Exploring the intricacies of self-confidence and its profound impact on success and happiness, this video emphasizes that both are attainable goals with the right mindset and attitude. It delves into the principle that self-confidence can empower individuals to pursue ambitious goals by nurturing an unshakeable belief in one's abilities. This transformation begins with understanding the correlation between success and happiness and employing actionable insights to enhance these qualities in life.

Furthermore, the video highlights the critical role of self-confidence in various aspects of life, including career advancement and personal development. It encourages viewers to break free from fears, embrace bold action, and define life on their own terms by setting personal values and priorities. By fostering high self-esteem and self-confidence, individuals can cultivate a life of meaningful accomplishments, happiness, and purpose.

Main takeaways from the video:

Developing self-confidence is fundamental to achieving success and happiness.
The Law of Cause and Effect can be used to enhance self-confidence and personal growth.
Core values and integrity play a central role in ensuring internal consistency and self-confidence.
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:

1. causality [kɔːˈzælɪti] - (noun) - The relationship between cause and effect, fundamental in understanding and predicting events or outcomes. - Synonyms: (causation, cause and effect, principle)

Perhaps the most important of all the laws that govern our lives was proposed by Socrates over 2000 years ago. He called it the law of causality.

2. unshakable [ʌnˈʃeɪkəbl] - (adjective) - Too strong or firm to be moved or shaken; completely certain. - Synonyms: (steadfast, firm, unwavering)

If you develop the quality of unshakable self-confidence, your entire world would be different.

3. tranquility [træŋˈkwɪlɪti] - (noun) - A state of peace and calm, free from agitation or disturbance. - Synonyms: (calmness, serenity, peace)

Living in truth means you set tranquility as your highest goal and as your central organizing principle.

4. integrity [ɪnˈtɛɡrɪti] - (noun) - The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. - Synonyms: (honesty, uprightness, virtue)

If we want to have self confidence on the outside, we must have total integrity on the inside

5. self-determined [sɛlf dɪˈtɜrmɪnd] - (adjective) - Governed by oneself without external influence; autonomous. - Synonyms: (autonomous, independent, self-reliant)

You would feel completely self-determined and in charge of your life.

6. persuasive [pərˈsweɪsɪv] - (adjective) - Able to convince someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation. - Synonyms: (convincing, compelling, influential)

If you had unlimited self confidence, you would be more powerful and persuasive with other people.

7. determinism [dɪˈtɜrmɪˌnɪzəm] - (noun) - The philosophical idea that all events, including moral choices, are determined by previously existing causes. - Synonyms: (predestination, fate, necessity)

The law of cause and effect, which is both physical and mental, states that for every effect in our lives there is a specific cause.

8. congruent [ˈkɒŋɡruənt] - (adjective) - In agreement or harmony; corresponding or matching. - Synonyms: (compatible, consistent, matching)

Living consistently with your values is the key to happiness, harmony and well-being.

9. endeavor [ɪnˈdevər] - (noun) - An attempt to achieve a goal. - Synonyms: (effort, attempt, venture)

What would you do differently if you were absolutely certain of success in any endeavor?

10. philosophical [ˌfɪləˈsɒfɪkəl] - (adjective) - Relating to the study of fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. - Synonyms: (theoretical, reflective, contemplative)

The law of cause and effect tells us that if we want to enjoy the effect of high self confidence, we only need to engage in the causes of that high self confidence.

KEYS To SUCCESS You Must Know About - Brian Tracy Motivational Speech

Think for a moment about how important it would be to find this key, a tool that not only helps you reach your goals, but also makes your life full of happiness and satisfaction. Success and happiness are not impossible goals that only a few lucky people can reach. They are real possibilities for everyone who understands and uses the principles we will talk about today. They happen because people choose to do them and have an attitude that encourages growth and happiness. We will investigate the basic ideas that can make a big difference in your life. These ideas are not hard to understand secrets. They are simple, useful methods that anyone can use.

Every man or woman who has ever achieved something extraordinary has had greater self confidence than the average person. When you develop yourself to the point where your faith in yourself is so strong that you know you can achieve anything you set your mind to, your future will be limitless. A woman who had listened to one of my programs recently wrote to me and said that one line from that program had changed her entire outlook on life. It was simply a question. What great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail? When she began asking herself that question repeatedly, her vision of what was possible for her in life expanded dramatically.

With greater self confidence and belief in your abilities, you would set bigger goals, make bigger plans, and commit to achieving objectives you only dream of today. You would take all necessary steps to earn more money and enjoy a higher standard of living. You would set your sights on a bigger house, a better car, nicer clothes, and more enjoyable vacations, along with all sorts of things for your family and loved ones. You would do what you really want to do and refuse to conform to the desires or opinions of others. You would define your life on your own terms and live each day exactly as you wish, not as anyone else wants.

With greater self confidence, every aspect of your work and professional life would be different. You might decide to ask for a promotion or raise, or even switch to another job, another company, or even another industry. If you are in sales, you would see more people, make better and more compelling presentations, ask for more orders, and close more deals. If you were in management, you would organize and reorganize your human and material resources to create a work environment that suited your needs perfectly, rather than making endless compromises to please a variety of different people.

If you had unlimited self confidence, you would be more powerful and persuasive with other people. You would be more popular, likable and welcomed. Wherever you win, you would speak up and express yourself clearly in your interactions with others and everyone who knew you would admire, respect and seek you out. Recognition and responsibilities would flow to you because of people's belief in your ability to do whatever was necessary to get the job done. Positions of prestige and status would open up for you, and people would bring you opportunities and possibilities that you cannot even imagine today.

