The video features an entertaining conversation with Scarlett Johansson, delving into her experiences with fame and her intriguing habits with fans, especially regarding her unique way of dealing with public recognition and stares from people she encounters in public spaces. The conversation highlights how Johansson navigates the challenges and oddities that accompany being an international star.

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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:

1. infatuated [ɪnˈfætʃueɪtɪd] - (adjective) - Possessing an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something. - Synonyms: (enamored, smitten, obsessed)

And I become so infatuated with how they're staring.

2. maniacal [məˈnaɪəkəl] - (adjective) - Exhibiting extremely wild or violent behavior. - Synonyms: (frantic, frenzied, hysterical)

It's a maniacal statement. I stare at people like this.

3. nerdfest [nɜːrdˌfɛst] - (noun) - An informal gathering or event full of people who are knowledgeable or passionate about technical or academic subjects. - Synonyms: (geek convention, tech celebration, brainiac gathering)

I'm just curious, you hear about, is that just a nerdfest?

4. juicy couture [ˈdʒuːsi kuːˈtʊr] - (noun) - A fashion line known for their casual and trendy sportswear, often featuring velour tracksuits. - Synonyms: (fashion brand, clothing line, apparel company)

I wore kind of like a, you know, juicy couture sweatsuit.

5. controversial [ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃəl] - (adjective) - Giving rise to public disagreement; likely to cause debate. - Synonyms: (debatable, contentious, disputed)

Some people find it to be kind of controversial.

6. fantastical [fænˈtæstɪkəl] - (adjective) - Characterized by fantasy or imagination, highly improbable or unrealistic. - Synonyms: (fanciful, imaginative, whimsical)

Although it takes it to kind of a fantastical level.

7. cloning [ˈkləʊnɪŋ] - (noun) - The process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals. - Synonyms: (replication, reproduction, duplicating)

I guess it deals with human cloning, although it takes it to kind of a fantastical level

8. infatuated [ɪnˈfætʃuːˌeɪtɪd] - (adjective) - Possessing an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something. - Synonyms: (enamored, smitten, obsessed)

And I become so infatuated with how they're staring.

9. contamination [kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃən] - (noun) - The presence of a foreign polluting or poisonous substance. - Synonyms: (pollution, impurity, adulteration)

The life you think you had before the contamination never happened

10. imprints [ˈɪmprɪnts] - (noun) - A mark or outline of something impressed or stamped. - Synonyms: (stamps, marks, impresses)

No memory imprints.

Scarlett Johansson Likes To Stare - Late Night with Conan O’Brien

Ow. You look fantastic. That color. You've got so much color going on. I love your hair. And those cool dice. Yeah, there's some, I guess so. They're my iced ice. Iced ice. Very cool. I can't get away with bling like that. When I try things like that, people just hit me really hard in the face. Let me see. Speaking of your face. Wow. You could slice bread or deli meat with that.

Because if you had been watching the show earlier, I said something very similar. No, thank you very much for being here. It's very cool to see, but you've been coming here for a number of years, and we've just watched you become this huge star. Actually, my first paid job was on this show. That's right. Yes. Believe it or not, I was eight years old, and I was on a skit. That's right. You did a skit. It's just hard to believe that I'm 69 years old.

We've seen you over the years. We literally. We have this pride. She's done so well. She's done great. I hope that it's not been weird for you to become so famous. I heard that when people stare at you, you actually like to stare back. A lot of celebrities get stared at. But you have a habit of staring back at people that stare at you. No, I mean, I don't.

I do. I have a bit of a staring problem. I mean, it's not really. It's just only occasionally. You mean, if someone. It's not a problem, necessarily, but it's like, if somebody is staring at me, I can't help but notice how they're staring. I guess I find myself staring back. And that would be, I would think, if someone's looking at you. Because people kind of objectify celebrities, you know, when you go into a public place, like an airport or something, you know, I do the same thing.

It's part of the problem is that, you know, you go into an airport, you see somebody recognizable, and you kind of stare. Oh, wow. The public, you know, celebrity. In a public place. But it's the way people stare. Like, how they try not to stare, but they do. I become so infatuated with how they're staring. That it blows my cover completely. So that's weird. So they look over and they see you, and then shortly afterwards, you're just, I'm staring back, and then they just freak out. Then they stop staring, and I'm still staring after them.

And then they call the police. Then you find out their home number and start calling them. That must be, I mean, it must be strange. Some guys must think, wow, Scarlett Johansson's really into me until I'm staring at me. It's a maniacal statement. I stare at people like this. When they stare at me. They're like, oh, an odd clown.

