The video revolves around key insights into the entrepreneurial journey, emphasizing the importance of action over hesitation. It highlights that powerful individuals are not born into power but rather create powerful opportunities where they are. The speaker, Shoam Raj, shares his personal experiences with entrepreneurship from a young age, engaging with successful leaders and entrepreneurs, and learning valuable lessons about overcoming the fear of failure which often prevents promising ideas from being actualized.
Addressing societal pressures and the prevailing cultures in education systems that hinder risk-taking, the video discusses how failure is often stigmatized rather than acknowledged as part of the learning process. The speaker stresses that societal attitudes towards failure often contribute to the abandonment of potentially transformative ideas. He advocates for consistency and persistence, noting that many successful entrepreneurs have faced numerous failures before achieving success. He cites examples like Thomas Edison to illustrate the learning that comes from repeated trials, not simply viewing them as failures.
Main takeaways from the video:
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:
1. visionary [ˈvɪʒənɛri] - (noun / adjective) - Having or showing clear ideas about what should happen or be done in the future. - Synonyms: (imaginative, forward-thinking, innovative)
I am a visionary leader and hustler and entrepreneur.
2. societal [səˈsaɪɪtl] - (adjective) - Relating to society or social relations. - Synonyms: (social, communal, public)
The other thing is that the societal pressure when we get to know this, the student is failed in this subject.
3. unicorn [ˈjuːnɪkɔːrn] - (noun) - A startup company valued at over a billion dollars. - Synonyms: (billion-dollar startup, high-value company, major enterprise)
Lots of startup ideas who might be a unicorn in the future.
4. stigmatized [ˈstɪɡmətaɪzd] - (verb) - Describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval. - Synonyms: (shame, disgrace, discredit)
Addressing societal pressures and the prevailing cultures in education systems that hinder risk-taking, the video discusses how failure is often stigmatized.
5. entrepreneur [ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜːr] - (noun) - A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. - Synonyms: (businessperson, founder, tycoon)
The speaker, Shoam Raj, shares his personal experiences with entrepreneurship from a young age.
6. regret [rɪˈɡrɛt] - (noun) - A feeling of sadness or disappointment about something that has happened or been done. - Synonyms: (remorse, repentance, sadness)
I am feared of dying with a regret.
7. inevitable [ɪnˈɛvɪtəbl] - (adjective) - Certain to happen; unavoidable. - Synonyms: (unavoidable, inescapable, certain)
So as I said that failure is inevitable.
8. consistency [kənˈsɪstənsi] - (noun) - Conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness. - Synonyms: (uniformity, regularity, steadiness)
So same way the consistency go.
9. mindset [ˈmaɪndˌsɛt] - (noun) - The established set of attitudes held by someone. - Synonyms: (attitude, mentality, outlook)
This is called the mindset that I'm not failing, I am learning.
10. calculated risk [ˈkælkjuleɪtɪd rɪsk] - (noun phrase) - A chance of loss or gain that can be measured and for which the possible outcomes can be estimated. - Synonyms: (measured risk, cautious venture, controlled gamble)
Now the biggest problem is that the risk. Because startups come up with a lot of risks. So how can we take the calculated risk?
AIMPACT - Shubham Raj - TEDxYouth@AISGurgaon46
You don't need to be great to start. Instead you need to start to be great. The history tells us that powerful people do not come from powerful places. Instead they make places powerful.
Hello everyone. Myself Shoam Raj. I am a founder. I am a visionary leader and hustler and entrepreneur. I am not much older than you guys. I might be four or five years older than you. So in my short journey of entrepreneurship, I am doing entrepreneurship from my very schooling. I have learned many things and I have interacted with many future leaders. I have interacted with many visery leaders, successful entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurs who fail in their lives. The thing I have realized with the time is that lots of startup ideas get died inside the mind even before executing.
Do you know the reason? So the reason is the fear of failure. Imagine like you have. I have. I'm reading a study that on human mind is having a 60,000 plus thought every day but consisting of lots of million dollar ideas every day comes into their mind but they were not able to execute it. Why the fear of failure? People have lots of failure in their life. Many people fear of exams. Many people fear of teachers. Many people fear of death.
Do you know what I have heard of? I am feared of dying with a regret. I am fear of dying being in middle class. I am feared of dying with an unsuccessful person. This is my fear. Imagine if I get feared of failure if I chosen conventional path. If I got feared of not doing something extraordinary, I will not be able to come here.
Let's talk about failure. Because failure is the thing that people do not discuss. Schools, colleges, universities and everywhere the success is appreciated. The success is celebrated but not the failure. Because the failure is the thing from the from very schooling. Our syllabus is designed in a way that the student somehow get passed even after studying one day before the exam.
Like in India, the Indian syllabus are designed in a way that if you solve some pyq, if you solve some few questions, you will be getting a good master exam. So we are not designed to like. We are not habited of failure. We we from the very beginning we. We think we do even. We all learn bicycle, we all learn swimming after failing. But the thing is that we do not accept the fact that we have failed people fail in exam but are having fear that how can I express this to my parents?
So failure is one of the things which is not discussed. We have no chapters. We are we very who are focusing on failures. We do not know much people who are failed. We know people who get success so Failure is not appreciated only because of this. This fear is coming lots of startup ideas who might be a unicorn in the future. But because of this thing failure of the fear of failure, they do not able to start.
