The video is an English learning session using a Disney movie, "Strange World," to teach vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Viewers will first watch a clip from the film, learn key linguistic elements, and then rewatch to test comprehension. The video emphasizes the film's adventurous and mysterious plot, focusing on family dynamics and a significant expedition to secure Avalonia's future.

The Clade family is central to the storyline, with differing beliefs between father Jaeger and son Searcher on exploration's purpose. Jaeger Clade is a legendary explorer, eager for his son to follow in his footsteps, while Searcher objects, preferring a life focused on agriculture over the pursuit of exploration. This clash leads to familial conflicts, underscoring themes of legacy, determination, and the natural world's power.

Main takeaways from the video:

"Strange World" uses family conflicts and exploration to teach English vocabularies and expressions.
Study of linguistic aspects such as inquisitive spirit, battling the elements, and present perfect continuous tense.
Offers a practical approach to language learning, connecting story elements with real English usage to enhance comprehension.
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:

1. inquisitive [ɪnˈkwɪzɪtɪv] - (adjective) - Having a strong desire to know or learn something; curious. - Synonyms: (curious, interested, probing)

Well, Searcher, I do love your inquisitive spirit, but our crew didn't come all this way just to get distracted by some sparkly plants.

2. legacy [ˈlɛgəsi] - (noun) - Something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor. - Synonyms: (heritage, inheritance, bequest)

Conquering those mountains is our legacy.

3. tenacity [tɪˈnæsɪti] - (noun) - The quality of being very determined and persistent. - Synonyms: (persistence, determination, perseverance)

Through ingenuity and sheer tenacity.

4. ingenuity [ˌɪndʒəˈnjuːɪti] - (noun) - The quality of being clever, original, and inventive. - Synonyms: (creativity, inventiveness, resourcefulness)

Through ingenuity and sheer tenacity.

5. expedition [ˌɛkspəˈdɪʃən] - (noun) - A journey undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose. - Synonyms: (journey, voyage, mission)

But I'M not you on this expedition.

6. surging [ˈsɜːrdʒɪŋ] - (verb) - To move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward. - Synonyms: (rushing, soaring, escalating)

There's literally power surging through them.

7. cartography [kɑːrˈtɒgrəfi] - (noun) - The science or practice of drawing maps. - Synonyms: (mapmaking, topography, surveying)

This crew has been training since they were a baby to do one thing. cartography.

8. figment [ˈfɪɡmənt] - (noun) - Something that is imagined or made up. - Synonyms: (illusion, fantasy, fabrication)

And let me guess, that means we're all figments of your imagination.

Learn English with Disney's STRANGE WORLD

The expression a close call can be used to refer to when someone experiences a dangerous situation and it almost hurts. Just like in the scene we just watched. Get ready to learn English with this Disney movie released in 2022.

Now, the plot of Strange World revolves around the Clade family. To be more specific, around the Clade family reunion. Yegor Clade is a legendary explorer whose passion is to discover new places. He wants his son, Searcher, to also be an explorer like him. But that's not what his son feels passionate about. And so arguments become a big part of this expedition. They start together as a family.

Do you see that, everyone? You'll be telling our story for generations to come. For what lies beyond that horizon is Avalonia's future and our glory. Hey, dad, what about these plants? There's literally power surging through them.

Well, Searcher, I do love your inquisitive spirit, but our crew didn't come all this way just to get distracted by some sparkly plants. Yes, dad, but our crew did come out here to make a discovery that could change Avalonia, right?

But if our crew would just take a look at these plants, they could see that Avalonia's future might be right here. This crew has been training since they were a baby to do one thing. cartography. Nope. And that one thing is to walk with me beyond that horizon.

But did you ever bother to even ask the crew if that's what they really wanted? Oh, they're not really talking about the crew, are they? Searcher explorers, not gardeners. Conquering those mountains is our legacy. No, dad. It's yours. Enough.

They're trying to make a powerful discovery so their home, Avalonia, can become a better place to live. For what lies beyond that horizon is Avalonia's future and our glory. Hey, dad, what about these plants?

Coming back to the Clade family. So Jaeger decides to continue the expedition alone. Since the whole crew chose to stay with Searcher after that, Searcher never saw his father again. At least for the next 25 years.

Right. So how did you even end up down here? Through ingenuity and sheer tenacity. After months of battling the elements, I figured there was no way anyone could ever survive walking over those cold, deadly peaks.

So I went searching for a new path. The ground gave out, and I found this place. Oh, so you're stuck down here? I. I wouldn't put it that way.

So I found this place. And it occurred to me, instead of going over these mountains, I'll go under them. Even if I had to fight every monster down here, nothing was gonna stop Jaeger Clade from fulfilling his destiny. That is, until I came upon the burning sea, A place where the cliffs are alive and the waters will dissolve the flesh off your bones.

To come upon means. Thank you so much for learning with us today. Remember to check out all the new vocabulary from today's lesson. The link will be in the description.

Education, Inspiration, Motivation, Disney Movie, Language Learning, Strange World, Learn English With Tv Series