The video emphasizes that to achieve true success and growth, one must embrace suffering and failure as integral learning processes. The speaker draws parallels with the way athletes dedicate time to their workouts to stay fit, suggesting a similar approach to confronting past failures, insecurities, and fears. By regularly revisiting these, individuals can find answers within themselves and transform their lives positively.

This content is essential viewing for those seeking self-betterment, as it advocates for authenticity by confronting one's own mind and fears. The speaker shares personal experiences from military training and the journey of self-discovery, stressing the importance of focusing on personal goals rather than competing against others. Techniques of self-talk, visualization, and taking control over one’s mind are explored, offering insights into maintaining resilience in challenging situations.

Main takeaways from the video:

Embrace suffering and failure as opportunities for self-discovery and growth.
The practice of self-discipline and silencing extraneous thoughts fosters mental clarity.
Focus on personal progress rather than external comparisons to achieve genuine fulfillment.
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:

1. perspective [pərˈspɛktɪv] - (noun) - A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. - Synonyms: (outlook, viewpoint, stance)

Take a different vantage point in life. When you are in the hell, you can't see the beauty of being in it when you're in it.

2. transcend [trænˈsɛnd] - (verb) - Go beyond the range or limits of something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division. - Synonyms: (surpass, exceed, outstrip)

Go into the pain of your life and say, why did this suck for me so bad?

3. autopsy [ˈɔːtɒpsi] - (noun) - A postmortem examination to discover the cause of death or the extent of disease. - Synonyms: (postmortem, necropsy, dissection)

Go in there and I call it the live autopsy.

4. empowerment [ɛmˈpaʊərmənt] - (noun) - The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights. - Synonyms: (authorization, emancipation, enabling)

I want to make sure that I give people as much power as I can so when they get up every fucking morning, they know that, hey, I have the ability to not only survive this world, but thrive in this world just by the mere fact of hearing about my story.

5. vantage [ˈvɑːntɪdʒ] - (noun) - A place or position affording a good view of something. - Synonyms: (viewpoint, standpoint, direction)

Your mind has the ultimate tactical advantage over you

6. obsess [əbˈsɛs] - (verb) - Preoccupy or fill the mind of someone continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent. - Synonyms: (preoccupy, consume, engross)

And once you become obsession or driven, it's a fucking inferno.

7. facade [fəˈsɑːd] - (noun) - An outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality. - Synonyms: (appearance, mask, front)

Stop being afraid. There was no growth until I cut myself down to nothing. To the person I really was, the real human being.

8. cultivate [ˈkʌltɪveɪt] - (verb) - Prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening; try to acquire or develop a quality, sentiment, or skill. - Synonyms: (develop, nurture, foster)

That has to, you know, be something that is cultivated deep inside yourself

9. manifest [ˈmænɪfɛst] - (verb) - Display or show (a quality or feeling) by one's acts or appearance; demonstrate. - Synonyms: (demonstrate, display, show)

You have to change the dialogue within your head.

10. tactical [ˈtæktɪkəl] - (adjective) - Relating to or constituting actions carefully planned to gain a specific military end. - Synonyms: (strategic, calculated, deliberate)

The 40% rules all about the brain has the tactical advantage over you.

How To ACTUALLY Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself! - David Goggins

You have to look at suffering as almost like I look at failure. To succeed, you must fail in failure and in suffering. All the answers are in there. All the answers to all the test questions. The test is your life. All the answers are in there. You don't have to live in suffering and pain and failure all the time. You have to learn to. I need to visit it. Like people hate working out. You're only going to visit working out maybe an hour a day, 23 other hours of the day. You're not in it. But how you become in shape is. You must visit suffering, visit working out 1 hour a day. Visit suffering 1 hour a day. Visit your past failures 1 hour a day. The relationship with it is the answers are in there. They are in there within the suffering.

Go in there and I call it the live autopsy. The live autopsy. How you find out someone died. They crack you open after you're dead. How you can live is do it while you're alive. Go back in your brain, crack it open while you're alive. Don't wait until you're fucking dead to figure out why you died. Do it while you are living. Go in there. Go into the suffering. Go into the pain of your life and say, why did this suck for me so bad? Why am I afraid of all this stuff? Why have I shut down the whole world? I guarantee I'll tell you why you shut down the whole world. It's in these nooks of the suffering within your brain. In the scarring are all the answers to why you are on the couch feeling sorry for yourself. They lie within the scars. Visit them for at least an hour a day. Study them, and then you'll find out more about yourself. You will then grow.

