The video revolves around the efforts and journey of an NGO named Aramb, focusing on addressing social issues like child marriage in the central region of India, specifically Madhya Pradesh. It highlights the motivation to help children, particularly those at risk of exploitation or dropping out of education, and how these efforts have been augmented over time by national support such as the child helpline.

This content is crucial as it reflects the multifaceted challenges faced in eradicating child marriage and its link to poverty, societal norms, and the impacts of major societal strains like natural disasters. It draws upon the significance of law enforcement and community awareness as critical tools in combating these deep-rooted social evils.

Main takeaways from the video:

The persistent issue of child marriage remains a societal problem despite legal frameworks.
Active intervention and awareness-raising efforts by NGOs are pivotal in addressing child marriage.
Economic instability and lack of education are core factors escalating child marriage rates.
Community involvement and government support are essential in sustaining social reforms.
Personal perseverance and support systems are critical in leading change-oriented endeavors.
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:

1. exploited [ɪkˈsplɔɪtɪd] - (verb) - To use someone unfairly for one's own advantage. - Synonyms: (abused, mistreated, victimized)

And through childline we ensure that any child who has been exploited or been abused, the child is protected.

2. prominent [ˈprɒmɪnənt] - (adjective) - Important, well-known, or noticeable. - Synonyms: (noteworthy, eminent, distinguished)

So now we come to know that child marriage is happening at a prominent level.

3. adamant [ˈædəmənt] - (adjective) - Refusing to be persuaded or change one's mind. - Synonyms: (unyielding, inflexible, resolute)

In some cases where, you know, the people become very adamant, you know, they start fighting, then there's a whole community surrounded.

4. pan india [pæn ˈɪndiə] - (adjective) - Covering or relating to the entire country of India. - Synonyms: (nationwide, country-wide, all-India)

It has got a special number, 1098 which is a pan india number.

5. progressive [prəˈɡrɛsɪv] - (adjective) - Favoring change, improvement, or reform. - Synonyms: (innovative, advanced, forward-thinking)

India introduced a lot of new and progressive laws which hit at the social norms.

6. exemplary [ɪɡˈzɛm.plər.i] - (adjective) - Serving as a desirable model; very good. - Synonyms: (commendable, laudable, admirable)

Police forces is very concerned about creating an impact by the exemplary effect of enforcement of the law.

7. orphanages [ˈɔrfənɪdʒɪz] - (noun) - Institutions for the care of orphans. - Synonyms: (children's home, foster home, refuge)

So we connected them with the shelter homes, we connected them with the orphanages.

8. perseverance [ˌpɜːrsəˈvɪərəns] - (noun) - Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. - Synonyms: (persistence, determination, dedication)

These issues teach us a lot.

9. perceived [pərˈsiːvd] - (verb) - To become aware or conscious of something; come to realize or understand. - Synonyms: (recognized, discerned, realized)

Maybe today she is not understanding, tomorrow she will really understand that what was done for her was right.

10. rescued [ˈrɛskjuːd] - (verb) - To save (someone or something) from danger or harm. - Synonyms: (freed, saved, delivered)

When the child was being rescued from the abusive situation.

Inside Indias Persistent Child Marriage Crisis

Upal is basically the capital for Madhya Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh is the central part of India major. We have middle class family and many people migrating from villages. We have around 300 to 400 slum area slum pockets also. In 92, me and my husband Anup, we started our organization Aramb in Bhopal. We started working with small projects and started picking up children near the railway stations. They were like basically the rack pickers. So we started a small non-formal education centre taking out some money from our own pockets. We also run a number of projects which have been funded by different funding partners.

One of the projects is the child helpline which is a government of India project and it has got a special number, 1098 which is a pan india number. And through Childline, we ensure that any child who has been exploited or been abused, the child is protected. Namaskar child. We have been working with children, street children and all kind of exploitation which has been faced by children. But child marriage was never a focus area for us because we hardly got any call on this. Earlier people were not reporting. Now people are reporting. So now we come to know that child marriage is happening at a prominent level.

Poverty ke karan create keje hai bha sarajo reasons just because of nearby atmosphere, lack of educations, separations, disputes, parents information hamko caller ke through milti hai uske bhad ham 60 minutes potpay poche usque duration mei hamarijo task force ki team mani mahila balvikas or joe concern a police station ratahe un sabko inform kiyajataheki 10 98 pay call ayahe or hamko wahape jana paraga spot per baches bachit kartehe parents and we start talking to them, discussing and then just making them aware that you should not do this. So if people agree, happily. So in that case what we do is we take the entire family to the police station and then we have a document being prepared in the police station and that they will not get their children married before the age.

In some cases where, you know, the people become very adamant, you know, they start fighting, then there's a whole community surrounded. Before COVID 1718, we had around 27 cases. And 1920 we had Covid, we had around 35 or 34 cases. And then 2021, we suddenly it was like 54 cases. So it just shooted up like that. There were lot, many reasons. The government, they are talking about this, you know, the marriage age should be increased from 18 to 21 for a girl. So now most of the marriages are happening because of that fear. There are number of girls, you know, four, five girls in the family. Maybe now we have more of families who have lost the head of the family. And the mother is saying, I won't be able to take care.

They said, we don't have to invite many guests. In less expenses, we can get the marriage done. Child marriage in India is an issue in context of the progressive laws of India and the social context of India as such, with the tradition of Indian society believing in early marriages. That heritage of belief lingers on since centuries. And that's why after the Indian constitution came up, India introduced a lot of new and progressive laws which hit at the social norms. And the whole issue of law enforcement then becomes a challenge. Police forces is very concerned about creating an impact by the exemplary effect of enforcement of the law.

When the child was being rescued from the abusive situation, and now when I see the children doing good and when the children call me back, and then they tell about their success, their own family and what they are doing, and still they remember me. That's the most satisfying thing which I get to stand up, to fight in this world of men, to make my own position was a big challenge for me. But I got a support from my husband. He said, I don't want you to be recognized as my wife. I'll feel proud when people will say that I am your husband. There were quite a few situations in all these 30 years where, you know, people tried to put me down because my father used to say, it's your fight, you have to do it. So it was always my fight. And I'm happy that I have won all the fights.

Child Marriage, Social Reform, Ngo Initiatives, Education, Global, Inspiration, Bloomberg Originals