Doctor Nishta begins with an inquiry about familiarity with platforms like Netflix and utilizes it as an analogy for revolutionizing the education system through personalization. Highlighting Netflix's use of algorithms to anticipate viewer preferences, she envisions a similar approach within education to understand students' interests and strengths, thereby making learning more engaging and adaptive. Her own observations from traditional schooling underline the necessity for a diverse, student-centric educational model.

She narrates personal experiences, particularly mentioning her daughter Alina, who excels in math and science but finds traditional lectures monotonous and unengaging. This underscores her advocacy for hands-on, project-based learning. Doctor Nishta argues for an educational paradigm shift towards personalized and adaptive learning, powered by technology and AI, to cater to individual preferences and learning styles, akin to how Netflix tailors content recommendations.

Main takeaways from the video:

Personalized education can uplift students by addressing their unique strengths and weaknesses
Key drivers for personalized learning include adaptive platforms, AI, data-driven insights, and microlearning.
Personalized education promotes paced learning, individual interests, and lifelong learning, similar to Netflix’s personalized content suggestions.
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:

1. revolutionized [ˌrɛvəˈluːʃənaɪzd] - (verb) - To completely change something, often in a way that improves it. - Synonyms: (transformed, reformed, altered)

Isn't it amazing to see that? How it has just revolutionized the entire thing?

2. algorithm [ˈælgəˌrɪðəm] - (noun) - A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end. - Synonyms: (procedure, formula, process)

They actually check it out on the basis of algorithm and data.

3. monotonous [məˈnɑːtənəs] - (adjective) - Lacking in variety and interest; tedious because of sameness. - Synonyms: (tedious, boring, dull)

She gets bored up in monotonous classes and boring lectures of teacher, to be honest.

4. holistic [hoʊˈlɪstɪk] - (adjective) - Relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than with individual parts. - Synonyms: (comprehensive, all-inclusive, integrated)

And this helps in developing a holistic curriculum, personalized curriculum for the students that can help them.

5. adaptive [əˈdæptɪv] - (adjective) - Able to adjust to new conditions. - Synonyms: (accommodating, flexible, adjustable)

adaptive learning platform, which can help, a platform that can develop the content for the students.

6. engagement [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt] - (noun) - The act of being involved with or participating in something. - Synonyms: (involvement, participation, commitment)

It is personalized syllabus curriculum for each and every individual, based on their interests, based on their strengths, based on their engagement

7. matrix [ˈmeɪtrɪks] - (noun) - An environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding medium or structure. - Synonyms: (framework, grid, network)

It will give you matrices, it will give you data, insights based on Aih.

8. insights [ˈɪnˌsaɪts] - (noun) - A deep understanding of a person or thing. - Synonyms: (understanding, perception, awareness)

They are using your personalized data insights and then curating content for you, curating stories, the best of the shows, the movies that you would like to listen

9. gauge [ɡeɪdʒ] - (verb) - To measure or determine the amount, level, or volume of something. - Synonyms: (measure, assess, evaluate)

We can gauge into students interest, we can gauge into insights of the students, what are their weaknesses, what are their strengths.

10. curiosity [ˌkjʊriˈɑːsɪti] - (noun) - A strong desire to know or learn something. - Synonyms: (inquisitiveness, interest, eagerness)

Inspire curiosity. You should be always curious to know more about it.

The Rise of Personalized Education - Nishtha Tyagi - TEDxSISTec Bhopal

A very warm good morning, everyone. I'm Doctor Nishta. And let me ask you one simple question. That how many of you have been using Netflix or any other OTT platform? I can vouch on that. That many of them might be using Netflix. How many are using. See, I can just gauge into it had such an immense audience, and the majority of the audience is using Netflix and OTT platforms. And isn't it amazing to see that? How it has just revolutionized the entire thing? Like how Netflix already know what we would like to see, what would we like to watch even before even we need to know it, right? They actually check it out on the basis of algorithm and data.