So don't look at it. Every day I suffer. Go into it an hour a day. Learn from yourself. Learn from life. Learn from your failures. Learn from your insecurities. Learn from your self doubt. Don't just say, I'm afraid to jump off an airplane. What makes you afraid of it? Study it. That's why I studied my mind, why I became so powerful in the mind. Because I realized I was weak. So instead of running away from the mind, I dove into and say, what is making me weak? Oh, this makes sense. I came from hell. I came from a place that beat me down to nothing. Which is why I'm afraid. All this makes sense. So systematically, one by one, I went back and met every single person in my mind. Every situation. I went one on one with them again in my mind and said, okay, let's now revisit this. And that's how you do it. That's how it works.

Your mind chooses the path of least resistance. Your mind has the ultimate tactical advantage over you. It knows what scars you. It knows your fears, it knows your insecurities, and it protects you, which I talked about the 40% rule in my book. The 40% rules all about the brain has the tactical advantage over you. It knows, and it keeps you away from all that. That's why it says, don't jump out of an airplane. Don't go in the ocean where there's sharks. It's a protective mechanism. Don't go back to the place where your dad beat the shit out of you in your mind. Don't go back. The brain protects you, but protects you so much, it doesn't allow growth. So the brain is an amazing thing, but the brain controls you. You must control it. You must take power over your own mind, or your mind will guide you into all the soft spites, soft places that your brain wants to live in.

Your brain has enough information. It doesn't want to go through that process of mind hardening. Doesn't want to do that. I got to remember what time I got to be here. What time I got to be there. This is where I want to stay. I'm peaceful. It wants to stay very peaceful. And away from scarring. You have to be able to break all these big, humongous, painful things in life, down to the smallest molecule, because that's all the brain can handle. The brain can't handle hours and hours and hours of suffering, but it can handle. Right now, I'm in the Pacific Ocean, and it's very cold, and this is what I'm doing. Don't think about the rest of it.

So that's what I learned from hell week. That's what I learned from being in three hell weeks. That's what I learned from all the military. I went to Ranger school. I went to all these different schools to learn all of that, to learn how the mind process. So I talk about theorists. I talk about practitioners. A theorist is a person who reads a book, doesn't do it, reads a book, learns about something, and then talks about it. A practitioner is myself. A practitioner is a person like me. I wanted to be an expert in the mind, a mental toughness guy. Beyond mental toughness, the only way to do that, in my eyes, is to put yourself in hell.

Put it in hell repeatedly. Repeatedly. Put yourself in hell and study how you process it. And that's how I was able to come up with all these different ways, all these different tools to slow the mind down in hell. Because the mind just speeds up. The mind wants to get out of the painful situation, the suffering. It can't process it. So that's what I realized by going through all these different processes of being in hell. Weeks. There's some times where the mind gets overwhelmed and you cannot slow it down. But by these. These certain tools I developed. By not allowing your mind to get away from the moment, you cannot. You have to think about the exact moment that you're in.

But I saw, when I was younger, the moment became too big. When it became too big, I spazed out and I would quit. But now I don't think about even, like, an hour from now, I'll be eating. I don't even go there. Cause then your mind goes, no, we must embrace this. Because now there's. You have to be a leader in this moment. It's not about you just getting through it. I had six guys. I had five guys. Six, including me, in my boat crew now as the boat crew leader. So now another trick is this. If you don't think about yourself, there's no pain. Which can also lead to pain later on in your life.

But in these moments when you're struggling, if you are a true leader. And you're worried about your men or women beside you, your mind doesn't care how cold you are anymore. Your mind's only worried about taking care of the men and women beside you. So I started realizing, man, if I take care of these cats to my left and my right. In the worst moments, my mind is no longer thinking about, you're miserable. David Goggins, get the hell out of here. Think about, how was John, how was Andy? How was Sam, how was Pete? Hey, how are you guys doing? You're not thinking about me. So there's so many things you can do to get outside your own head. To then allow your body just be like, hey, we're just a machine.

But you have to let your mind be able to process all these different tactics to do that. Take a different vantage point in life. When you are in the hell, you can't see the beauty of being in it when you're in it. Get on top of that mountaintop in your mind, get on top of that mountaintop and look down at what you're doing. You can see a whole different world. And that world is beautiful. But you gotta get a different vantage point in this, in the suck. Don't be in it. Spiritually. Get out of it. Get that soul. Look down on what you're doing. Be amazed by the process of where you're at now and where you came from.

