The video delves into the world of doomsday preppers who are taking extreme measures to protect themselves against catastrophic events such as financial collapse and global economic domination by China. It details the lives and preparations of several individuals who have invested heavily in stockpiling goods, building bunkers, and devising defense strategies to ensure their survival in an envisioned chaotic future.
The featured preppers employ a variety of tactics that include stockpiling food and commodities like wine for bartering, arming themselves with weapons and ammunition, and using creative solutions such as converting shipping containers into bunkers. They explore various methods to keep their preps hidden and secure while also training themselves and their families on survival tactics, such as handling weapons and constructing DIY solutions like homemade ammunition.
Main takeaways from the video:
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:
1. preppers [ˈprɛpərz] - (n.) - Individuals who prepare extensively for emergencies such as natural disasters or economic collapse. - Synonyms: (survivalists, planners, preparers)
Next. We go inside the lives of three committed preppers.
2. apocalyptic [əˌpɒkəˈlɪptɪk] - (adj.) - Relating to the complete final destruction of the world. - Synonyms: (catastrophic, disastrous, doomsday)
The first part of Mr. Wayne's survival plan is stockpiling a resource he believes everyone will desire in a post apocalyptic world.
3. instigate [ˈɪnstɪˌɡeɪt] - (v.) - To bring about or initiate an action or event. - Synonyms: (provoke, incite, initiate)
Mr. Wayne believes that if China instigates an economic collapse, the dollar will become worthless.
4. barter [ˈbɑːtər] - (v.) - To exchange goods or services for other goods or services without using money. - Synonyms: (trade, exchange, swap)
The bottles of wine that I make and I store are great barter items in the bad times that are coming.
5. catastrophe [kəˈtæstrəfi] - (n.) - An event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering. - Synonyms: (disaster, calamity, debacle)
Wayne believes that if China instigates an economic collapse, the dollar will become worthless and commodities will be the new currency to prepare for financial catastrophe
6. surveillance [sərˈveɪləns] - (n.) - Close observation or monitoring of behavior or activities. - Synonyms: (monitoring, observation, scrutiny)
So every day he monitors Chinese government activities.
7. amnesty [ˈæmnəsti] - (n.) - A governmental pardon or overlooking of offenses. - Synonyms: (pardon, reprieve, clemency)
Building real pipe bombs is a federal offense under US law. But after a Chinese economic takeover, Mr. Wayne believes weapons restrictions will be a thing of the past.
8. strategic [strəˈtiːdʒɪk] - (adj.) - Relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests. - Synonyms: (planned, tactical, calculated)
Wayne's defense plan involves the strategic placement of explosives
9. component [kəmˈpoʊnənt] - (n.) - An integral part or element of a larger whole. - Synonyms: (part, element, piece)
So that you can survive the end of the world.
10. surplus [ˈsɜːrpləs] - (n.) - An amount of something left over when requirements have been met. - Synonyms: (excess, extra, overstock)
But despite plans to wait until the spring, John has decided to jump the gun and surprise Christine with her dream shelter.
I Suggest We Run (Full Episode) - Doomsday Preppers
Across the country, ordinary Americans from all walks of life are taking whatever measures necessary to prepare. I'm preparing my family for the total destruction of the power grid. The Yellowstone supervolcano. A financial collapse. And protect themselves. When survival's the goal, it's into the spider hole. Go. Fast, fast, fast, fast, fast. Go, go, go, go, go. From what they perceive is the fast approaching end of the world as we know it. I'm gonna use like this. Next. We go inside the lives of three committed preppers. I'd say we did pretty good there, don't you? Who have devised extensive plans. I'm overwhelmed, really with emotion. About the equivalent of eight sticks of dynamite gone to great lengths. It's just I love him and I know he's prepared and made huge personal sacrifices to ensure their very survival. Ow. I can't believe you just stuck me. The experts will assess their extreme preps and decide if they have what it takes to face Armageddon and to survive. Two, three shots. You're going to be split in half. This is doomsday. preppers.
