The video reflects on the insignificance of human existence in the vastness of the universe, yet underscores the unlimited potential for growth through knowledge. It emphasizes the importance of education, free will, and the need for humans to create order amidst their unique ability to make choices. The speaker shares insights drawn from a personal conversation, examining humanity's place within various orders of life and the critical role of education in directing human agency.
The speaker delves into the concept of interdependence, illustrating how vital it is to acknowledge and cherish the relationships that frame human existence. This understanding demands gratitude, humility, and cooperation, which foster personal and communal growth. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the development of personal competence, asserting that humility facilitates improvement and the ability to contribute to broader happiness across personal and societal realms.
Main takeaways from the video:
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:
1. infinite [ˈɪnfɪnɪt] - (adjective) - Limitless or endless in space, extent, or size. - Synonyms: (boundless, eternal, unending)
It's wonderful to be here. And for me today, to think of where we are on the planet brings a sense of how small we are in this infinite space.
2. pranic [ˈprænɪk] - (adjective) - Relating to the life force or vital energy believed in many cultures to permeate all living things. - Synonyms: (vital, life-giving, essential)
We look at maybe four orders in the world, whether it's the pranic order of the planet...
3. sync [sɪŋk] - (noun / verb) - Harmony or coordination between parts or elements. - Synonyms: (harmony, alignment, coordination)
Three of them are in sync all the time.
4. fulfill [fʊlˈfɪl] - (verb) - To meet the requirements or expectations of something. - Synonyms: (satisfy, accomplish, achieve)
It's very important to acknowledge these relationships and to fulfill them and to honor them.
5. competence [ˈkɒmpɪtəns] - (noun) - The ability to do something successfully or efficiently. - Synonyms: (capability, skill, proficiency)
But from a competence perspective, somebody is able to do it.
6. perspective [pərˈspɛktɪv] - (noun) - A particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view. - Synonyms: (viewpoint, stance, outlook)
So for this perspective, I think it's very important to understand the need for seeking help.
7. ecosystem [ˈiːkoʊˌsɪstəm] - (noun) - A complex network or interconnected system. - Synonyms: (environment, community, habitat)
That gives us a sense of gratitude to the people, to the things which have helped us grow. I think that will be very, very important in this whole ecosystem.
8. transactions [trænˈzækʃənz] - (noun) - An instance of buying or selling something; a business deal. - Synonyms: (deal, exchange, trade)
Every transaction, what we have typically is a lot of give and take.
9. commodities [kəˈmɒdɪtiz] - (noun) - A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold. - Synonyms: (goods, products, resources)
We give money, we take a commodity, we pay fee, we get an education, we pay fee, we get a tuition.
10. relevance [ˈrɛləvəns] - (noun) - The quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate. - Synonyms: (significance, importance, pertinence)
One is the relevance of what we saw in the dance performance just earlier about our surrounding things.
Believe in the power of passion and determination - Pullela Gopichand - TEDxThe Gaudium School
A very good morning to all of you. It's wonderful to be here. And for me today, to think of where we are on the planet brings a sense of how small we are in this infinite space. If we look at where we are, even in our school or in Hyderabad, or you zoom out to Telangana or to India, or to the world or to the universe, you truly know that in this space of infinity, we are but a very small speck. Truly, when you look back at time and we look at the millions of years, or probably even more of what this universe has existed, we know even a hundred year span of life is a tiny, tiny, tiny speck. In this entire universe of time, either in space or in time, we are that infinite speck.
So when we look at this element of our existence, then we seem very, very insignificant. But truly, the only space where we have an infinite growth is knowledge. The only space where we can grow and know about this infinite place is the knowledge space. And truly, it's very, very important. But today, we need to. And I bring this out of my conversations with a very dear friend called Pradeep years ago. And there were two aspects of which I would like to share with you. One is the relevance of what we saw in the dance performance just earlier about our surrounding things.
When we look at our ecosystem, we look at maybe four orders in the world, whether it's the pranic order of the planet, the physical things, which is air, water, earth kind of things, or the plant life, which is available, or the animal life, which is available, or the human life, which is available. These are the four orders which we have. And when we look at it, three of them are in sync all the time. A plant knows what it needs to do. An animal is bound by its nature. It does what it has to do. Nature has its seasons, it does what it has to do. The human life is what needs education. It needs order to be driven in. It has free will to decide where it wants to go to. And that, I think, is very, very important.