We all have a voice in our head. Some of us are very spiritual, some of us are not. But we all have this voice, and you're doing fucked up shit. This is wrong. Don't do that. The more you don't listen to that voice, the further that voice gets away from your head. Some people call it the holy spirit. Some people call it goddess, monks, whatever. Whatever you call it, it's there. We all have it. It's the right or wrong voice. But the more we don't listen to it, the more that voice goes away. The only voice you hear is yourself. When the only voice you hear is yourself, you're wrong.

There's a voice that guides you through life, but sometimes it's guiding you in a direction that you don't want to go. That's usually the right place to go. It's that uncomfortable place. So that voice is always talking to me, but we don't listen to it. I listen to it. And when I start getting anxious, nervous, like I've done, we all know when we've done too much. Cause it's telling us, I'm getting tired, I'm wearing down, but we go, we go. We go. I start talking to my, hey, I'm doing too much.

You start now, like I did in hell week, like I do all the time. The 1 second decision. It's that decision. When your mind starts to get so amped up whenever you can't hear yourself think, you gotta slow down. Whenever. You're living off a schedule. Every day's a schedule. Every day's a schedule. You have no time for yourself when you start, and we all know it. I don't have time for this anymore. I have time for that anymore. That's when your mind and your body are saying, think about that. I'm neglecting my fiance. I'm neglecting my disciplines of life.

I'm neglecting my reading, my learning, my. My workouts, my diet. You start neglecting all of that. You neglect one of them. You can neglect all of them a long time. It's gonna haunt you when you start seeing that, my God, I haven't eaten right in a long time, haven't been sleeping right a long time. It can only be one of those things that take you off. So I'm very aware of my eating, my sleeping, my disciplines of life. If I start to get too far away from them. It's a hard stop, because what made me me are the self. Not just disciplines, the self disciplines of life.

And those are always in front of you. If you have any, they're always in front of you. So that's. So that's my hard stop. I'm the only person in the history of the military who has ever gone through air force tactical, air control, party training, Army Ranger school, where I was army man in three hell weeks. Yeah. So, only person ever do that. But the reason why I did it was when I was a young kid, I considered myself very weak. Very weak. And as I started developing this indestructible mental toolbox, because what I realized was the things I was most afraid of, I cowered from.

I had to start facing these things and becoming an expert at the things I feared the most. I was afraid of my own mind. My mind would get off on these crazy places of woe is me. My internal conversation wasn't great, so I had to start mastering it. Once I started mastering it and the horrible place I was at, I was literally. I considered myself the worst person ever alive. That was my conversation. But once I started mastering my own life, I started realizing, my God, man, this was in me.

I was a 300 pound fat guy. Now I'm 181 pounds, 190 pounds, whatever it was. I'm able to go through all these hell weeks. So, I started realizing the capabilities of the human soul and the human mind. So I started to examine it more and more. So, we have a theorist, and we have a practitioner. The theorist is a person that's gonna sit back and read books from a library that someone else wrote. They become real smart about what someone else wrote. Okay.

A practitioner, as a man, is me. I put myself in hell, lived in it for a long time, and figured out how the human mind works while being, while suffering, while in pain, while misery. And that's how I wrote my book. Yeah. I want to tell you exactly what your mind is thinking. Most of us don't stay in hell long enough to write the book. I stayed in long enough to write it and finish the book. So I call it in my book here. It's called the accountability mirror. But it's called raw accountability, not just accountability, where we find that nice, happy word. If you're fat and you look in the mirror and say, wow, I eat a little too much. No, you're fucking fat. You cannot say that to yourself.

No, but see, you have to make a list of the things that you don't like to do. This list should be very long. Like, if you don't like making calls, the very first thing you should do is start making a shit ton of fucking calls. Yep. Cause why that begins to own you. Yes. You start to drive yourself this way versus this way, but you'll figure out if you start making a whole bunch of fucking calls. If you're like, calling, call a lot. Yeah. Guess what happens? You get over it. You get over it.

So what we do a lot is I heard a lot of people say, triple down on this. Triple down on most of your strength. No, no, no. That works for a lot of things. But when you're afraid and you don't have the courage, you have to triple down on your weaknesses and make that become where you start to guide yourself. Okay. I'm like, Colin, today. I'm making 100 calls. Yeah, I'm gonna dial 100 times. When I was younger, life in society made this big world with all these endless fucking possibilities. Endless possibilities. My life made my possibilities this fucking big because it made me afraid of all these different things. Yeah.

