The video is centered around a series of intense and witty exchanges between characters involved in legal and personal power dynamics. It captures the tensions and strategies of high-stakes legal battles, featuring sharp dialogue, negotiations, and the intricate maneuvers of corporate law in practice. The narrative underscores the importance of strategic thinking and personal influence in legal settings.

The charismatic and sometimes confrontational interactions highlight the intricate nature of legal battles and how personal relationships and negotiations play crucial roles in outcomes. The characters are depicted as sharp, witty, and sometimes ruthless, well-prepared to use their legal prowess and street smarts. Professional and personal lines sometimes blur as characters navigate complex situations involving clients, colleagues, and opponents.

Main takeaways from the video:

The importance of understanding both legal facts and the psychology of opponents in legal success.
Personal relationships and influence can significantly impact legal proceedings and outcomes.
Strategic communication and negotiation skills are vital in high-stakes environments.
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:

1. consigliere [kənsɪɡˈljɛːreɪ] - (noun) - An advisor or counselor, especially to a leader or head of an organization. - Synonyms: (advisor, counselor, consultant)

I'm not just a lawyer to Jerome, okay? I'm more like Robert Duvall and the Godfather. He's consigliere.

2. perjure [ˈpɜːrdʒər] - (verb) - To deliberately lie or provide false testimony under oath. - Synonyms: (lie under oath, falsify, mislead)

So you're gonna perjure yourself just to win this case?

3. retainer [rɪˈteɪnər] - (noun) - A fee paid to retain services, typically by a lawyer, ensuring future availability. - Synonyms: (advance, prepayment, deposit)

The first thing your friends upstairs are gonna ask you for is a big, fat retainer.

4. espionage [ˈɛspiəˌnɑːʒ] - (noun) - The practice of spying or using spies to obtain secret information. - Synonyms: (spying, intelligence, surveillance)

I know the level you guys play at. espionage happens all the time.

5. subpoena [səˈpiːnə] - (noun) - A legal order requiring an individual to attend a court proceeding as a witness or to present documents. - Synonyms: (summons, court order, writ)

Hey, Donna, can you show me how to fill out a subpoena?

6. chattel [ˈtʃætəl] - (noun) - A personal possession; historically, it referred to tangible property other than land. - Synonyms: (property, possession, asset)

You can't bet me like I'm chattel, Lewis.

7. mocking [ˈmɑːkɪŋ] - (verb) - To ridicule or make fun of someone or something. - Synonyms: (ridicule, deride, taunt)

No, I'm just mocking you.

8. stonewall [ˈstoʊnˌwɔːl] - (verb) - To delay or obstruct a person, request, or process by refusing to answer questions or cooperate. - Synonyms: (obstruct, stall, hinder)

You try to stonewall me, you'll be out on the street in less than a week.

9. gloat [ɡloʊt] - (verb) - To take pleasure in one's own success or another's misfortune in a boastful manner. - Synonyms: (boast, brag, show off)

I can't even gloat. Gloating's fine.

10. devious [ˈdiːvɪəs] - (adjective) - Showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals. - Synonyms: (cunning, crafty, sly)

Kyle is cocky and devious.

Harvey Specter Being a Badass | SEASON 1 | Suits

I'm sorry? You say the bets to me, Harvey. When are you gonna leave Pearson? Work for a man? I'll leave Jessica anytime you want. You just have to formally ask. And then after that, why don't you formally ask Santa Claus to bring you a pony? Cause I'm not leaving Jessica. I check.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm terribly sorry, but we have a problem. What problem? We came down here because you led us to believe that your client was ready to accept our settlement agreement, and I thought he would. Look, I took him the offer. I presented it to him and recommended that he take it. In fact, I urged him to take it. You know what he told me to do? He told me to tell you to shove it up your ass.