So. And just imagine if our education system worked the same way. What if the education system worked in the same way with personalized learning? If they already know that, what exactly is our favorite subject? Which subject should we focus on? What are our strengths? What are our weaknesses? Wouldn't it make education more creative and fun? I'm sure it will be. Right now, I would just like to share one of my experience. Like when I was a tiny little girl and used to go to school and we were all taught these subjects, math, science, physics, chemistry, bio. All subjects, right? Same teacher used to teach us in the same class with the same pace at the same time. Right? But there is a problem. Now, what is the problem? The problem is that if we go and watch one single movie, does everyone enjoys that movie? No. Some like drama, some like comedy, some like fiction, some like thrillers, some like romance. Right?

So when it comes to movie, and everyone has got a different taste, then how can we expect the students to like the same subject and study at the same pace? Right? Some of the students might enjoy the traditional method of studies and traditional method of curriculum, but not most of them. So education should be personalized. The learning should be personalized. And with my own story, like my daughter Alina, she's a very bright child, very good in maths and science, but she struggles with the traditional system of education. She gets bored up in monotonous classes and boring lectures of teacher, to be honest. And I'm sure that most of you would agree on that, because we also does, right?

And just imagine if she is good in project based learning, if she is good in hands on training, if she is good in hands on projects and real world application kind of a scenario, then if we make education, if we customize education, if we make the learning more personalized, based on their skills, based on their interests, based on their preferences, based on what a student can do best in the their lives. Wouldn't it be so amazing? It will be, right? So this is what I just want you all to imagine and give it a thought that if education system and if learnings can be personalized like Netflix, and gives you recommendation of your favorite subjects, like they give you recommendation of your favorite shows and movies, what to watch next? Wouldn't it make education system and the learnings more interesting and fun? It will.

Right now, when education is evolving with technology, it is also advancing with it, right? We are learning and we are learning new ways of teaching with technology, with the advent of AI and so many other things, right? So I will be just sharing four key driving factors that can help making personalized learning more fun. Because what is Netflix doing? Right. They are using your personalized data insights and then curating content for you, curating stories, the best of the shows, the movies that you would like to listen. And the same way we can do with personalized education. Personalized learning, right. How the data can be used based on the interest of the students. The data can be used, can be used in order to check out the pattern of their learning, what are their weaknesses, and accordingly, it can be structured.

So these are the four important key drivers, I would say, that are must for personalized education. adaptive learning platform, which can help, a platform that can develop the content for the students, which can be, you know, which can be easily tweaked, easily can be changed based on the difficulty level, based on the pattern of students learning. Then we can have AI in education. We have been talking about AI and AI is the buzz of the town. Everyone is talking about AI. And when it comes to education, how AI can be used. We can gauge into students interest, we can gauge into insights of the students, what are their weaknesses, what are their strengths, on what all subjects are students engaging more. And accordingly, we can plan personalized curriculum and personalized syllabus for them.

Then data driven insights. Obviously, when we are talking about AI, we are talking about data, we are talking about insights. And this helps in developing a holistic curriculum, personalized curriculum for the students that can help them. And that can also help educate educationist to mentor and plan their entire syllabus and curriculum based on that. And also, micro learnings are so, so important. One of the key drivers why? Because we are living in the era of Instagram where the attention span is hardly for 30 seconds, right? We are living in the world of reels and the time just weighs away. We really don't have any idea about it, right? So if we create some kind of a short content for the students based on their interest of subjects, like mini episodes that are available on Netflix or short mini reels, kind of a thing, on those educational platforms, it would really help them, and it would also personalize their educational plan.

Now, when we are talking about already the key drivers that are so important to make this personalized education like Netflix, because Netflix already knows that what next you want to watch and which is your favorite movie and which is your favorite show, and it automatically cues you to that level. And this is how we can also personalize our education. Now, here are top five, you know, key takeaways that I'll be giving you from today's session. And if you are a student, if you are a professional, or if you are academician, or if you are a lifelong learner, it is for everyone, it is for every one of you that you need to know that how personalized education like Netflix can change the world. And that is the future.

That is the future that I am talking about. So, see, when we are talking about personalized education, there are two key aspects to it that why. Why it is so important to have personalization in education. It is so important to uplift these students and to nurture their strengths, to understand where are they lacking to keep them engaged. Because half of the students get bored in the boring lectures and classes, right? And the traditional methods of learning, we are already done with. So this will help us engage in this. And also, these five key takeaways will help you that why it is so important. Why it is so important that personalized education. Education is the future of the country because it gives you the power to choose. I repeat again, it gives you the power to choose, because you can choose like you can select which are your favorite subjects.

