promise to live in a way that honors and supports the amazing link between our thoughts and bodies.

Health, Self Confidence, Fitness, Motivation, Inspiration, Education, Achievemore