Wait a minute. I thought you didn't get emotionally attached to the client. I'm emotionally attached to me. Look, I made a bet that this company would grow and my billables would grow with it. We're holding a pair of aces, and this asshole is trying to fold. So what are you gonna do? I'm not gonna do anything. You're gonna go through those bylaws, and you're gonna find me a way to get rid of Robert Stenzler.

No, no, no. I have to go see my grandmother. Uh uh. Is she dying? No, cancel on her. Do you remember that whole getting it thing I was talking to you about? I can't even gloat. Gloating's fine. You just have to not suck at it.

Okay. Thank you so much. It hurt. He's not dying. He lost his job. He has to look for another one, which, if he hadn't chosen to fight for his company in the first place, would have happened anyway. Now show me that you get it. Go back through those bylaws again and see if you missed anything. Okay. I don't have to look through them to figure it out, because I just did.

Well, what took you so long trying to look like me? I'm so sorry. Yeah, never answer your phone in front of a client. But it's you. Just because I don't have a fancy degree doesn't mean you get to come into my house and order me around. You go whine to Morello, and I'll knock you on your ass at the pussy.

You are the. Well, Sam, I'm sorry that you feel that way, but I've been working for your boss, Dean Morello, for a very long time, and let me tell you something. You try to stonewall me, you'll be out on the street in less than a week. As for the other stuff, do I think that I'm smarter than you? You're damn right I do. But if you think that means that I can't kick your ass up and down this floor, take a swing and see what happens. I didn't think so.

That was amazing. He was like. He was Mister T. And you were rocky, but, like, not Rocky at the beginning when he's all scared of Mister T, but at the end, he's all like, give it you guys shot. You know, Adrian, yes, that's funny. But you might want to wipe that grin off your face. What? Why? Because without those trades, we don't have shit, and your little girlfriend's gonna rot in jail.

By the way, you gotta work on your stallone. You need a lower register. That was an incredible stallone. I've been doing that since I was a kid. You can't touch it. Food in your mouth. No, I swallow it. There's food in your mouth area. That's disgusting. You have the trades? Ta da. Good. Hey, when can we. I'm not just a lawyer to Jerome, okay? I'm more like Robert Duvall and the Godfather. He's consigliere.

Okay. What? Nothing. Just, if you're his Robert Duvall, you're coming to me. So technically, I'm your Robert Duvall. You're my Fredo. I win, I get Mike. You can't bet me like I'm chattel, Lewis. Not like he's gonna win. One month. Ten days. Harvey. Two weeks. Nine days, Harvey. All right, you know what? Fine. Ten days. And in return? Well, that's tough. Cause anything you have, I wouldn't want.

You're gonna bet me for nothing? One thing. If you get into trouble, don't play the case. Play the man. What are you talking about? Good lawyers worry about facts. Great lawyers worry about their opponents. Kyle is cocky and devious. Figure out a way to use that against him. Okay. Anything else? Kick this head out. They killed Jill, and they are out there laughing their asses off. Knock it off.

Come here. Get off of him. We tried. Let's go, yosexual. Give me out. Let's go, yosexual. Get me out. What'd just happen? I just bought his 48 hours. Uh, hey, Donna, can you show me how to fill out a subpoena? Absolutely. And after that, do you want me to show you how to wipe your ass? It's funny, because you should already know how to do both those things. Ah, yeah, that's hilarious.

What's that? That's my suit. Guy go in, tell him I sent you, and spend some money. What does it matter how much money I spent on suits? These people respond to how we're dressed. So, like it or not, this is what you have to do. That's weird, you giving me advice. Sounds like you actually care about me. I don't. You're a reflection of me, and I absolutely care about me. So get your skinny tie out of my face and get to work.

Lewis, I apologize. I was out of line. Now, if you'll just let me text your pretend wife that I just made senior partner, I. What? Too far? Come on. She doesn't even exist. How is that nice? It's not mean, Lois. Come on, Lois. Just messing around with you. You're fired. What? Effective immediately. You're gonna fire me because of this? I hope you're happy. Cause without me, this hedge fund's nothing. I'll be happy when the Department of Justice puts your ass in handcuffs.

