The video emphasizes the dangers of setting overly ambitious goals and promotes finding mentors to guide personal growth. By setting realistic goals, you can avoid burnout and sustain your efforts, leading to long-term success and the cultivation of big opportunities. Moreover, surrounding yourself with successful individuals who are willing to share their knowledge and experience can be a practical strategy for achieving your own goals.
The discussion also highlights the importance of self-awareness and staying true to personal interests. It's crucial to separate yourself from unproductive influences and focus on what genuinely excites you. Starting a journal to reconnect with your childhood passions can guide your career choices and personal growth. The speaker suggests being curious and proactive about market trends, converting curiosity into concrete actions to capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Main takeaways from the video:
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:
1. ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs] - (adjective) - Having a strong desire for success or achievement, typically requiring determination and hard work. - Synonyms: (aspiring, determined, driven)
The reality is, when you set less ambitious goals for yourself, you can stick with them for longer because you're not burnt out
2. moonshots [ˈmuːnˌʃɒts] - (noun) - Innovative projects or ideas that are highly ambitious with the aim of achieving significant results. - Synonyms: (ambitious projects, high-risk endeavors, breakthrough initiatives)
I can go do things that potentially, you know, be moonshots and really drive the company for the future.
3. empathize [ˈɛmpəˌθaɪz] - (verb) - To understand and share the feelings of another person. - Synonyms: (sympathize, relate to, identify with)
And I empathize with a lot of people who don't have that feeling when they're eight or 18 or in their twenties.
4. proactive [prəʊˈæktɪv] - (adjective) - Taking initiative by acting in advance of an anticipated event or situation. - Synonyms: (preventive, forward-looking, anticipatory)
Same thing on what you're doing outside, same thing what you're watching on content and just being a little bit more curious and then taking action around that.
5. ambiguity [ˌæmbɪˈɡjuːɪti] - (noun) - The quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness. - Synonyms: (vagueness, uncertainty, equivocation)
Just because I'm in the market and in the market does well.
6. endeavors [ɛnˈdɛvərz] - (noun) - Efforts or attempts to achieve a particular goal. - Synonyms: (efforts, attempts, pursuits)
Which allows you to create two types of people in your neighborhood, people who help you and people that know someone that can help you.
7. gratification [ɡræˌtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] - (noun) - Satisfaction or pleasure felt when a desire is fulfilled. - Synonyms: (satisfaction, pleasure, contentment)
Let's delay that gratification instead of just getting everything I want.
8. compliance [kəmˈplaɪəns] - (noun) - The act of conforming, acquiescing, or yielding. - Synonyms: (adherence, conformity, agreement)
If somebody can't keep up with that standard, you got to do something about it.
9. illuminate [ɪˈluːmɪneɪt] - (verb) - To make something clear; to light up a place. - Synonyms: (clarify, elucidate, highlight)
I'm going to tell you the truth and illuminate to the best of my ability, spend minutes and moments outside of the truth.
10. resilience [rɪˈzɪlɪəns] - (noun) - The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or challenges. - Synonyms: (tenacity, perseverance, endurance)
And I think to myself, what if he didn't get up? What if that movie ended that he was just crushed.
ENTREPRENEUR MENTALITY - Powerful Business Motivation
You hear all these, like, I'd say fake entrepreneurs or fake coaches. They don't actually have any real businesses. They're like, you got a ten X today and you gotta have five X if you're not five X and you're failing. And the reality is, when you set less ambitious goals for yourself, you can stick with them for longer because you're not burnt out, you're not tired, you can sustain. And that gives you the ability to create ten x opportunities because you're like, okay, cool. I'm not worried about making money in that, but I can go do things that potentially, you know, be moonshots and really drive the company for the future.
Find someone who sits in a position that you want to be in. The fastest way to get to where you want to be. Find someone that's already there and ask them for help. You would be amazed how many older, successful people want to help. So don't talk yourself out of asking for help. But also one of my favorite ones is SHOW me your friends and I'll show you your future. I see so many people surrounding themselves. See, your frequency is your neighborhood. And let me explain what that means is your frequency is created by your neighbors.