Somewhere in central Texas, a retired engineer known only by the alias Mr. Wayne tends to his three acre ranch with his dog Max and spends hours tinkering in his workshop. Mr. Wayne keeps his real identity a secret because he's a prepper working on a plan that requires the element of surprise. I'm preparing for China's domination of the world's economy. And time's running out. I really believe that China has a master plan to control all of the debt practically worldwide, especially America's debt. They saw that they could use our own system of capitalism to destroy us. China's out for themselves. The American dollar is going to be worthless. People are going to panic. There's going to be pillaging like you never saw before. We're not going to see it coming. Everybody should be scared out of their wits. Mr. Wayne fears that one day soon, without warning, China will cash in the $1.1 trillion it owns in US bonds, flooding the global economy and driving the dollar's value down to zero. So every day he monitors Chinese government activities. All you have to do is Google. Just type in collapse of the American dollar and every article you come has something about China. Until we get rid of our obligation to China, we're at their mercy every day. I want to be wrong, but I just. I'm not wrong. Every spare dollar I have goes into something. As far as Prepping to date, Mr. Wayne estimates he spent $160,000. My wife stays constantly mad at Me because I take every spare dime that I can scrounge to put it into prepping, where she thinks we should put it for our retirement.
Mr. Wayne believes that if China instigates an economic collapse, the dollar will become worthless and commodities will be the new currency to prepare for financial catastrophe. Many preppers are buying gold. Not Mr. Wayne. I wouldn't give you a can of ravioli for a $1,500 gold piece. How would I know 24 karat gold from 18 karat gold? I wouldn't know the value and neither would anybody else. The first part of Mr. Wayne's survival plan is stockpiling a resource he believes everyone will desire in a post apocalyptic world. I planted a vineyard and learned how to make wine. It's part of my prepping plan. The bottles of wine that I make and I store are great barter items in the bad times that are coming. If China destroys America economically, Mr. Wayne believes Chinese currency will rise while the dollar will become obsolete. In a cashless society, his wine will retain value and be useful for trade. Currency that's going to go immediately into effect is straight barter. People are going to still want alcohol as much as they want food. And I'll have that. I'll have it to trade. In the last five years he's created a vineyard on just three acres of land. He grows seven varieties of grapes and produces 600 gallons of Wayne's World wine a year. I have black Spanish Villard Blanc Alianzino, which is an Italian grape. And I have Panote Grigio or whatever it's called. Many preppers believe that having a long term stockpile of goods and keeping it top secret is critical to survival. Mr. Wayne is 100% top secret.
Hidden five feet below this building, he keeps a 550 bottle bartering inventory. When you get the preppy book 101, the first thing that they always say about your storage, it should be underground. The foundation of the cellar is a 20x8C container that was installed over the course of two months for $13,000. It's a good hiding place and it's cool. The structure maintains a cool constant temperature, ensuring his bartering wine stays good until doomsday. As long as you can keep the temperature below 70, it's preserved forever. Mr. Wayne doesn't just keep wine in his cellar. He has stockpiled enough food to feed he and his wife for a year. Among his supplies are cans of soup, ham and lots of dog food that isn't just for his dog, Max. This is my favorite. It's chicken morsels. And they're, they're just really good. Canned dog food is not regulated by the FDA for human consumption, but it does contain protein and around 300 life sustaining calories a can. It's got soybean, it's got chicken, it's got corn. I don't know, I can't pronounce that next word, but it's got horse meat. Max, my dog, he turns his nose up at this. After China stings us like they're going to, people are going to be begging for this stuff and they're going to say, you got any more of that dog food? And I'm going to say, no, I think I'm going to keep it for myself. It was pretty damn good stuff. If an economic assault from China causes chaos at home, Mr. Wayne fears there will be widespread desperation and violence. For the first week, it's literally going to be people out in the streets, rioting, looting. They're thinking that I didn't get food, but I can go take it away from Mr. Wayne.
For that. He has over 25 guns, which include rifles, shotguns and handguns. And Mr. Wayne has a plan for a never ending supply of ammunition. The idea behind us preppers is to get as much guns and ammunition for protection as we can if China, when China launches a financial strike against America, Mr. Wayne fears social unrest could unleash panic and lead to a global bullet shortage. When the Chinese do what they do well, instantly there will be no more ammunition made and you're not going to find it anywhere. So you can't make your own ammunition. Nice pretty bullet. Your guns are useless. Mr. Wayne has recruited his cousin Jesse, a licensed arms dealer, to serve as his ammunitions expert and help him make enough ammo to defend the ranch. Just sit here and do this all day long until you got a big pile of bullets. Now that looks like something off of my tire. It is. Jesse is melting salvaged car parts with recycled bullets. After the casting is complete, the last step is to add gunpowder to the casing. I got my gunpowder, I got my casing, and I take one of these pretty bullets, stick it right up here, and then I just push it all the way down till it clicks and then back up. Wow, that's easy. I'm gonna. That's so good. Autograph. I'm gonna put my name on this. With the supplies they have on hand, Jesse could make up to 14,000 rounds of ammo. 100 times what the average gun owner purchases a year. Theoretically One shot per invader would be all we need. For now, our number one priority is to defend the parameter, keep the intruders out and keep our family inside safe. Whatever it takes.