With greater self confidence, you could deal more effectively with the inevitable problems and difficulties that arise in day to day life. You would continuously think in terms of solutions and how you could make the best out of any situation. You would laugh at adversities that would discourage most people and be able to snatch success from the jaws of failure. You would turn lemons into lemonade. You would feel invincible and unstoppable.

With higher levels of self confidence, you would be much more effective in dealing with difficult people and situations. You would be a much better negotiator and could ask for and get better prices, better terms and better conditions in everything you bought and sold. With greater self confidence, with an unshakable belief in yourself, nothing would be impossible for you.

More than anything else, you would feel fantastic about yourself. You would feel truly happy with every aspect of your life, knowing deep down that you have the ability to take the necessary steps and make the necessary changes to ensure that your life is exactly as you want it to be. You would experience a tremendous sense of control, which is the fundamental condition for happiness, well being, and maximum performance. You would feel like the master of your destiny and the captain of your soul.

Humans tend to be plagued by doubts about their own abilities and fears of all imaginable things, especially the unknown. Psychologist Abraham Maslow said that the history of the human race is the history of men and women who underachieve. The vast majority of people tend to compare themselves unfavorably with others, worry about their own weaknesses and limitations, and eventually settle for much less than they are truly capable of. Instead of enjoying high levels of self esteem, self respect and personal pride, the average person simply gets by day by day.

Perhaps the most important of all the laws that govern our lives was proposed by socrates over 2000 years ago. He called it the law of causality. We call it the law of cause and effect, and it is often known as the iron law of human destiny. The law of cause and effect can imprison us in a cell we have created ourselves, or it can set us free, giving us total freedom to live according to the law in everything we do. The law of cause and effect, which is both physical and mental, states that for every effect in our lives there is a specific cause.

If we are in sales or business and have successes, we can trace those successes back to the exact things we did. And by repeating those things, we can achieve the same effects again. This law also states that if there is an effect in our lives that we do not want, whether it be overweight, not enough money, problems with people, or negative business conditions, we can trace that effect back to the causes. And by eliminating or changing the causes, we can achieve different effects or different results.

The law of cause and effect applies to our levels of self confidence. Around us and throughout human history, there have been men and women with exceptionally high levels of self confidence who have achieved extraordinary things. By studying the lives and stories of these people, we find that some of them started with high levels of self confidence, which they learned from their parents in early childhood, but most started the same way. We all begin with deep feelings of inferiority and inadequacy due to destructive criticism, lack of love, and other mistakes parents make with us in early childhood.

No matter how much we achieve on the outside, what people really want more than anything else, is to feel really good about themselves. We want to be happy and positive and have a sense of well being. Above all, what we really want is peace of mind. And you can only enjoy peace of mind when you trust in your ability to effectively handle the demands of life with your family, friends, work, clients, social activities, and everything else you are involved in.

The law of cause and effect tells us that if we want to enjoy the effect of high self confidence, we only need to engage in the causes of that high self confidence. If we can discover what highly self confident men and women say and do and do the same, we will eventually achieve the same results. Eventually, we will feel the same. Ultimately, we will be unstoppable.

In psychology, there is a principle or law of becoming that simply states that each person is in a continuous process of evolution or growth in the direction of their dominant thoughts. Your body is also in a state of normalization, of death and cellular replenishment. You end up with a new body every seven years. And while your physical evolution and becoming is affected by the food you put into your body, your mental evolution and becoming are largely determined by the thoughts you put into your mind.

The law of concentration says that whatever you dwell on grows in your reality. The more you reflect on the person you would like to become and the qualities you would like to have, the more deeply these thoughts will be implanted in your subconscious mind. And become part of your continuous evolution.

Anything you think about long enough and intensely enough. Becomes part of your mental processes, exerting its influence on your attitudes and behavior. The more you act, especially when demonstrating these qualities under stress or when tempted to do or say something else, the more quickly these qualities will become a permanent part of your mental structure. In mental development, there is a principle called resistance. In weight lifting, for example, muscles develop by slowly lifting heavy weights. The heavier the weight and the greater the resistance, the more blood flows to the capillaries and the larger the muscles become. The same principle of resistance applies to the development of mental muscles, especially the mental muscle of self confidence.

Whenever we exercise self control and discipline ourselves to be or say what is right, especially under stress, we create resistance to our natural tendencies. This resistance generates friction. This is the same kind of friction or heat that, when applied to a crucible containing chemicals, causes the chemicals to crystallize and take on a new form. Whenever you create friction by resisting your natural tendencies and instead do what you know is right, true and consistent with your highest values, especially in a difficult situation, mental heat causes your values to crystallize at a higher level and become a permanent part of your life and character.

So the foundation of self confidence, the basis of boldness and self assertion, is a deep inner trust based on living a life of perfect integrity and disciplining yourself to live consistently with your highest values in every situation. Every time you do this, you will feel positive and happy and wonderful about yourself. Your behavior will further crystallize and become a more permanent part of the exceptional human being you are in the process of becoming.

As we come to the end of our journey to find the key to success and happiness, I want you to think about the deep lessons we've gained together. It's not a goal to be successful or happy. It's a trip that requires a clear sense of purpose, the ability to deal with problems, and a dedication to constant growth. You've learned some very important lessons today that will help you go through these trips with confidence and purpose.

By following the tips we've talked about, whether it's making clear goals, keeping a positive attitude, building meaningful relationships, or working on your own growth, you give yourself the tools to not only reach your goals, but also enjoy the trip. What you've learned should lead you to action, right? Commit to following these rules in your daily life, one step at a time, and see how they change your success and happiness. Don't forget that you have the power to change your fate and make your life represent your deepest values and goals.

Philosophy, Motivation, Psychology, Education, Success, Self-Confidence, Achievemore