And if you're sitting in the projects on a Yemenite lawn chair drinking a Colt 45, you may have all the skills in the world, all the knowledge in the world, all the desire in the world. And when you turn to your buddy on the lawn chair drinking, and you say, hey, can you help me? How many options, opportunities, and touches of favor do you think someone in your neighborhood is going to be able to give you? I'm telling you, frequency and vibration wise. Surround yourself with the right people and the right ideas. Show me your friends, I'll show your future. Surround yourself with people that are going to give you more options, more opportunities, and more touches of favor.
Surround yourself with people that feed you. So many people are being bled. 80% of their time is around people that make them feel like crap. They're watching things that make them feel like crap. They're listening things that make them feel like crap. They're surrounding themselves with people that make themselves feel with crap. They're being bled all day long and wonder why they feel bled. Well, it's never too late. It's better to start earlier on in life. The earlier you figure it out, the better off you are. But it can happen later in life.
Now, I figured out at an early age that I wanted to write. I didn't know what I wanted to write, but I loved words. And I loved writing. And if I didn't have that connection when I was eight years old, all the way into high school and college, I would have been a lost soul. And I empathize with a lot of people who don't have that feeling when they're eight or 18 or in their twenties. But I try to tell people, everybody has it. You're just not listening to yourself. You've lost touch with who you are, the core of your being.
You're on social media too much. You're listening to what other people are telling you. You're listening to what your parents told you you should be doing in life, listening to what your friends think is cool. You're listening to what the culture is all about, you know, the entertainment industry, etcetera. You gotta cut all that out. You gotta listen to yourself, and you gotta be a bit bold. And you have to embrace what makes you different. What makes you different. What makes you particularly strange, if you wanna use another word, is your strength, is your source of power. You've lost touch with it. Let's go back and try and find it.
And that's the whole problem. How do you find it? Process. It takes time. To do anything in life takes time and hours and patience and work. I recommend starting a journal and such and writing down some of the things that I think are important to you. So I like to tell people to go back to their earliest childhood memories of things that really excited them before they got mixed up with parents and teachers and all that other people telling them stuff. You know, if you are somebody who's word oriented and you end up going into a field that's about math or about numbers, you're in for a lot of pain in life, right? So you've got to figure that kind of what I call primal connection to some kind of field.
You have to look at the things that you love and the things that you hate. A lot of people are chasing content creation, or they were chasing crypto last week, or they were chasing blogging years ago, and now AI, everyone's chasing. And so what I'd recommend for other people out there, and I've been able to do this literally, and I've chosen so many trillion dollar markets to be around, and a lot of my success just because I'm in the market and in the market does well. But I'm curious about these things, number one. So I was curious about social networking, and I was like, oh, that's big, because I got onto it and I finally, I was able to see, like, wow, you can connect with the entire world even though there wasn't really the entire world at that point. So curious.
Same with I was like, man, money. I think worldwide it's pretty important. I think there's going to be something. If you have a free money tool, that's going to be big. Same thing then with Facebook games that was going to be big. Then I did payments for games that was big. Then I did kind of a Groupon business which became appsumo that was big. Then we built dot that was big, which is software tools. So ideally, number one, you're curious so I can talk about my crypto thing, because I think that's kind of an interesting example of it.
Number two, how do you get a part of it today right now? Not how. Don't worry that you don't have a website. Don't worry you don't have a big social media presence. But what can you take action on to put yourself in that space? Can you be in a community online? Can you geographically move? Can you start creating in that space? So I think people are curious, maybe, and they can find it, but they don't necessarily try it and understand it, and they don't do anything about it. So even with crypto got involved. I heard about it in 2012, didn't do anything. I thought it was stupid. And then in 2016, I had to buy an illegal NFL stream. That's how I got into crypto.