Mr. Wayne and Jesse are going to field test the range and accuracy of their new bullets. China's not upside down here, is it? I don't know. If intruders come to the ranch the pair plans to unleash a withering spray of suppressive fire. Here we go. Let's give this one a try. It's got a pretty good kick to it. Let me try. Try. Jesse and Mr. Wayne are shooting their targets from 300ft away. The same distance from Mr. Wayne's house to the edge of his property. All right. Let's use Mr. Wayne here. Well, only hard thing about target practice is walking down to the target. I'd say we did pretty good there, don't you? Yep, no doubt about it. Mr. Wayne is satisfied with the range of his field of fire. But his defense plan extends beyond bullets. All right. Texas prepper. Mr. Wayne will stop at nothing to defend his ranch if China launches an economic assault. He has developed a two pronged defense plan that starts with bullets and ends with a bang. Kids don't do this at home. Leave this to the professionals only. Very dangerous. Very, very explosive. About the equivalent of eight sticks of dynamite.
The second part of Mr. Wayne's defense plan involves the strategic placement of explosives. He's practicing building a pipe bomb. Building real pipe bombs is a federal offense under US law. But after a Chinese economic takeover, Mr. Wayne believes weapons restrictions will be a thing of the past. When times go bad, there's not going to be anybody enforcing anything. Now, I know this is going to work. I won't say I've tested it before because they're illegal. The best thing I got to do is figure out where to put these. We're putting together a little scene here of the best way to protect your property. Mr. Wayne knows the key to a sound tactical plan is understanding the topography of the battlefield. So he has recreated his property's features on a sand table. A tool used by military officers to plot wartime strategy. Keep in mind, I'm trying to protect my loved ones. I'm going to be up here in the house. This is me, the handsome one. And this is Jesse. And these are the kids. Over here is the bad guy. This is the guy we don't want on the property. And the hardest thing to do is to know exactly where these intruders are going to come in. From this bird's eye view. He and Jesse can best assess where to plant phase two of their plan. Most likely they're gonna come in through that deep ravine and that'll get them cover to right here. You know that old coyote, he always run run up through there to steal the chickens. The moment an Intruder is sighted, Mr. Wayne and cousin Jesse plan to lay down suppressor fire. The initial hail of gunfire will drive an enemy to the only cover available. We're ready for whoever's gonna come here.
But on Mr. Wayne's ranch, there is no safe cover. The boulders are rigged to explode with homemade pipe bombs. In military terms, the attacker has entered the kill zone. All right, ready? That's pretty successful. But I think we kind of blew the perimeter up a little too there. We better hope not too many of these guys come around or we're going to blow the property up. Mr. Wayne and cousin Jesse have determined the best locations for their explosive rigged kill zone. Now they will go out into the field to test a bomb's blast radius. Hang on to this for me while I get this. Yeah, you don't want to go too deep because you want the shrapnel to tear him up too. In this simulation, Mr. Wayne is lighting a fuse. But if doomsday comes, he plans to detonate the bombs remotely. I suggest that we all run. Better get around here before it goes off. All right. It's. Hey. It went off, didn't it? All right, well, let's go pick up the pieces, I guess. Looks like he lost both of us legs. Yeah, I don't think he's going anywhere. No tape, a couple of legs on him. I think he'll be all right. A lot of people like me are paying attention. You can never stop prepping. And you can never be ready enough for what I see is coming. Mr. Wayne.
The experts, practical preppers, think you possess many valuable resources that will enable you to barter effectively during a crisis situation. Well, thank you very much. While your underground container will keep your supplies hidden, you will inevitably run out of food. We recommend you start a garden. A garden is definitely on our plan. And I have the seeds stored. Because your series is so popular with my wife, she's come around my way of thinking and she now supports what I do. While there is some concern about the staggering amount of US debt owned by China, more than a trillion dollars. Analysts believe they are unlikely to dump that debt because it would also cause major damage to the Chinese economy. That is in part because the US Is one of the largest importers of Chinese made goods.