So all this stuff trapped my mind. It shackled my brain. It made me a prisoner within my own self, saying, this is all I can do because why I'm afraid of this? I'm insecure over here. I got self doubt over here, back behind me. Good Lord. Who knows what's behind me? I'm like, look behind me. So your life is this big versus it being like, I can do all this shit out here if I start to break down these balls, you know, these different walls and barriers.

And that's what I started realizing. I could become a Navy seal. I could become this. But I was afraid of the water. Think about this. I know. Why the fuck are you gonna go be a Navy SeAL when all you do is play in the water? Yeah, for. And we don't play. We're in it and we're living in it. You're tying ocean. You're swimming for the ocean is unforgiving. Yeah. So my mind is, I'm gonna go be a Navy SeAL. Yeah. If I didn't face that fear, no one would ever know me. I was number three behind Michelle Obama for a long time.

It's in my book. Sold out. And I was a guy just 21 years ago who was 300 pounds, could barely read and write, and now have a book just two spots behind Michelle Obama. Yeah. Just because I was afraid. But you overcome those fears, guess what happens? The whole world. You unlock this door and everything opens back up again. So this is what I say to myself, it changes all the time. So let's say I'm training for 100 miles race and I get to mile 50 and I feel like shit. And like everybody else, my mind gets soft. Why? Because I'm human. I'm not some damn, you know, hybrid creature that was formed from the heavens above. No, not human.

I suffer. I don't like it. I'm uncomfortable, I don't like it. So my mind starts to get weak and we start to forget about how badass we are. I call that the cookie jar. But it's not about the cookie jar right now. This is about self talk. But the cookie jar kind of goes to self talk too. It's a piece of it. So basically what I do here is you have to make sure that your mind doesn't become spastic when it's suffering. When it's in pain, all it wants to do is find the easy way out, which is usually quit. If you quit, the pain goes away immediately. Yeah, you gotta give yourself enough energy and fuel in your mind to stay just a little bit longer so you can talk yourself into staying for the whole thing. Yeah.

And this is how it works. Most of us never start anything cold. If you're gonna go to college, you gotta study your ass off. If you wanna run 100 miles, race a marathon, if you wanna go be Mister Olympia, if you wanna go be a scientist, a doctor, you're one of the best salespeople on the planet. You gotta work of work. But this is what happens is in that moment where we need self talk, when we're failing and we're in our worst spot possible, we forget the front end, that all the build up to where we're at today, we forget that. We put years, yeah, years.

Maybe not into making these dials, but to getting where you're at today, to become this person, become this person, to be in a position to make this money, where the fuck you want to make whatever you want to do in your life. We forget that. We forget that journey on what it took for us to get in this moment to make the right decision. So that's my self talk. Is this okay? I'm gonna get the fuck out of here, man. I'm done. Then I remember this. You ran 2000 miles training to be in this moment right now.

We forget that. We forget the 03:00 in the morning runs or getting up early for work or whatever you're doing. We forget all that. In that moment of suffering, I remind myself I only have 50 more miles. I put in six months of training so what I do, my self talk is basically going back down memory lane of all those fucked up days I ran the fucking rain. Or I had to fucking study real late at night and I didn't want to do it, but I did it to get here. Yeah, that's the hook. That is the hook. That's the hook. I wanted to get here. Now you're here, and now you want to fucking quit. So you gotta remind.

But just think about it. If you haven't put in any hard work to reflect on, you're fucked. People wanna be all positive. All this positive talk. It doesn't work if it's a lie. Like if you didn't study for your big exam and you go into it saying, I'm gonna pass it. No, you're not. You're gonna fucking fail it. That self talk is not gonna work. Self talk without real work is just a lie. So my self talk is me reminiscing back on the struggle to get to this moment. And that tells me we're not quitting today. Yeah, not today. So basically, you have to put yourself in the moment a million times while I'm sitting here.

First of all, it takes total quietness. We live in a world that's so busy and so active and moving so fast. Right now. I am sitting with Tom Ferry. My mind is sitting with Tom Ferry. It's not talking to Tom Ferry while thinking about, my God, I gotta order some more books. I'm sold out of here. I'm doing this. I'm doing a. That's the first thing about visualization. You must make sure to silence out all the fucking bullshit of life, which is very hard to do. And it's very hard because your visual picture must be clear as shit has to be clear. It can't be like kind of in and out like a. Like a fuzzy tv.

