The video presents a raw and motivational discussion about personal growth, self-examination, and the obstacles most people face in realizing their true potential. It delves into the reasons behind why individuals fail to succeed and how they can break free from these limitations through self-awareness and introspection.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of facing one's insecurities and fears, highlighting the necessity of failure in achieving personal victories. He stresses that self-improvement and accomplishment require consistent, courageous efforts and a willingness to engage with one's deepest and often hidden vulnerabilities.

Main takeaways from the video:

Success requires self-examination and the courage to face inner demons.
Failure is an essential part of the journey to success.
Overcoming personal limitations demands consistent effort and internal motivation.
Understanding and controlling one's mindset leads to breakthroughs and self-empowerment.
The journey of self-improvement is personal and cannot rely on external validation.
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:

1. vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbl] - (adjective) - Capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or open to attack. - Synonyms: (exposed, susceptible, defenseless)

For me, I'm going to teach you how to be vulnerable because that's the only way you fix yourself.

2. perseverance [ˌpɜːrsɪˈvɪərəns] - (noun) - Doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. - Synonyms: (persistence, tenacity, determination)

It sucks to wake up every morning of your life and do it again, do it again, do it again.

3. introspection [ˌɪntrəˈspekʃən] - (noun) - The process of examining one's own thoughts or feelings. - Synonyms: (self-analysis, contemplation, reflection)

You have to explore, examine the insides of yourself, and what do you really want out of life?

4. insecurities [ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊrətiz] - (noun) - Feelings of uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence. - Synonyms: (self-doubt, unease, uncertainty)

All these insecurities. Your life finally started when you sit in an ugly mirror and say, I'm this.

5. accountability [əˌkaʊntəˈbɪləti] - (noun) - An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions. - Synonyms: (responsibility, liability, answerability)

They need that training partner. They need that accountability.

6. override [ˌoʊvərˈraɪd] - (verb) - To use one's authority to reject or cancel. - Synonyms: (overrule, nullify, annul)

You don't override it. There's no override button.

7. dedication [ˌdɛdɪˈkeɪʃən] - (noun) - Committed to a task or purpose. - Synonyms: (commitment, devotion, loyalty)

If you have the courage and the heart and the dedication and the mindset, everybody can go fuck themselves.

8. practitioner [prækˈtɪʃənər] - (noun) - A person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession. - Synonyms: (professional, expert, specialist)

You can't sit back and be a theorist. You have to be a fucking practitioner.

9. supplements [ˈsʌpləmənts] - (noun) - Something that completes or enhances something else when added to it. - Synonyms: (additives, complements, enhancements)

Once you feed it the right conversation, the right mental nutrients, the right mental supplements.

10. trajectory [trəˈdʒɛktəri] - (noun) - The path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces. - Synonyms: (course, path, route)

But once you figure out your trajectory, you become unstoppable to almost anything.

David Goggins on Huberman: 12 Minutes To Change Your Life

Let me teach you the real life, how it really is, the reason why you're a loser and the reason why you're not fucking making it, and the reason why you're trying to go through all these. I go to all these fucking conventions, speak all the fucking time. I look in the fucking audience, and these people sign up, sign up, sign up fucking every year to go to convention thinking they're gonna learn something fucking different. No, you're lazy. You know exactly what to do. Exactly what to do. It just sucks doing it. It sucks to do it. Everybody has the ability to do it, but they just don't want to. They want to keep asking questions and keep going to seminars.

You can watch me. You can watch you. You can watch fucking Rogan and Cameron Haynes, all these motherfuckers. You can go to Tony Robbins fucking bullshit, all this shit, do all this shit. If you. You could keep going back and keep spending money and spending money and spending money with no results, you can wonder, wow, maybe let me go try out David goggins. He ain't gonna fucking help you. You have to explore, examine the insides of yourself, and what do you really want out of life? Maybe you're a piece of shit. Maybe you're. You want to be nobody. Maybe you're happy exactly where you are in life because obviously you are. Maybe you don't have the determination to be somebody better than who you are. And if you want to live with that, I'll support you in that. That makes you feel good. Nothing can say to you.

Something in you has to wake up. And usually the only person that can wake it up is you. But if you don't have a little flame, you know, just that. Just barely, you're done. I can't. I can't light it for you. I want you to learn that the only way you grow is how to look at yourself and say, okay, like I did. Table longer than this. What the fuck I have to do to get somewhere? I'm this. I'm this. I'm this. I'm this. I'm this. Well, basically, I'm not this. I'm not this. I'm not this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I'm. All these insecurities. Your life finally started when you sit in an ugly mirror and say, I'm this.

I'm this, I'm this, and this. You finally started your life. But most of all, your biggest fears, the biggest things that put you in the fucked up place you are today, are in there. That's why we all like to keep them shut, even like to lock em up, act like they never happen. That's why you never grow, you never improve. You never have real conversations like we're having right now. Never. No, no, no, no, let's not. No, no, no, let's not go there. You gotta relive it, every fucking detail of it. You can't be like, oh, yeah, yeah, my dad beat me. And you know, you know, it is what it is. It is what it is, motherfucker. It's killing you. It's taking over your whole fucking life. But that's the conversation.

Yeah, my dad. I'm fine now, though. I'm good. Okay, all right. No, you ain't. You ain't fine. Human beings want to show you the best side, and they want to hide the worst side. For me, I'm going to teach you how to be vulnerable because that's the only way you fix yourself. I didn't teach myself victory first. I taught myself failure and people. That's so depressing. Is it? When you're 300 pounds and you can't read and write and you're fucked up how many times you're going to fucking fail on that process? So if you don't know how to fail, there is no victory when you have buried yourself in such a deep fucking hole. You better teach stuff how to fail first, because if you sit in failure for too long, you will never come out of it. So I taught myself how to fail properly. No one teaches you how to fucking fail. And then eventually I started getting a few victories.