1600 miles away, John and Christine Sellers also fear the world as we know it is going to end. So they are burying something in the backyard they hope will ensure their survival and their love. Where you ride, baby? I'm ready. John and Christine Sellers live on a four acre homestead in rural Pennsylvania. We are the silent majority. We're just like everybody else. We get up, we go to work. We pay our taxes. We work for everything we have, and we will defend it. All right, honey bunny, you ready to give it a try? Most weeks, the sellers take their Harleys and arrive through the forested hills that surround their home. But today's ride will be their last. One last ride, baby. Let's take one last ride. Come on. Get rid of these things. As much as we love the bikes, this isn't a necessity. Come on, baby, hop on. And now it's just down to more serious stuff. Prepping, prepping, prepping. John and Christine are selling their bikes and foregoing any luxuries, all so that they can survive the end of the world. You're gonna do some serious damage with this. Well, John and I are preparing for the collapse of the dollar. We think we're immune here in America. We're not immune. It's all gonna come down like a deck of cards. One thing I'm not gonna miss are the bugs. Good eating, baby. We might be eating bugs soon.
I hope people start to wake up. They need to wake up. It's happening right in front of their faces. The hunter gatherers, like the old days. Just stop and think about this. We bought a truck in 2001. We were paying 80 cents a gallon. We bought that truck. Now it's what, over $3? Four times as much in 10 years. But I didn't get a 400% raise. I tell you that. I know it's going to get bad, so I can't eat my bike. Christine fears that if the dollar collapses, the cost of basic necessities will soar, becoming out of reach for the majority of Americans. We all know when the dollar collapses. When you go to the store and you can't afford to feed your family on what you make for a week. So in readiness, Christine has spent the last year and a half and nearly $30,000 stocking up on £15,000 of supermarket supplies. It's one little supermarket, like a bodega or a little 711 down here. Just bottled peanuts. Last year I got on sale for $1.79. I think they're like almost $6 now, so. Hmm. I probably have well over 400 rolls of toilet paper. I figure that should be enough for a minimum of two years. Probably have about 150 toothbrushes. I have a minimum of 2,000 napkins. Minimum. I was losing my mind with how much he was spending on things. I was hiding stuff underneath the bed because I just didn't want to hear his mouth. And I would always say to him, what good is the money going to be in the bank if we're not going to be able to eat? Yeah, I got your cup right here.
I'm having a fresh one. All right. I just got on board with her not too long ago. I know a lot of business owners. I see what they're going through. It's getting worse and worse and worse. In March 2011, the cost of living for the average American hit a record high, and experts predict a continuing rise in food prices. It's a good cup of coffee. Aren't you glad I have instant coffee in my prepping now that John's on board? Boy, boy, we're a force to be reckoned with, because with him in my corner, I can't lose. And together, they're ready to use their combined force to protect their stores from those who did not prep for an economic collapse. We have a TV over there. So if I'm sitting over here and John's over there and we hear somebody coming up the stairs, we're prepared. It's as simple as opening up a drawer. And there's your protection. 300 and. 57 Magnum, we just keep in here for fun. The 9 millimeter, we have Old Faithful, the Mossberg. 500. There's gonna be a lot of people in a bad way when it hits a fan. I mean, they're gonna be breaking in your house trying to get a bottle of water. This one is a Taurus.44 Magnum. This is a big badass. And when did I get you that? I got that. That's a Christmas present from Mama Here. Our home is our castle, Johnson. Mine. I'm not going to depend on the police defend me. I'm going to depend on my.308, my.357, my.45 Colt, my AK, my AR, my Mossenberg shotgun. That's it. End of story. Two, three shots. You're going to be split in half. And your people that are with you, they're going to run the other way. They're going to say, this woman is crazy.
With most of their savings invested into their extensive preps, John and Christine want to do all they can to protect them. So. So they're looking for a way to insure what they have. We have thousands and thousands of dollars invested in food. Now we have to find a way to safely secure it. All right. And these preppers hope insurance will come in the form of an underground bunker. An economic collapse. We're not going to have utilities. We might not be able to get fuel. We have to preserve our food. We have to keep it in a constant temperature. But it'd be really nice right over here. I say this way. It's not close to the house. The sellers believe a buried bunker will give them several advantages. It can act as a root cellar, keeping their food stores cool and preventing spoilage. And they can store their preps off premises, safeguarding them from Plunder. 55 degrees all year underground. After you get down below the frost lines, we can get some natural sunlight. And if necessary, the bunker can also act as a temporary home to fall back to in case their house is invaded. If somebody comes in and overwhelms us and we're on our property, at least we have, like, a panic room. But it's going to be underground. Maybe get a little propane. We have the propane stove, everything. We're going to be able to live in here if we have to, right? Exactly. Wow. Gives us a lot of space. But until the couple can save more money, they will have to wait until spring break to break ground around. We're gonna get it. But then what you're gonna have to do is curb your spending. We in agreement on that? Yeah. Okay.