You gotta see it. It has to become real. You gotta take a snapshot of it a million times. Put in the bank. That snapshot of me was getting that 4021 pull up knocked out because the record was 4020. Yeah, I visualized that over and over and over again. So I visualized success. But then I went through. That's the fun part. Yeah, I have to do 4020 pull ups to get to that 4000 2021 pull up. I know now, because it took me three chances to get it. All those failures, they were great for me to examine where I was fucking up at along the way.

So I take all that and I put in the bank as far as visualization. Okay. When I get to 2500 pull ups, my hands start to rip. Okay, I get ready for that. So I started visualizing. How am I going to handle the pain? Okay. Then you start visualizing. Okay. My nutrition was off. You start visualizing all these things because you have to mimic it a million times. But I can't mimic 4020 pull ups by doing it. But you can see all the milestones where you failed and see yourself going beyond it.

That's right. So that was my big thing about. I had to walk in, get the chalk. I had to see everything over and over and over again. And when I realized I had to keep that visual, that picture in my head for 17 hours, it took me 17 hours to break that record. So for 17 hours, while I used to be loud, everywhere I went, I put these headphones in. I never listened to music by listening to one song going the distance, you know, for 17 hours, it's two minutes and 13 seconds. Yeah. For 17 hours I had that in. That's a lot of rocky. A lot of rocky. And I just went here. And so I was able to visualize every rep.

So I visualized my hand placement, making sure that felt right before I got going. I didn't ignore all the little pains. My hands got sweaty. Okay. That means I was aware of everything. That means my. Okay, my hands about to rip. It's getting sweaty. Wipe it off. Be aware. Everything. I was totally in the moment because of how I visualized everything. What do you think is the biggest stumbling block that most people face with this kind of journey, honestly, is they have the woe is me mentality. It's too hard. Life isn't fair. These things in life are not easy for me.

You look to your left and you look to your right and you start to judge yourself off other people. Like, if you're a female, well, she's skinny. She doesn't work out as hard as I do. And everything starts to corrupt your mind. You start to look around too much at other people and what they're doing and that starts to corrupt your own dialogue. We are judging ourselves against too many fucking people. You have to judge yourself against yourself. And that's the one thing I started learning, man, this isn't a race against me and rich roll this race against David Goggins and David Goggins alone.

And once you can silence all that bullshit, all the outside interference and things that are attracting your mind to everything, you can then start to grow in, realizing I'm stressed out for no reason. This is my own little race. This is my own timeline. It was important for me to finally realize, stop being all these fake people I used to be. Stop being afraid. There was no growth until I cut myself down to nothing. To the person I really was, the real human being. And once I found out who I really was, that's when I started growing. I was trying to build on top of a lied, fucked up foundation.

You can't build a house in the fucked up foundation. So I had to get down to the actual mineral soil of who I was. And that's when you can start real growth. And what is the role that suffering plays in that? Or the willingness to suffer? It starts to peel all those layers away, all those artificial layers away. If you're willing to suffer and suffer and go back in the grind. That internal dialogue you have with yourself when you're in misery and you're uncomfortable, it's a real scary, unfiltered, no lying dialogue between you and yourself. And people know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about.

When you're in a bad spot in life and your mind is saying all kind of shit, that's who you really are. That's the real you. No rocky balboa moments going on up there, like, hey, you know, it's around 14. Let's. Come on, we got this. No, it's like, fuck this. I'm out of here, man. This is crazy. That's where the growth happens. When you're able to stay in that moment and talk to yourself, talk yourself back into the suck of wherever you're going through, and you start stripping those layers away. But as you're stripping those layers away, you're building calluses over top of shit.

In your mind, that's where the growth starts to happen, is when you have to force yourself to stay in it. You can't. You can't leave it. I don't think enough about people that have wronged me or situations that have wronged me. Because once you've come to a place where you are really happy with who you are in life, no one fucks with you anymore. Even though they're fucking with you. It doesn't fuck with you. It doesn't fuck with you. You know, like all these. I used to be so hurt by everything in the military. And if someone did something or says something, like, man, I have overcome so much shit. There's not like I. I'm just in the really good headspace right now.