And so I bought this illegal NFL stream on a website, seasons four, and I saw the power of what this could be. Started buying at that point. And that's where it's now become a multimillion dollar portfolio. And I think the biggest thing for everyone out there is what are you doing on your phone all day? There's probably something within there that's a billion dollar opportunity. Same thing on what you're doing outside, same thing what you're watching on content and just being a little bit more curious and then taking action around that.
Yeah. More of those CEO's would respond to you than they would today when you're young, because they were young and they know how important they know that they would not be where they're at if they didn't have someone elevate them, and they wouldn't be where they're at unless they're elevating others. You need to elevate others to elevate yourself, but also you need others to elevate you. To elevate you. It's amazing. And everyone, they get fooled by the closed mind. I tell people, life is so simple today because of the size, scope, and scale of access that we have. We don't have to write. You can dm them, you can email them, you can call them.
This wasn't available when we were working for the oilers or wherever. And why is that important? Because I teach kids especially, just look for the open mind. How do you find an open mind? Smile at someone. If they smile back, they have an open mind. Tell them you like their clothes. Tell a woman you like their purse or their shoes. If they smile, they have an open mind. It takes a thousand times the effort to convert or to transition or re engineer a closed mind and open mind. And remember this, everybody has an open mind some of the time. Some people almost all the time, some people almost never. But if you catch someone who has a closed mind when it's open, it's really valuable.
So qualified people by open minds, they have open hearts and open hands. And guess what? They surround themselves with people with open hearts, open hands, and open minds, which allows you to create two types of people in your neighborhood, people who help you and people that know someone that can help you. Nothing can help you more. Think about in your own life and your own businesses. Like, what is the thing you're looking forward to and excited about? And it could even be small. Like, one of my phrases I like is put it on the calendar.
What's on the calendar? What are you looking forward to? The vision. Right. And so for your vision, we said, we want to build a great sustaining company into the 21st century, because we had just sold rasm, and we actually kind of wanted to keep it going. They just made us an offer we couldn't refuse. We owed that to the shareholders. And then the mission is all about leadership, because the object of the game, particularly in Silicon Valley, is to be the category king. Because when you're the category king, you get 80% of the industry resources and 80% of market cap.
So our mission was to create a category called business to business, electronic commerce, and to be the leader. And then the next thing under that is your values. So, right, integrity is there courage, high ambition, accountability, respect the basics. And then we had a set of team rules that kind of personify those values. And by the way, same team rules for all the companies. The first one is direct, open, and honest communication. In a word, the truth. Because I had seen General Motors when you go through 15 levels, you know, I started at the lowest of the low production form to the highest of the high, where I was a staff for the board of directors.
I could see how that message would change. Right. The second one is, no ideas, a bad idea. And then we added parentheses, unless the CEO's. So because it's all about making a safe environment. Sure, sure. And you can make it a safe environment when you mock out the CEO. Plus, it's fun. The third one is always raise the standard in everything we do in our people, our processes, and our products. And if somebody can't keep up with that standard, you got to do something about it. Otherwise you've automatically lowered your standard.
Then the fourth one is, we're a team first and functional specialist second. So you developers put your feet in a customer's shoes. You sales guys don't make commitments we can't keep. And then the fifth one is the most powerful one of all. And that is hire the best people, especially if they're better than us. For 20 years, I was just so obsessed with creating money and getting money. And I was not really obsessed at all enjoying life and enjoying the money. And that's something. When Covid happened that 180 in my life, and I'm grateful for it, it was definitely unfortunate for a lot of people. I was just grateful that it brought up, okay, well, if this is not forever, how do we enjoy this life?
And so a lot of my learnings and what I do in our channel is to inspire people to be able to do their own things in business journey. And that doesn't mean to be a millionaire. I will say, I will. I will say with 100% certainty, being a millionaire is awesome. The ability to go to the grocery store and you're like, just give me the things I want. Go to the. Go to the supermarket and not worry. Paycheck to paycheck, not worry about it. Like, I actually instill more. Like, okay, I should wait more to buy things.