John and Christine fear any money they earn will drop in value before they can use it to buy a bunker. So they take all extra cash and use it to buy alternative currency, which they believe will not significantly depreciate. The dollar is going to cops. It's not a matter of if. It's a matter of when. The new currency, John and I firmly believe it's to be gold, silver, guns and ammo. Hello. Yo, what's going on, Dirk? How are you? What's happening? Several times a month, Christine and John head to the local pawn shop to buy up what they can. Today, they are in the market for some silver. This is the stuff that I saved for you guys. Oh, good. It's actually. Those are good coins, and some of them are in very good dates and very good condition. I'm not saving money in the savings account anymore. What's the point? It's that it's going to be worthless silver bars and American junk coins. This is more sound than paper money. The average savings account today gives a yearly return of under 1%, while the value of silver has nearly tripled since 2008, rising from just $11 to over $32 an ounce. We believe silver really hasn't hit its high mark. I believe silver's going to go to $500 an ounce. I think so, too. Yeah. Altogether will be 9.25. And the gold you pick up later? Yes, he'll come pick it up. I'm definitely going to their house on doomsday because my house is not gonna cut. I am welcome to. You're welcome, too. He's coming with us. Don't lose it. No, I won't. God speed, my friend. Godspeed, my friend.
Once at home, Christine and John deposit the pawn shop silver into their own version of a prepper's bank. John is making a small waterproof container of PVC piping for the $2,500 worth of silver. This is teflon tape to seal it, and that makes the water silk. It's going to seal right up. What we're doing is sort of like a time capsule. And what this is, we're going to bury it. I think we should bury it on the outside of the garage. This way, we have the garage as a buffer. The reason why we're choosing behind a house behind the garage to bury this is if our house is commandeered, no one's going to see us coming from the rear end of our property. So at least we can retrieve our silver. We're still going to survive. Christine estimates they have buried over $30,000 worth of silver in small stashes around their property. We have a little map. That map is secure someplace off the premises. You don't want to start digging holes all over the place. You want to be pretty precise. A good idea. If you're going to bury things on your own property, you want to put it anywhere near your house and to use the PVC tubing because this is waterproof. John and Christine have put their life savings into prepping, sacrificing in the present to survive in the future. But without Christine's knowledge, John has decided that it is time to break the rules. $4,400. Wow. I'm overwhelmed, really, with emotion.
Christine and John Sellers are beginner preppers, afraid that the collapse of the dollar is just around the corner. Prepping really did bring us together, honestly. Now we think alike, and we know what we're prepared for and where we're headed. So we have to stay together on this. Recently, they have Been looking at ways to up their prepping game and have started to save money to buy an underground bunker. Since John and I became preppers, my priorities have changed. I don't buy clothes. I don't buy pairs of shoes. I don't really care about that kind of stuff. I told my husband, do not buy me jewelry. Do not send me flowers. But despite plans to wait until the spring, John has decided to jump the gun and surprise Christine with her dream shelter. So today, while she is at work, he is going on a shopping spree. They go at about $4,400. Go look at them. Yeah, that's all he means. All right, well, go check them out. You can just follow me. All right. Bunkers have traditionally been an expensive affair, costing upwards of $100,000. Recently, a new product has come on the market that preppers are snapping up as quickly as they can. Yeah, these things are sweet, Jonah.
Shipping containers are used to transport goods across the ocean. They can cost up to $5,000 each, making them more affordable than a concrete bunker. Storage container is all about protecting what you have. We work hard for everything we have and we don't want to lose it all the way. There you go. Piece of cake. Sweet. Yeah. First thing I'm going to have to do is put some shelves in here. There's definitely a big demand for these. This is the third customer that we've had that's told me that they're going to build an underground bunker. Yeah, these are nice, man. The storage container is a perfect place to put some food, maybe a few guns that you can hide in there. And you might have to sleep in that storage container. It's big enough to do it. Because they are built to cross the ocean, shipping containers are durable and watertight, making them attractive building materials for preppers. Yeah. This is going to be a surprise. I want this at the house before the wife comes home. Thanks, man. Showing me around, man. Appreciate it, man. With the deal done, John organizes same day delivery. Scheduled to arrive just an hour before Christine gets home. Sweet. Oh, my goodness gracious. Ah. I bought it, honey. I bought it. Oh, honey. That's your present, honey, for Christmas. Wow. Think you'll get your stuff in there? I'm just like, I'm just. I'm in shock. We're professional preppers with this. We went from the novice maybe to the semi pros. This is beautiful. This is better than a 5 carat diamond ring to me or the Tiffany stone because this is survival. Survival, baby. This is the best you could have ever Done. Really honestly, we need it, right? We need it. It's practical. I'm overwhelmed, really with emotion. Really. Toast. Love you. Love you. You ready? Yeah. Be careful. Wow. Nice, huh? Wow.