My headspace, I own it. A lot of people own other people's headspace. I own my own shit. Now what do you mean Ona? Like they're just all caught up in what other people think about them and running all these narratives. And they're caught up. They're. They're more caught up and what other people think about them than how you feel about your own personal self. So a lot of people have their brain and their mind on rent to a whole bunch of motherfuckers in world. I am paying rent on my own shit. I finally put a nice down payment on it and I'm making payments every day gone day on my own fucking brain.

So you don't. You don't fucking control that shit anymore man. I got it. So walk me through a day in the life. What's it look like right now? Well, I mean it's got to be crazy. Every morning I get up, I still get my run in every morning. How do you structure the training? The training is basically structured off of my schedule. So look at my schedule and I say okay Jennifer, what do we have today? We have this at 07:00 in the morning. Roger that. That means I gotta be up by 04:00 in the morning to run. That's how it works.

That's how all my shit works. So she lays out the schedule of events. 2 hours. You just. You just set it 2 hours earlier. She says it could take an hour to get to rich rolls. Let's say we were at 07:00 today in the morning takes an hour to get to rich rolls with no traffic. Okay let's block in an hour. 15 for rich roll. Okay, we got that. The morning time. I'm gonna run 7 miles this morning. I need 52 30 for that. Roger that. Put in shit, shower, shave, add that in. So the schedule dictates.

But I have always push it back right. So that means getting up at 130. Trust me. Roger that. I've done that several times. Yeah, several. How much sleep do you usually get? I like getting seven to 8 hours of sleep nowadays I can do that. But there's times where the schedule says hey man, you're getting 3 hours. And if that's the case, right. Merry Christmas. But guess what? Right now it's easy to be happy, it's easy to smile. Those are the good times. The good times. Those times don't need to be trained.

You know how to train myself for good times. Those times for most people don't need to be trained. What I'm trying to give you all is the misery of sometimes we go through and life. Those are times we don't want to fucking talk about. We want to skip forward to peace. Let's skip all this pain and suffering and misery of real life. Let's. Let's cover it over nice big blanket, and let's find peace. No, sorry, it's not possible. Got go into that fucking hellhole of life that you have that fucked you up and fix it.

And that's what I'm here to do. You gotta go to war with yourself before there's peace. That's what I say in the book. That's what you say in the book. You must go to war with yourself before you find peace. So I'm trying to give you tools on how to do that, and I'm not considering. Smile and be happy about it. It's a hard journey. It's a real journey. It's so crazy. That's why I look at motivation. Motivation is just a spark. But those little sparks, somebody comes by real quick with some water, that fires down, it's out.

But if you come by and that little fire, no one touches it. And that little fire, which is motivation, which is kindling. And that kindling grows off to, like, they call it 1 hour fuels. Two hour fuels, ten hour fuels, 10,000 hours fuels. You want that thing to boil over and catch a nice big log. It's gonna burn a long time. And that big, long starts catching everything on fire. This is your soul. So, motivation, a lot of times, can be fucking. Just put some water on. It puts it out that motivation needs to turn into drive.

Passion, obsession, to what you want to become. And once you become obsession or driven, it's a fucking inferno. So now you gotta call in tons of firefighters and call in for help from here, calling for help from there. And they're not putting that shit out. Only I can take that thing out. It's got to burn itself out. But obsession is self generated. You will another person to become obsessed? Not at all. That has to, you know, be something that is cultivated deep inside yourself. Deep. And most people never experience what it's like to be obsessed. And I think we put a negative label. Oh, yeah, obsession. Oh, hell yeah, he's obsessed.

No, it's. To me it's a. It's a daggone. It's a compliment. It's a compliment, man. To be in a lot of times it can fuck you up. It can ruin your life. You could be obsessed. But I'll tell you one thing. If you want to be great, want to be best motherfucker ever, at which you do. You could be misunderstood by everybody. Because you're going to be so fucking obsessed and so driven to get there. That's what it takes. That's the truth. Takes every second of your fucking life.

Anybody says, balance. Yeah, balance is important. For a lot of fucking people, it is. But if you want to fucking go to that edge where people do not like you, don't understand, you question everything. You fucking do. You. You've arrived when you are misunderstood to the point where fucking people think you're psycho and you're nuts and you're this and that. Why are you in the fucking gym at 01:00 in the fucking morning? You just got through doing an op for fucking 13, 14 hours at the Ranger school, man. At the gym. What's wrong? You will never understand what is wrong with me.