So I come back to an example or to a story which I have heard when I was a lot younger and which influenced the way I thought. And I think all my life, many of you may have travelled, many of you may not have traveled in what we call a general compartment in a train where there's no reservation. Think of it. The three of us are sitting, maybe even a sofa. There's only one sofa in the room, and then your three of you sitting there. And then there is somebody who comes who is not your friend or whom you dont know or you dont like so much, they come, and then you almost ensure that he is not sitting there. So you almost spread your legs and say, boss, this space is mine. You occupy this space.
Imagine theres another person who comes whos a friend of yours. Then you say, I will adjust a little bit and allow him to come there. Somebody who is a little more important comes. You, in fact, talk to your other two people on the sofa and say, please, can we make some space for my friend? I need him to sit. Somebody else comes who really you respect, and then you almost get up and give your seat to them. That's how it is. It all starts with one fundamental aspect of which is recognizing that relationship and fulfilling that relationship. That is a very important thing in our life today.
For us to exist on this planet, we are dependent on a lot of things. We start off our journey when we are dependent on our parents, on our family, the immediate family, the friends circle, the society. We are dependent on. We are dependent on nature, and we are dependent on a lot of things. To actually have this journey started off, it's important for us to recognize this element. And when you recognize these things, what follows up is gratitude. What follows up is a sense of gratitude. Thank you very much. It's very important to acknowledge these relationships and to fulfill them and to honor them.
And it gives you a sense of humility to understand that so many people and so many things and so many things in nature have actually made us who we are. And that gives us a sense of gratitude to the people, to the things which have helped us grow. I think that will be very, very important in this whole ecosystem.
The second aspect which I would like to talk about is everybody wants to be happy. Everybody wants to be in harmony. Everybody wants to think positively, and these are things which are by intention. Everybody wants to do it. But from a competence perspective, somebody is able to do it. Somebody is not able to do it. When you have a sense of humility, you can accept the fact that my competence is not good enough, and I can actually talk to people, take their help and grow so that my competence to make myself happy, to make my family happy, to make the society happy, and to make the entire universe happy, I can actually do so.
That is an element of competence which you need to actually learn. And it comes from a sense of humility that I don't know, and I need to kind of understand and get it. But there's also a sense of help which will come when you realize that the other person's intentions are good, but his competence is not good. So let me help him out. So I think it's very important that if we are in a position to actually help, it will be very critical for us to do that element which I think is very, very important.
So for this perspective, I think it's very important to understand the need for seeking help and the need to actually give. This would be an element which I really want you to ponder and think about, because whether it's us, and when I look at the entire ecosystem, I think I really look at this in each form. As we evolve, we need to actually encompass and move to the next circle. The first circle, I would think, would be us.
Our thoughts, our emotions, are they in harmony? Are they in sync with what we are? The next element would be our friends and family. Am I in harmony with the friends and family who are with me? The third element, I think, would be the nature and society. I think, am I in harmony with the society which I am living with? Am I pleased and comfortable with the society which I am living with? And the fourth would be, am I in harmony with nature? And I think that element is very, very important.
Every transaction, what we have typically is a lot of give and take. We give money, we take a commodity, we pay fee, we get an education, we pay fee, we get a tuition. Many of these conversations, even with friends and family, are very transactional in nature. But when we take things from nature, we don't pay back to nature. I think it's very, very important that we look at this aspect of nature. We take petroleum from nature. We drive a car, we pay for its refinement, but we don't give back to nature.
I think it's very important for us, when you cut a tree, take a plant, and make it into a paper, I think it's, what do we give back? Do we plant more trees? I think these are elements which we need to give back. Transactional businesses. We don't take care of nature as much as it needs to be. So I think it's very important that we recognize the fact that these are people, these are elements which are helping us, and we need to pay back so that the balance is maintained.
These are things which I think would be very, very important. The second thing which I would like to really to leave you with is a talk which I had with a friend of mine, Pradeep, and he said this about 25 years ago. He said, gopi, write down what you want in your life, and you can write down a big bedroom, five bedrooms, six bedrooms, swimming pool, five cars, ten cars. Write whatever you want.
So he gave me the example of this. If you need a bed which is 6ft, that's your height, so you need that bed because it's a necessity. You asking for it is not a problem. You want a bed which is 7ft, that's luxury. You asking for it is not a problem. You are entitled to want that. But if you are asking for a bed which is 9ft, that's also fine because that's super luxury. But if you want a bed which is bigger than your neighbor's bed, then you're always in trouble.
So I think it's very important to get our priorities in life and our thoughts in life sorted so that we are not running after something which somebody else is having. But truly what we want is what we need and what we want are in sync and these orders are all maintained, is what the thought I would want to leave you with. Thank you very much.
Education, Philosophy, Inspiration, Knowledge, Interdependence, Harmony, Tedx Talks