The video focuses on a scene from the movie "Catch Me If You Can," where Frank Abagnale, portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio, cleverly deceives an FBI agent played by Tom Hanks. Through quick thinking and convincing dialogue, Frank manages to escape capture by pretending to be a Secret Service agent. The clip serves as a practical lesson in English fluency, vocabulary, and connected speech, allowing viewers to learn through engaging movie scenes.
This educational video aims to help viewers enhance their English language skills by analyzing and breaking down the dialogue, pronunciation, and grammar used in the movie scene. It emphasizes connected speech and practical vocabulary learning, offering insights into American English usage and expressions. The video helps learners understand and emulate native speakers more effectively.
Main takeaways from the video:
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:
1. outsmart [ˌaʊtˈsmɑrt] - (verb) - To defeat or trick someone by being more intelligent or clever. - Synonyms: (outwit, outthink, outmaneuver)
...Frank Abagnale, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, will use nothing but his words and quick thinking to outsmart an FBI agent...
2. custody [ˈkʌstədi] - (noun) - The protective care or guardianship of someone or something, often referring to being held by police. - Synonyms: (detention, imprisonment, confinement)
My partner has him in custody.
3. dabble [ˈdæbəl] - (verb) - To take part in an activity in a superficial or casual way. - Synonyms: (experiment, toy, tinker)
When you dabble, you try it out
4. credentials [krəˈdenʃəlz] - (noun) - Qualifications or documents that prove a person's identity or qualifications. - Synonyms: (qualifications, papers, documents)
We see some credentials.
5. paper trail [ˈpeɪpər treɪl] - (noun) - A series of documents providing evidence of one's actions. - Synonyms: (documentation, evidence, records)
I've been following a paper trail on this guy for months now.
6. sit tight [sɪt taɪt] - (phrase) - To hold one's position and maintain patience, especially during a waiting period. - Synonyms: (wait patiently, stay put, hold on)
Just do me a favor and sit tight for a second while I get this evidence downstairs.
7. condisionals [kənˈdɪʃənəlz] - (noun) - Grammatical structures used to discuss possible situations or outcomes. - Synonyms: (contingent, provisional, hypothetical)
How about reviewing the conditionals?
8. identification [aɪˌdentəfəˈkeɪʃən] - (noun) - A means of proving one's identity, typically a document. - Synonyms: (ID, identity card, proof of identity)
Mind if I see some identification?
9. landing a collar [ˈlændɪŋ ə ˈkɑlər] - (phrase) - Capturing or arresting a criminal. - Synonyms: (arrest, capture, nab)
Five minutes earlier, you would have landed yourself a pretty good collar.
10. evidence [ˈevɪdəns] - (noun) - Anything that provides a reason to believe something is true. - Synonyms: (proof, confirmation, corroboration)
sit tight for a second while I get this evidence downstairs.
Learn English with TOM HANKS & LEO DICAPRIO — Catch Me If You Can
FBI. FBI. Come out of the bathroom. Step out of the bathroom.
Come out of the bathroom. Step out of the bathroom. Hands on your head.
Oh, that's the new IBM Selectric. Put your hands on your head. Print type in five seconds. Shut up. Out the ball. Put your hands on your head. Put your hands. You know, he's got over 200 checks here. Head of Indian drafting even has little payroll envelopes to himself.
Put it down. Drop it. Relax.
You're late, all right? My name's Allen. Barry Allen, United States Secret Service. Your boy just tried to jump out the window. My partner has him in custody. I don't know what you're talking about. You think the FBI are the only ones on this guy? I mean, come on. Come on. He's dabbling in government checks here. I've been following a paper trail on this guy for months now. Hey, you mind taking that gun out of my face? Please. Really. I mean, it makes me nervous.
We see some credentials. Yeah, sure. Take my whole wallet. You want my gun, too? Come over here. Take my gun. Hey, hey, look, just do me a favor. Take a look outside. Look. Look out the window. My partner's walking into the car as we speak. Look. Old guy almost pissed in his pants when I came through the door. He jumped right through the window under the hood of my car.
Hey, Murph. Yeah. Call the LAPD again. I don't want people walking through my crime scene.
In the scene, the FBI agent bursts into an apartment confident that he's about to catch the young criminal. However, Frank pretends to be a Secret Service agent. Since Carl, the FBI agent, has never seen Frank before, he falls for the trick, allowing the criminal to escape once again.
You know, he's got over 200 checks here on your head, drafting. He even has little payroll envelopes to himself. Put it down. Drop it. Relax.
Your boy just tried to jump out the window. My partner has him in custody. I don't know what you're talking about.
You think the FBI are the only ones on this guy? I mean, come on. Come on, he's dabbling in government checks here. Been following a paper trail on this guy for months now.
Hey, you mind taking that gun out of my face? Please. Really. I mean, it makes me nervous. We see some credentials. Yeah, sure. Take my whole wallet. You want my gun too? Come over here. Take my gun. Hey, hey, look, just do me a favor. Take a look outside. Look. Look out the window.
My partner's walking into the car as we speak. Look. Old guy almost pissed in his pants when I came through the door. He jumped right through the window under the hood of my car.
Hey, Murph. Yeah? Call the LAPD again. I don't want people walking through my crime scene.