And that's why I'm so fucking glad you don't. Because I'm in the right fucking spot. When people don't understand you anymore, you're in that spot of obsession and drive, where people are like, what the fuck is wrong with this guy? I don't want to talk to you, Mandev. You're not gonna get it. It's all about mindset. Yeah, that's it, man. You have to change the dialogue within your head. And one thing I guarantee you, there's some stat out there about January 1. All that kindling that you started, all that motivation, usually burn out by about ten to twelve days later.

So let's see how far you can take that shit. Let's see if you can get a fucking challenge. From Goggins to you. Usually it's ten to twelve days, man. People always come to me, man. Hey, I want a workout program. I no longer give them anymore. Cause you can waste my fucking time. Cause I know most people out there, once that fucking one alarm clock goes off at the wrong time of the day, I'm not going to the gym, right. Or they get the workout program. But then they're like, hey, they hit you up again. What kind of watch do I need to get? That's right.

What kind of shoes? Just keep coming, man. Every day goes by without anything going on. Keep coming. Go to the store. Buy a pair of shoes. Merry Christmas. Have fun with that shit. Call me after you lose some fucking weight running your ass in the dirt. And then we'll work on some other shit. Right on. Get your base on. A lot of people, what they do is they have these. These finish lines. And I have a saying that says, I don't stop when I'm tired. I stopped when I'm done. So when I was younger, I didn't have any goals. And it's not really so much about goals.

It's just a fucking to do list. Yeah, a to do list. And as a human being, if you don't have a to do list, you're gonna sit back and just fade away. It's like a lot of people who are in the military, who are in business, who are. Whenever they say, hey, I'm gonna do 20 years now. I'm gonna retire. Okay, what's next? So I have a. What's next? Listen. So then I never lay. So I never sit idle. I never sit idle. There's. There's never one time in my life where I'm sitting back with free time and, like, just enjoying the sun. I made it. I've arrived.

No, I've never arrived. And a lot of people say, are you happy? Because I'm so driven that it almost makes people who are weaker in the mind think, my God, you must not be happy. That's a weaker person. If I get these questions, I know I'm exactly where I need to be. I'm making you feel a certain way. I'm the hardest working guy that, that doesn't talk about it. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Yeah. So basically, I don't take any days off as far as working out, what I realized growing up is you have to build your armor. Yeah, your armor.

Your first thing in the morning time is you have to build your confidence. And every day you're constantly gaining and losing confidence. You're never staying the same. So how you build your confidence is if you like what you see in that mirror, that's how you start your day off. If you wake up and you look fat, you look out of shape, you're not, you know, you don't feel good, which is, you know, or you don't feel good inside.

So my whole big thing is get up and work out, shed some calories, get the. Get the adrenals going, get the mind going, get all that going. Every day I run, every day I work out, and every day I stretch. So I spend anywhere from three to 5 hours a day working out. I'm constantly thinking about my life. Yeah. Raw things about my life, because I want to share these things with people. I'm constantly. And see, I don't post a lot. Don't post. Most people post just to post. So my daily routine, I don't get up and start this posting stuff three and four times a day.

Yeah. I post when something is meaningful because I want people to get something out of it. I don't want this. Be on social media. Say, hey, I'm posting. Let me get more followers. Tag someone. Hashtag this bullshit. Hashtag that bullshit. No, this is a message about you. So every day I'm running, every day I'm working, I'm thinking about, do I have anything that I can share with people today that's powerful? And I'm constantly writing books. So I have one book out right now. I have my second book coming out, but I'm not gonna have it coming out anytime soon because I want it to be perfect.

Yeah. So my whole thing about life is putting all your energy into one thing. So my routines are always about synergy focused, hyper focused, always about mind. Because I know once your mind gets away from you, you've lost. I go out to run. I get all my ideas. All my ideas come from when the blood pressure and the intensity is high. Yeah. Because that puts me back in the dungeon. Yeah. I remember when I was 300 pounds, my. My most inspirational time has been our 300 pounds. And I was trying to lose weight, and I was having all these self talks, trying to find strength all over my brain. How the fuck am I gonna do this?

Yeah. So you start to have these different mantras. Like, almost every three or 4 seconds, a different mantra comes up and just. There's a lot of power in that from being that underdog mentality. Yeah. And whenever I go out to work out, it's not like I'm dead. I. David Goggins, now 44, has, you know, I've achieved a lot. Every time I go out to work out, I'm that 300 pound guy spraying for fucking cockroaches. Nothing. Because if you think that way, you can only achieve the best. Yeah. If you've arrived and you go out there, I don't need to be out here doing this.