It is not forced on you based on the syllabus. It is personalized syllabus curriculum for each and every individual, based on their interests, based on their strengths, based on their engagement. So, number one, learn at your own pace. If you develop a curriculum like Netflix, your personalized learning platform, it gives you a pace, it gives you to learn at your own time. Right? How does that help? Because in generic classes, whenever we are attending the classes and the bell rings, and you are done, right? With a hint of a bell, even I was hearing here. So once the bella rings the syllabus, the class is done. Now, when we are personalizing the syllabus, when we are personalizing the learning, what is happening? Students are learning at their own pace.

They are learning when they are ready. They are learning when they are ready from here. So it is really, really important for all of us to understand that we need to learn at our own pace. And it definitely helps in that. Second, is tailored your strengths and interest. You can easily tailor your strength and your interest based on the insights and the data that you get from the analytics and from the AI that you are using, right? So that you can engage with the audience that much. And also the curriculum for the students would be more personalized and of their own interest.

Instant feedback for continuous development. It will always give you. Because in the traditional method of education, you always get a laid back feedback, right. The feedback is generally very slow and a monotonous process. But when in the personalized learning, the feedback you are getting instantly, like when you watch Netflix, any of the movies, you can just check out from the history that on what all shows or on what all movies, were you paying more attention on the. And how much time did you spend on each of it? Right. Accordingly, the analysis can be made on the basis of your favorite subjects and the choice of your subject and curriculum can be planned.

Number fourth is more engagement and less boredom. Yes. So how many of you would agree on that? That, you know, we at times feel very disinterested in the class and disengaged in the class. I mean, I would vouch on that because I used to feel very disinterested in my history class. I hope my history teacher is not watching this, but yes, and that is a true reality, right. We all feel at times disinterested in the class. Now, how to keep students, how to keep even lifelong learners engaged in the class. So this is how personalized learning will help you. It will come into picture because it will help you, it will give you engagement rates, it will give you matrices, it will give you data, insights based on Aih.

And accordingly, you can plan the curriculum, accordingly, you can plan the learning graph of each of the students. Now, lifelong learning is made easy. Now, be it, if you are a student, if you are a professional, if you are academician or anyone, we all are students at the end. And learning is a vicious circle. It never stops like it happens in Netflix. Whenever you are watching any of the shows, whenever you are watching any of the movies, there is always next suggestions what next to watch, there is always a cue that is lined up. So even if you are done with your schooling, even if you are done with your graduation or pg, it will always give you suggestions to upskill, to binge watching your favorite subjects, to keep reskilling. Yourself. And then it will give you the power. It will give you the power to stay ahead.

And this is why it is so important that we need to personalize education, like Netflix. And just imagine a scenario. Just imagine some of your favorite subjects, be it any of the subjects, math, science, physics, chemistry, any subjects. And just think of it that if you are given a choice, that you can learn that subject at your own time, at your own pace, at the own kind of a methodology and the learning pattern that you wish to do, wouldn't it make education so much fun and so creative? And you would just love that subject. You will just get glued to it. You will just enjoy learning about it, right?

So that is the beauty. Because it is giving you power to choose. It is giving you power that you can select your favorite subject and then you can go ahead with it. And also, when I talk about education and you are personalizing education, education should always inspire. Inspire curiosity. You should be always curious to know more about it. It should not be that when you are done with the subject, when you are done with the class, it is done and dusted. No. Education is a vicious circle. It is a never ending process. So it should always generate curiosity within you.

And with personalized learning, it is giving you an environment to adapt, to tailor your curriculum. And you can also engage in the subject. Get glued into it. Now, I will leave all of you with one thought. The thought is that embrace education. That it is not one size fit for all. Not at all. It is not one size fit for all. It is different for each and every individual. I might like maths. You might hate it. Some might like science, others might hate it. So it is a personal journey and we need to embrace, raise it. And it is not one size fit for all.

So let's make personalized education, like Netflix recommendation, your own curated learning journey. And education should be fun, should be creative, and should be a vice circle. Thank you so much.

Education, Technology, Innovation, Adaptive Learning, Personalized Education, Ai In Education, Tedx Talks