The experts, practical preppers, commend you on the amount of preps you have been able to build up in just a year and a half. And your decision to buy a shipping container is a smart investment for the future like that. However, despite your extensive food preps, you must face the reality that they will eventually dwindle. You need a resupply plan in the form of gardening or hunting to see you through a long term crisis. I have hunting skills and I can hunt and do hunt. And also we have seeds and we're going to prepare a garden. As preppers, we know that that's one skill we do lack. We purchased a lot more seeds to make a large garden and we're going to can a lot of the vegetables. That's what our plans are. We hope all the rest of America does the same thing. Do the best you can to get through the hard times that are coming. Jason Day is a furniture repairman who runs a shop on Main street in Miamisburg, Ohio. It's always a new piece of artwork to me, every piece I lay my fingertips on. My mother says, from God's eyes to my fingertips. Jason's lived his whole life in this part of central Ohio. He met his wife here and had his kids here. Each one born on a holiday. She was born on Flag Day, he was born on Valentine's Day, and he was born on New Year's Day. Her last name is Day.
Lately, there's one other day that's become a big part of family life. My dad builds furniture and he prepares for 2012, which is doomsday. If being prepared is crazy, then I'm a crazy man because I'm definitely one of the most prepared people in the world. Because we prep, we've lost cars, we've lost houses, we've taken a real big loss at home. For the past six years, Jason has spent every dollar he's earned from his furniture shop, nearly $100,000 total on prepping for doomsday. My wife, when we first got together, we traveled a lot, went to Disney World, Florida, actually enjoyed ourselves. And now instead of going to Disney World, we'd rather buy a case of dehydrated food or buy a case of water or a couple gas masks, chemical suit, whatever needs to be to get the job done. Jason's wife Tanya works full time in a medical lab to cover all the household bills right now because the world's not coming in. It's kind of bad because I would like to go on vacation and my kids would, too. But if the President of the United States came on the air and said, okay, I need you guys to evacuate now or you're going to die, I know that me and my kids would be just fine.
Devoting half the family's income to prepping is a matter of personal responsibility for Jason. From his storefront on Main street, he believes he's already seeing signs that dark days are coming. Okay, okay. My doomsday scenario is the economy collapsing. 6. Where am I at? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. No, you skipped this one. There's thousands and thousands of people out there without jobs. Dayton, Ohio, is nothing but a manufacturing city. We're not manufacturing nothing. I'm about to give you a good lesson. You know what happens when you work real hard your entire life? You get a lot of money. Someone reaches over and takes it all. Brand new facilities to make vehicles are being shut down, and all those people don't have jobs or gonna be starving. I think we're already on a spiral downhill. Counting on other countries for our resources and our food that could bring death and doom to many people in the United States. Jason is determined to get his whole family through an economic apocalypse. But as his prepping intensifies, are they up for the challenge? Yes. Master is just. I love him, and I know he's prepared.
Furniture repairman Jason Day believes America faces a financial collapse that will end life as we know it. And he's not alone. 51% of Americans believe we might face a catastrophic economic meltdown in the next 25 years. Every great nation has always come to an end. America is just the same way. DJ you know the metal detectors are working. Yeah, they should be. If the dollar does drop, one way to buy food or to buy gear or even just to make it day for day, we'll be trading gold and silver and precious metals. Right Now, I have 1,000 to $2,000 worth of gold and silver. I think we should take the metal detectors out there and see if we can find anything. Jason uses weekends to train his kids to find more gold for the family's doomsday coffers. All the vacations that we have to give up, it's only right that we can do some things fun on the weekend. Make sure he gets a seat belt on. About three years ago, it was a family vacation where we had fun. We did the Indiana Zoo, but it ended up being to where we were prepping to where we went, we looked for rocks and gold. You guys ready to go paying for some gold? Yeah, it was fun. At least we got to go to the zoo. Gold isn't abundant in Ohio, but Jason hopes his family can find enough to help finance their preps.