So when I tell people, hey, stop listening to music for a little bit. Put your fucking phone down. Yeah, put the computer down. Really focus. The. The most powerful weapon is your brain. It relates to that. You know, they're like, oh, man. Yeah. You know, we weren't raised on this shit. They can kind of go back in the dungeon. But these millennials grew up with all this technology. Yeah. And all this noise. It's so fucking noisy out here that they can't hear themselves think. Yeah. So the people who really get the most bang out of my message, even though millennials follow me the most are people who are from thirties to fifties, because they're like, you know, what, man?

Yeah. Fucking get that. Yeah. I remember back when I was a better human being, before I started being dependent on my phone and dependent on this and depending on that and. Yeah, literally, you can't even have a conversation with somebody nowadays because their minds are so out of it. Or they're checking the instagram. Yeah, man. I mean, like, you like, hey, yeah, I. So they're. They're, like, looking at you and their phone and they're here, and then as you're having a serious conversation, an enlightening conversation, they then come out of nowhere and say, hey, did you hear about Trump? You're like, what the fuck is your problem, man?

You can't hold a fucking attention span for longer than 15 seconds. Yeah. That's why you're not successful. Yeah. It takes a lot longer than 15 seconds to be focused on the. Becoming rich, fucking becoming a better person, becoming smarter, become more athletic, losing weight. It takes time. Your mind needs to be focused on that fucking task. I don't really blame them. That's the. That's the world that. That they grew up in. Yeah. So that's what they're seeing. Yeah. They're. They're seen a lot of kids who are, like, 2526-2728 and I who are making these big, big dollar numbers, man, from, like, inventing something or coming up with some new fucking app or whatever, man. Making a lot of money.

Yeah. So they want to have the opportunity. Yeah. But they don't realize only 1%, less than 1% are gonna have the opportunity. Yeah. You gotta go back to old school, which is. There's no fucking secret. Yeah. It's just hard fucking work. Yeah. Yeah. And I hate to say it, man, because what is your secret, man? What's your secret about business? What's your secret about this? What's your secret about that? You don't want the fucking answer. The answer is you see his fucking hands? Hard fucking work, man. Yeah. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not gonna voodoo some shit.

I'm not a magician. It's not magic. It's literally, you're gonna have to wake up. Yeah. And you're gonna have to sit down there and say, fuck, today's gonna suck. And then when that day is over, you're gonna wake up again and say, fuck. Yeah. The next day is gonna suck. Yeah. And that's gonna be your life. Yeah. Unless you're this guy who sits back and says, oh, I have this great idea. And it happens to work. Yeah. And you could be some lazy fat ass that sits back and makes millions of dollars off of some idea. Yeah. But the majority, majority of it gonna wake up every day. Yeah. Punch that mental time clock and say, this is gonna suck. Yeah.

I think the combination of hard work with technology is gonna be. It's gonna be like, oh, the game changer. Yeah, game changer. The problem is that most of them are just. They just want to do the technology right, but not the hard work. That's the fun part. You were bullied. Yeah. Do you remember how many nights you spent by yourself in your fucking head thinking about what kind of piece of shit you were? Yeah. And how miserable that fucking was? Yeah. That's exactly my drive. I know that there's not just me and you. There's millions and millions, especially nowadays. Yeah. With all this fucking pressure, man, you.

You can. You can now bully a motherfucker on your phone, you know? You know, back in our day, it was face to face. You can do everything over your phone. The pressures of trying to keep up with everything is at an all time high, and our mindsets are at an all time low. We are the weakest we've been mentally ever since beginning of time. And it's even harder. So it's harder with a weaker mind. So all I want to do, my whole drive is about. I have a really good way of visualizing people suffering, because a lot of people do it. We have two sides of us.

We have one side that is that happy go lucky side that nothing's wrong and everything is good. But we have that side at home when no one's around that's depressed and miserable and we're not good enough. And whatever happened to you is real. So that's my drive. I want to make sure that I give people as much power as I can so when they get up every fucking morning, they know that, hey, I have the ability to not only survive this world, but thrive in this world just by the mere fact of hearing about my story. Yeah. So if I can help out people that way and make you a better human being, that's all it's about, period. Because I don't anybody suffering the way I suffering.

Inspiration, Motivation, Leadership, Self-Improvement, Mental Toughness, Resilience, Success Chasers