Enjoy your freedom, Bert, because they're coming for you. And since you're a bigger trophy than Gabrielle Stone, you're gonna get a whole lot more than eleven months before I make a move, I need to know everything about how this guy operates. Right. For his Wikipedia page. You think the Mavericks didn't watch game film on LeBron before they played the heat? You're Harvey Spector. You don't need to watch game film. Do you know who's watched more game film than anybody? No, who? Michael Jordan.

How do you know that? You don't believe me? Let's call him. You have Michael Jordan's phone number? Yep. If I hit this button right here, I call Michael Jordan. It's kind of how a phone works. Speed dial 23. I'm doing it. Go for it. I'm gonna ask him about baseball. Do not ask him about baseball. Yeah. Wrong. Wrong number.

You're kidding me. Oh, my God. Who are you? Just say, I know the level you guys play at. espionage happens all the time. Which is why I know you'll do anything to protect your secrets. Well, actually, Joe spina of 25 60 Clover Lane, Astoria, Queens, I think we all would like those tax returns you filed jointly for the last six years while no longer living with your wife. You know the IR's can destroy you for that.

You think you're the first person to try to extort me, Joe? Because that's the level I play at now. You're a security guard, likes to take risks. I like that. Here's what we're gonna do. This here's a generous donation to Joey Junior. S little League team. Now, if it gets to them, it gets to them. If it doesn't, it doesn't. The next time we talk, it's gonna be me who wants a favor. The first thing your friends upstairs are gonna ask you for is a big, fat retainer. And when you tell them that Harvey Spector's the one who's suing you, you're gonna watch the color drain from their faces.

Now, what would you like to do? So you're gonna perjure yourself just to win this case? No, I'm not gonna perjure myself. Even if I were, it wouldn't be just to win this case be to get your ass thrown in jail. See, you have power of attorney, and you're gonna accept this settlement. $2 million a plaintiff. You're gonna take it, and you and that shit eating grin are gonna fly back to Boston and never come back to my town again.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to his DNA. So you finally gonna go after him and Matt Bailey? I'm not a prosecutor anymore. And what the hell are you here for? I want you to let me represent you. You think I'm gonna trust you after what you did to me? I don't see anyone else lining up to get your ass out of here. No, you don't get to tell me. It's one way in court and another out here. You can't prove it. You don't know anything. Well, you broke the law. Tell yourself whatever you want. I'll tell myself I got an innocent man out, and I put two guilty ones in. Then I'll close my eyes, and I'll sleep like a baby.

Now ask yourself something. Are you gonna let Jessica Pearson play the big game for you? Hmm? What's so funny? I'm just thinking about how I'm gonna enjoy kicking your ass. I'll see you in court. No, I don't. No, I don't. We were here this time. We won't be here next time. Next time? What would have happened if you were to kill me this time? Well, you'd be dead, and we'd have caught the guy and used him to put Jason away from murder.

Shit, we should have done that. Don't we? Harvey, behave. Your majesty's here to see you. I heard that. You were meant to. Gentlemen. Your highness. Okay, you know what? That's exactly why I'm here. To be mocked? No. To set clear ground rules to keep the negotiation above board. Absolutely no kicking, no biting, and no rabbit punches. And now you're mocking the ground rules. No, I'm just mocking you. Done it.

We're gonna need to streamline this. Give each guy a hard time before you send them back. Give me a wink if they say something clever. Cool. Okay. What are you looking for? Another me. Got it. Arrogant, self absorbed blowhard. Thinks he's the smartest one in the room. That's why I love you. You get me? You better make sure Miss Stone signs this. Otherwise, we don't have a deal. How long have we known each other? Since you were in the DA's office. Then you know we'll have a deal. Talk soon.

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