Wait, wait, wait. Yep, there's something right here. Check it out. We found a quarter a little bit. Stick it down in here, get some fresh water, slosh it around a little bit, and let it go over those cracks. The reason we let it run over those cracks is because gold. Gold weighs more than other minerals, so the gold will get stuck in the cracks. If we had gold and if the economy was to break, I would have some type of bargaining chip. Something to trade for food and something to use for bartering. There's some gold dust right there. There's two specks of gold right there. One there and one there. That's real gold. After hours of prospecting, the days are headed back to town to assess their find. My kids and I have been out prospecting here in centerville, and we think we found a few flakes of gold, and we were just curious on if there was any value to it. Pawn shops like this one have become popular destinations for preppers worried about financial collapse. Many accept precious metals in lieu of cash or even exchange gold and silver for firearms. If you wanted to sell that, we'd go about $6. So what do you think? Hold on to it. Save it, save it, save it, save it. Yeah, I agree with you. Hopefully, the value of it will skyrocket from $6 to something. Painting for gold is really fun, but if I had to keep doing that every day and I could only make $6, that's just not gon be a life goal.
Jason estimates he spends 15 hours a day, seven days a week on prepping activities like looking for gold, buying supplies, or even just window shopping online. For his dream prep a bunker for the whole family. Here's another one that I found. So how much is that? 75,000. Isn't that a price of a house? Yeah, but with the economy going down the way it is, a house isn't going to save us. Tanya supports his passion, but it has meant some adjustments. His time prepping. He's not at home as much, so I think I miss him more, and I think the kids do, too. Yeah, she's a good girl. It's just I love him, and I know he's prepared. I just really do know if anything were to happen, we'd be fine. Really. That's why he does what he does. Really.
Jason would do anything to keep the people he loves safe. I don't want to see my kids go through hell. If America faces a catastrophic economic collapse, his first action will be to bring his family to his store where he has enough supplies to sustain them for the first two to six months of expected chaos. A lot of the doomsday preps that I do have, I don't necessarily want to keep it at home in their face all the time. I want them to have a happy childhood. Kids Gas mask drills. Every one of my kids is suited and fitted for a gas mask. Jason has invested over $2,000 in gas masks, including M25s developed by the military to protect tank drivers from chemical attacks. If we do go into an economic collapse with police going against all the people rioting and gas being thrown, that you might have to use something like that to protect yourself. Hey, you guys know the drill? On your mark, get set, go. If chemical weapons were deployed on Main street, effects could be felt within 30 seconds. Where? It's gonna be loose. Look, look. It's loose. It's loose, it's loose. There you go. And stop. 23.7 seconds. Good job. Going through the gas mask drills with daddy is just a good time. And having fun hanging out with me when you tap her. You're good.
You're good. There's like a straw in there. And it just kept getting in my mouth and then it kept fogging up. It was just not pleasant. But I know that one day I'm gonna have to put them on. And it's good that I know how to put them on. You're good. There's rides. This is the difference between life and death. Let me take yours. Give me five. You did it, buddy. I never expected that a five year old would be able to take a gas mask, disassemble it, put it back together, put filters on it, and wear it. And my little boy can do that. The days will practice this drill multiple times this afternoon until Jason is sure that everyone has it right. J. Tyler, put your mask on. Get rid of the chess game. I'm gonna throw in the garbage. Come on, bubby. Jason has his whole family training for doomsday. But when it comes time to bug out, you don't wanna go down. You sure? They might not all be on board. I don't think your mom will be coming with us.
Furniture repairman Jason Day believes that the American economy is headed for disaster. He fears a catastrophic financial Collapse will start in 2012 and end life as we know it. Many preppers spend hours researching bug out locations near and far. Jason has one option. Eight miles from home, his furniture shop on Main Street. Let's go over here and take a look at some of this stuff. Make sure we got everything we need, see if there's anything we need to add to it. Customers don't know that Jason has turned his store into a fully equipped prepping complex. $5,000 worth of preps are hidden here, and the back room can serve as a makeshift field hospital if chaos leads to casualties. Medical supplies is very important because when you are on a bug out situation, if people don't have shelter, they're going to try to get in your shelter. If you're trying to defend yourself, you're definitely going to have people who are going to get injured. This is a tourniquet. It's set up so that if your arm gets blown off, you can use it one handed. Tighten it here to stop the blood flow. Radiation pills, very important. These patches right here. Use this here in case someone gets shot in the chest. When the economy collapses and we can't count on hospitals and things like that, if. If my kids don't know how to survive, they're gonna drag us down. We have these IVs, so if someone's dying of lack of blood, you can go ahead and hook them up with this to help save their life. Would you like to test out IVs with each other? Sure, baby. You can go first.