Now, you've been asked to do a lot of cool things, but one thing I'm really curious about is that you hosted the technical oscars. Yes. The scientific and technical words last year. Is that just, I mean, I'm just curious, you hear about, is that just a nerdfest? I mean, not to put anybody down, but is that a lot of people, I mean, they're there for designing weird things.

They've designed all kinds of technical equipment. It's basically eleven of them. We met in my living room and just kind out really, where do you have the technical oscars? They were, you know, they were at some kind of function, and people just kind of show up, then I have to present these things that I have no idea what they are. Everybody in the, you know, so I'll make some kind of technological joke, I guess they've written for me, and everybody's.

And hysterical about it, you know, she said a four byte processor has 9gb. That kind of thing. Yeah. You rascal. Do people get dressed up for the technical oscars? Or. Yeah. Where they're sort of, I wore kind of like a, you know, juicy couture sweatsuit, and people kind of show up in their stained, you know, shirts and they spent a lot of time with, you know, with instruments and tools, so nobody gets too fancy. Right, right. It's a big night out for everybody. Exactly. They switch their, no, everybody's very, it's formal kind of wear and, you know, they all get dolled up and whatever.

It's still an Oscar, though. That must be cool. Well, they let you cold. You know. The reason how they get celebrities to host it is that the fact that you can hold the oscars for some time, you know, for the night. Right. And kind of, you know, do movements with them and sort of. Yeah. You ever tempted to take one? If I just saw a whole bunch of oscars, I'd be so tempted just to take one. I had a hard time giving them away. Like, I'd be like, oh, here you go. Here's your Oscar. And they would take it, and I would kind of give it.

Go with my Oscar. Foul woman. All right, now let's talk about this. I think this is very neat, but it's movie The Island, which we'll talk about in just a second. There's a lot of action in this movie, and I would think in your line of work, you get to kind of handle weapons when you're in an action. Are you comfortable, like, around guns? Is it something that you're happy doing? Are you something? Do you have one under the desk or something? I've never been more disappointed in an audience. You people sicken me. Oh, no, I can't. I don't.

I'm not a gun person myself, you know, I had to learn how to do. I did weapons training and that kind of thing, you know? And it's amazing how powerful you feel with a fully automatic glock in your hand. Is that the one you like, the Glock? That's a pretty light. That's a light one. It's a light gun. A lot of people like it. I think it's plastic or something. I know, yeah. It's a kind of easy one to hold onto, except for when you're actually operating it. Then it kind of starts to shoot up. That would be the problem. That's why I've never been asked to do an action movie.

That and a million other things. But when they slowed it down and had me firing, my face would be closed. My face would be like, you know, I would be blinking every time it shot and, like, looking away and wincing. It's hard to get used to it. It's a lot of power. But, I mean, it's definitely a good conversation piece. I mean, when you just meet somebody, you want to put it out there maybe if it. But, you know, guns. Yeah, yeah, something like that. That's cool. And also probably frightening to some people. You never know. Takes all types.

Now, in this movie, The Island, this is kind of neat. I don't want to give anything away. It's when I want to make sure I don't give away too much. But it's a very cool idea for a film. It's a sort of. Well, some people find it to be kind of controversial. I guess it deals with human cloning, although it takes it to a fantastical level. But I saw it for the first time last night and I found myself really disturbed by some of it. And it's beautifully shot. And it's a, you know, of course, it's got all the Michael Bay huge explosions and everything people are really into. So it's a trip.

And we have a clip here. And I think, I don't want to, again, give anything away, but Ewan McGregor are clones, and this is kind of. But you don't know that you're clones. This is when we first. This is when we. Right after we. We've just found out exactly what we are. You know, we think we're just like everyone else. We've just found out that the earth has not really been contaminated. So that's kind of out of the way. And now we're finding out that we are actually clones of wealthy human beings. And you think you've had a past life, but that was just a memory that was implanted in you.

Exactly. It's a neat idea. Let's take a look at this clip from The Island. I have a mother. I remember her. Yeah, I know. I grew up on a farm. I have a little dog and I had a bike. A bike, right. It was a pink flexi flyer with little tassels on the handlebars. And you rode it up the street to your grandmother's house. You ring the little bell and she came out and served you cookies on a hot plate. No memory imprints. I seen him. A buddy of mine is a programmer at the institute. He showed me there's only like twelve stories. They change around little details. They're all pretty much the same. The life you think you had before the contamination never happened.

Hollywood, Interview, Celebrity, Inspiration, Motivation, Science, Conan O'Brien