Let's delay that gratification instead of just getting everything I want. When I go to these billionaires, one of my favorite questions is, how do you enjoy money? But what do you regret about the money? And almost all of them, they will say, almost either saying it or what they're actually saying is they regret not spending more time with their family. And only a very few were able to balance that. And that's something that stuck with me where it's the reason I left San Francisco. I didn't want to talk about funding and employees and how bigger companies. I don't care.
I really, you know, what I'm interested in is like, how good is your life? Like, how are you with yourself? Not even necessary. You have to be this donor person. I think that's, that's, that's one way of a great life. How do you to your partner, how are you to your parents, how do your friends, how are the other people you work with? And I think money is very sensitive. I think we're taught a lot about how to create it, but definitely there's much more there as well, how to enjoy it and different things that people enjoy. Like, I enjoy, I enjoy watches and bicycles and I enjoy having a nice house.
I never did any of these things with before because I was like, I should just keep saving and saving and saving. And with COVID I was like, maybe let me enjoy a little bit in the areas I've been spending a lot of time. And those are the areas. And then watches was also just, how do I, how do I, how can I represent pride in myself, like, what I've accomplished in different areas? So, you know, me and my partner are pregnant, she's pregnant. I did the easy work, you know, and so I got a Rolex with me and two other buddies. I bought three Rolexes, pepsis to honor that.
And that's super cool that I can do that for us and for them. And money enables that. Would I be just as happy without it? Yeah. But I would say having money to be able to have a nicer house, be able to have a house, you know, live in Spain without worrying about the money and these type of things makes life so much easier. Went from owning 33 homes in San Diego alone to a rented house, rented furniture, a pregnant wife with three daughters under ten. What am I gonna do? And I gotta tell my mom.
She's moving to. I have really messed this up. And in some respects I was more equipped, but in others it was like, okay, I already got the lessons. Why are you punishing me? And when I laid there in bed that day of filing bankruptcy and keeping it secret because I wasn't the person that I am today, I illuminate all. I am who I am. You're either going to love me for who I am, but you're not going to. Literally, you're not going to love me for who I'm nothing. You can hate me for I am, but you're not going to love me for who I'm not.
I am. I'm going to tell you the truth and illuminate to the best of my ability, spend minutes and moments outside of the truth. Minutes and moments in ego based consciousness. That's the secret sauce of what I do. But when I lied there in bed, it was another coincidence, because tears were rolling down my face. I could not lift up my arms, right? It's harder almost, because I knew the lessons. It wasn't like I was in that ignorant arrogance where I was in blame, shame, and justification. I was lying there being accountable, and that's hard.
And at that time, accountability still was tied to what did I do to attract this to myself? What am I supposed to learn? It's evolved to what did I do to participate in it or the perception of it, and what am I supposed to learn? But I remember, like, I wanted to get up. Tv was on, almost like the jacket. One of my favorite movies is Rocky. And so I'm lying there completely crushed, and I turn it on, and there's Rocky one. The end of the movie's on, and it's that scene. The music's going, I'm crying, and Apollo Creed is just beating Rocky.
I don't know if you remember the scene. He's hanging, and then he gets to the ground, and Adrian's in the back, and he's sitting there, and he couldn't get up. Six, right? And he. One of Mickey's like, stay down, right? And everyone else get up, and Rocky. And I'm sitting there, I'm down, and I'm watching him. He looks up. I see it. He looks up. Somehow the music going, and he gets back up, right? And then he pops Apollo in the. In the ribs. And that round ends the second to the last round, and the movie continues on to eight more movies or whatever.
I think to myself, what if he didn't get up? What if that movie ended that he was just crushed. He had learned all the lessons, remember? He went through all the different lessons in the movie that made us root for him, love him, but that one moment of bankruptcy, he had a decision to make. If I can look up beyond all everybody else, I'm going to get up. And because he got up, we all know what happened in the other eight movies. I wanted to see what was going to happen in the other eight movies. For me,
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