If you put yourself in the fire and you come out every fucking day like this, brush it off, not scared to go back in there again. Come on, man. Your truth is real because human beings need to hear this. They need to stop hearing these hacks. There's no fucking hack, bro. Do it and do it and do it and do it. That's the hack. The hack is gonna fucking suck. And that's what I realized. It sucks to wake up every morning of your life and do it again, do it again, do it again.

It's not just there. It's not just there permanently for me. I lived. I woke up like every human being does and goes, fuck, man, I'm a fucking piece of shit today. How the hell is this gonna work out for me? And you fight that and you fight that. You don't override it. There's no override button. It's the conversation in your fucking. In your head.

So how do you do that? We don't have enough of these conversations about the real conversation that every human being is having. And they have no idea how to get out of it, but they do. It's you against you. You against you. And if you misunderstand that, you have a real problem. If you misunderstand what I'm saying right now, today, the problem is you, and you don't want to fix it. Why most people don't want to do that is because it is scary.

It unlocks a whole bunch of things about who you are and who you're. Nothing scary to wake up every day and say, I'm stupid, but I want to figure out a way to be smarter, versus saying, man, I just can't do that. So you limit this box. So your box becomes so small of things you can do. My box wasn't even a box. It was a fucking little, like, little pinhole. And then through examining myself, getting some willpower, some courage, it became bigger than this table.

There's no fucking passion. There's no fucking motivation. Oh, my God, man. I fucking. This is. No. It's every day of your life just doing. I just fucking did. I just did. This is why I cuss. Cause this is what is in me. This is what it took for me to be me.

Sorry. It didn't take. Hey. Okay, we're gonna do this today. No, this fucking really sucks. This is real, dude. This is real. Just do.

You're living. How do you want to live? How do you want to die? How do you want to fucking be remembered? That's. That's it. That's it. Period.

For you to constantly win. Win. When this voice over here, the real you, is saying, get the fuck out of here. Go. You're nobody. You've always been nobody. People don't want to hear that. That's a true voice. Cause whenever I take these tests that are real hard, the back of my brain is like, the good chance you're not gonna make it. Goggins, this ain't you, bro. This ain't you. You weren't born like this. This ain't you. The real you, bro. Study all you want to. But the second that fucking computer comes on with 150 questions, this ain't you, man. And somehow comes back, I passed past again, passed again.

But that ruled me back here every fucking time, just saying, that ain't you, bro. That ain't you. And I have to outwork that voice. And then you had to create another voice over here that is saying, you're better than that other voice. What happens is you have all these voices that are telling you you're fucked up. And this could be hard, but for some reason, you put so much practice into you that you can ignore every one of them that are telling you you're not gonna fucking make it and still be able to fucking make it.

But when you put that practice in every day, you lace them up and I mean run. It's just a metaphor for life when you lace them motherfuckers up every day, pretty soon you win. Pretty soon you'll fucking win. If you have the courage and the heart and the dedication and the mindset, everybody can go fuck themselves. I know what I know. I've listened to myself enough to know I know what I know. None of you can hear what I'm hearing. And that's what people don't do enough of. They don't listen to their journey.

They listen to everybody else's shit. Everybody needs that pat on the back. They need that training partner. They need that accountability. Coach, I don't need that shit and neither do they. But it's what we've trained ourselves to believe that we need. I've trained 99% of my life alone. No one pat me on the back. I did all of the work alone. I have a resume full of fucking motivation that whenever I'm down, like, oh, hang on, motherfucker.

Oh, you know. You know the truth. You know that. You. You know the darkness of the fucking dungeons and the fucking demons that fly, you know? And then from there, it's like, okay, you were there. You know this.

There was no one there to pick up the rucksack, to pick up the boat, to pick up the log, to go in there. It was you. It was you. There was no pat in the fucking back. At 300, at 275, at 250, at 220. No, that was you.

You had nobody anyway, motherfucker, look around you. There was no fucking team. It was you. There was no weight loss program or mom and dad waking you up saying, you can do it. You can be better. Trying to build belief. You built belief when you had nothing. Rock bottom. That's worth every dime I've ever made in my life is the fact that I can look a man in the eye finally and have a real conversation without going like this because I'm lying or I'm a piece of shit. Who I am and who I say I am, I am.

No more lies, no more skirting the truth, no more bullshit. And that is worth every dime I've ever made in my life, and that is I swear to God. I God on that. Most people are missing something because they don't know who they are. They never examine themselves. They. They've never done this experiment on themselves.

Most people are missing something because there's so much trapped in there. There's so much in you that God, or wherever the hell you believe in, or if you're atheist in you that you have not unlocked for you to be a piece of shit. And come out of that. You don't just come out of it.

You spend decades studying your mind and the human mind. You study it all because you have to put all this together to create the mind to become successful. But once you figure out your. Your brain, you become unstoppable to almost anything. Your brain is amazing. Once you feed it the right conversation, the right mental nutrients, the right mental supplements the right internal dialogue at the right time, with the right hit, with the right proof of what you've done in the past, and you send it right to the right circuit.

Dude, you're a fucking beast. A beast. But once again, you just can't read about it. You can't sit back and be a theorist. You have to be a fucking practitioner. What's this life about that make no sense being tested, my friend. Tests come when you have not studied. Tests come when you think that you're in a great place. That's the test. The test is every day of your life.

Motivation, Self-Help, Personal Growth, Inspiration, Leadership, Mindset, Goggins, Huberman, Podcast, Andrew Huberman, Motivation, Motivational, Speech, Powerful, 12, Minutes, To, Change, Your, Life, Giannis P