IV or intravenous fluid therapy is often used to stabilize trauma victims on the battlefield. Jason wants the whole family to feel comfortable inserting one. Do you know what a vein feels like? It's bouncy and spongy. Feel it right there. All right. No, I want you to feel it first. Feel that. Ready? Ow. I can't believe you just stuck me. It's all right. I just wanted to show you that I could do it. Yes, if I could put an IV in you. Are you saving my life or trying to kill me? preppers usually prefer isolated bug out locations away from people. But Jason's store on Main street is highly visible. He hopes he can turn this light liability into an advantage. If desperate people try to flee the city after an economic collapse, Jason and his family can head for its center and hide in plain sight in the shop's basement. When hits the fan, I want to be underground because it's more secure. People can't see you, and if they don't know you're There, your chances of surviving just went up 100%.
Going underground is Jason's ultimate survival plan. His family can effectively disappear here, safe from becoming targets for the unprepared, and with easy access to all the town's infrastructure. Is it underground today? We sure are, buddy. I don't want to go downstairs. It's scary. But before Jason can rely on bugging out under his shop, he wants to make sure his family is mentally prepared. My kids say that they're ready to live underground if need be, but I don't think anybody can answer that question really until it's time. People lose their minds being underground. We like to have weekend trials where we'll go underground, hang out with each other, and find out who's going to flip out and who's not. You don't want to go down? You sure? All right, then. I love you. You go first. Be careful.
One benefit Jason sees to his basement turned bunker is its single entry point. If someone attacks you and they only have one door to get through, it'd be a lot easier to protect your building than if they could come through a wall or go through a roof. What happens if there's spiders and mice, but they only nibble for a little bit and you'll be all right? What are we doing down here? I'll go ahead and set the tarp up. What's the first thing we need to be able to cook these dehydrated food? Chicken teriyaki with rice or scrambled eggs with bacon. Scrambled eggs with bacon. Part of acclimating to life underground is adjusting to a post doomsday diet. So what we would do is we would boil this water. I went ahead and I heated it up for us before we got down here. Jason is serving his kids freeze dried food, a prepper staple because it's compact, lightweight, and keeps for years. I'm going to go ahead and close this up and let the hot water and the steam do its job. He believes they may be eating it for up to six months after an economic collapse.
When we do live underground, do you think mom and JT are ever going to come down here? Well, yeah, sure I do. I think JT will definitely be with us. Your mom? I hope not. What about Grandma and Grandpa? No Grandma and Grandpa. Majority of the older people in the world will not be coming with. There's not anything I wouldn't do to try to save my family or, you know, to make sure that they were going to eat. How's it taste? Not bad. It's actually pretty good. Try it. All right, here's the thing, you guys, okay? If something happens to us and we really have to go underground, J, Tyler and your mom may not want to go, but when they see that it's the only choice that they have and their family is going with, they'll probably be with us. It's easy for somebody to say right now that they don't believe or they don't want to be a survivalist. When hits the fan, they'll be there. I think we should clean up and get out of here. Actually, I have a better idea. I say we pull out the sleeping bags and stay down here tonight. Are you serious? Yeah, I'm serious. Let's give it a shot. Listen, I know that this isn't gonna be no piece of cake, but by the time doomsday rolls around, you guys will be pros at it and we'll be all right. I'm gonna go shut the door. I'll be right back.
People ask me all the time, what if you're wasting your time? Let me ask you, what if I'm not wasting my time? And what if you're about to starve to death or your kids are about to starve to death? I've got family members who get mad at me and come up to me like, hey, Jay, you gonna take us in the bunker with you? Let's think about that. If I prepared my entire life, if I start pulling people in there with me who never prepared a day in their life, I'm just gonna kill the people I prepared for Jason, the experts, practical preppers, believe you have the basics of survival covered with your food and medical supplies. However, getting your whole family on board with a bug out plan is highly recommended. Leaving a family member behind could make an emergency situation more stressful for your children. My wife says she doesn't want to go underground, and we tease about it all the time. But when she hits the fan, she'll be there.
Economics, Survival, Culture, Finance, Motivation, Leadership, National Geographic