So what is the solution of it? How? See what I have realized with the time that just like the death is the ultimate truth of life. Exactly. The ultimate truth of success is a failure that if you start something, you will fail. Definitely fail. I have failed many times in my life. I have failed lots of startups during my schools. I have failed in lots of exams in my schools. But it doesn't affect my journey.
The other thing is that the societal pressure when we get to know this, the student is failed in this subject. The societal reactions started coming soon. For example, the relative how your child gets paid. Oh my God, what is happening? How your child will be able to like serve the generation. How he will be able to take care of his family in the future. So lots of questions started arising when a student gets paid. And this somehow that makes a pressure on it.
Basically the society makes the pressure on the parent and the parents make the pressure on the student. Eventually that student accept that he is a failure and he will not able to do something in this life. So how so as I said that failure is inevitable. You cannot ignore failure. But there are few things by being inconsistent, you can ignore failures. Like you can minimize the chances of failure.
Let me tell you an example. Imagine 30 meters from away there is a ring and I have one stone to put inside it. What the possibility or the probability that I will be able to put that one stone into that ring? The probability is very less. Now just change the situation. I have 1,000 of stones and I have to put that one stone into that ring. Now tell me what the possibility that I will be able to hit that ring.
So it basically the chances of getting hit on the ring is increased. This is the way the consistency work that you work every day. See, one day you will be realized that you get successful. You are working on anything on any topic. Or you must have read the concept of 10,000 hours that you will focus on any skill for 10,000 are you will be getting successful in it. You will be mastered that skill.
So same way the consistency go. Lots of big entrepreneurs have said that consistency is the key to success. Why? Because just the example of this ring and the stone that that you when you will do the same thing day by day, every day, the chances of success get increased day by day. You don't know when you will get successful. But you keep trying, trying, trying. So this is one of the way to like reduce the chance of failure.
You must have heard about the Albert Addition, the person who invented electrical books. But you also know that thing that before its discovery the Albert addition failed over 10,000 times. When people ask them how you will be able to motivate yourself, you have failed 10,000 times. Do you know his answer? His answer was I didn't fail 10,000 times. Even I learned 10,000 ways of not making an electrical burn.
So this is one way to approach failure. This is called the mindset that I'm not failing, I am learning. This is what happens in startups too. You might be failing one startup, you might be failing two startups, you might be failing three startup but you don't know the fourth one will be the unicoma. So this, this the mindset need to be changed because we have the naturally we are not in that zone in country like India that we be the failure.
That's why lots of people focusing on the conventional path, the the engineering, the medical, they focus on that. I will go through the path. Even the like chances of success is very much low there out of 10 or 15 lakh, only 1% of 1 or 10% student gets get be able to getting a good college.
Even though it's the chance of getting successful startup is much more than that. And believe me guys, after having like around 4 or 5 failure of startups I realized that it's better to try and get paid instead of not trying and getting regretting for the whole life.
There's one more thing I want to say that have you. Do you know guys that there's a person named the nest man of India, Rakesh Kataria. So Rakesh Katari is a nest man of India. Do you know what that guy did? That guy. One day the guy saw that the sparrows is disappearing in urban areas. He didn't go anywhere. He didn't blame government for that.
Instead he take a very good step. He started making houses for birds for sparrows so that the habitat started. So that their habitation and their generation started building up. And because of its rigorous efforts, people started helping him. And with the time he is now successful. And he is successful in his mission. And in lots of urban areas you will started seeing sparrows now.
So this is also one way to approach a failure that I will not blame because we are having a blame mindset. When we get paid we blame this person, this person, this person or other circumstances that I fail because of this. But we didn't accept the failure.
We blame government that because of this thing get paid. So instead of doing this, if you guys just think of how I can contribute to the to this problem. Because like for me an entrepreneur is that person who see a problem, make it into a business and earn profit from it.
So basically a country like India having thousands of problem. Pollution, traffic, climate change, our rivers are getting polluted day by day. There are thousands of problems in a country like India exist. And if you think what we guys mostly do, we just ignore and blame the government for that. We do not do anything for in this. So what I have realized that so the people who are doing something extraordinary, their mindset is having something extraordinary. They have started solving problems. They want to contribute something to society.
Now the biggest problem is that the risk. Because startups come up with lot of risk. So how we can take the calculated risk? Can we be the self investor? Self investor? The thing I want to explain you guys that what I have also done. I have done internships in my college to fund my own startup. Because initially I don't have money. I come from a middle class background where my parents don't support funding and startup.
So why we cannot think of starting your own startup? Because in a startup you are having a very small team. So you have to learn lots of skills to get to run your startup. Basically. So I even I was starting my first startup. I do not have much skills with the time I learned it. And now I am utilizing it in other companies. And from that I am getting a good stipend on money which I am investing in my startups.
This is how we can approach startups. And the biggest problem is that in our India why we hesitate to start a startup because we see the. We directly see the Mount Everest. For example, if you see the Mount Everest, you will see that it's too much height. It's thousand times than me. My height is. It's very long.
But if you break the path of that Mount Everest that I will go to the base camp. Then I will go to this place. This place. If you divide the route to the the way to the Mount Everest it will be more easier for you to go to the mountain and conquer your fear.
So basically dividing the your goal into achievable task is one of the key factor through which you can like ignore or minimize the chances of failure. At the last, I want to conclude with this that keep trying, keep hustling because people will remember your success, not your favor. Thank you.