The video features an interview with Bill Gates discussing his new Netflix docuseries, "The Future with Bill Gates." In one episode, Gates talks to Bernie Sanders about the existence of billionaires. Gates shares his perspectives on wealth distribution and taxation, mentioning conversations with figures like Mitt Romney and Bernie Sanders to explore various viewpoints on inequality. In the discussion, Gates highlights his commitment to the Giving pledge, agreeing to donate the majority of his wealth to charitable causes.
The conversation also delves into Gates's thoughts on artificial intelligence (AI). While he acknowledges the potential risks and fears surrounding AI, such as the impact on job markets and personal intellectual growth, Gates emphasizes the positive advancements AI can bring. He envisions AI providing accessible tutors and healthcare, among other benefits, even in underserved areas. Despite fears akin to the "rhesus monkey danger," Gates showcases AI's potential for learning and personal assistance, like ChatGPT's rapid development and its applications.
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:
1. inequality [ˌɪ.nɪˈkwɒ.lɪ.ti] - (noun) - The state of being unequal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. - Synonyms: (disparity, imbalance, disproportionality)
So, for that episode on inequality, I talked to Mitt Romney.
2. progressive [prəˈɡrɛsɪv] - (adjective) - Favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are. - Synonyms: (liberal, reformist, forward-thinking)
I told Bernie that I would make the tax system more progressive.
3. charitably minded [ˈtʃærɪtəbl mɪndɪd] - (adjective phrase) - Inclined towards or interested in donating money or time to help charitable causes. - Synonyms: (philanthropic, benevolent, humanitarian)
And if you're charitably minded, then you can pick things you believe in.
4. charitable [ˈtʃær.ɪ.tə.bl̩] - (adjective) - Relating to the assistance of those in need or inclined to help others. - Synonyms: (benevolent, philanthropic, altruistic)
You can pick things you believe in, malnutrition, whatever it is, cause you wanna work on, and you can be incredibly generous and help improve them.
5. generous [ˈʤɛn·ə·rəs] - (adjective) - Showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected. - Synonyms: (big-hearted, bountiful, openhanded)
And if you're charitably minded, then you can pick things you believe in, malnutrition, whatever it is, cause you wanna work on, and you can be incredibly generous.
6. envy [ˈ] - (noun) - A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck. - Synonyms: (jealousy, covetousness, resentment)
How do you raise that revenue without destroying the capitalistic system that makes the US the envy of the world?
7. outsource [ˈaʊtsɔːrs] - (verb) - To contract out or send out (something, such as work) to outside providers. - Synonyms: (contract out, delegate, farm out)
...we're outsourcing that need to a machine.
8. bedside manner [ˈbɛd.saɪd ˈmæn.ər] - (noun phrase) - The approach or attitude that a doctor or medical professional takes towards a patient. - Synonyms: (patient care, patient interaction, doctor-patient relationship)
AI has no bedside manner to understand, to see the person who needs the help.
9. mind blowing [ˈmaɪnd ˌbloʊ.ɪŋ] - (adjective) - Astonishing; amazing. - Synonyms: (awe-inspiring, incredible, overwhelming)
It was kind of mind blowing because it came all of a sudden.
10. pledge [plɛʤ] - (noun) - A solemn promise or undertaking. - Synonyms: (commitment, assurance, vow)
You know, I've committed to give over 95% of my money away to join the pledge.
The Future with Bill Gates: Insights on Wealth and AI
Hey, everybody, we're back with Bill Gates. You have a. You have a new Netflix, docuseries. It's called what's next? The Future with Bill Gates. And in one episode, which fascinated me, is that you talked to Bernie Sanders. Now, Bernie Sanders does not say great things about the fact that there are billionaires. He doesn't believe there's any reason there should be billionaires. How do you. Some people agree with him right here. What's it like hanging with Bernie for you?
Well, he's kind of predictable. He wishes we were rich enough that we could be more generous. And so how do you raise that revenue without destroying the capitalistic system that makes the US the envy of the world? So, for that episode on inequality, I talked to Mitt Romney. I talked to Bernie Sanders. I get these different viewpoints. I told Bernie that I would make the tax system more progressive. I would have paid twice as much in taxes, but I would still be a billionaire. So he would get rid of 99% of my money. I'd only get rid of 50% of it.
But if he got 99% of your money, you'd still be a multibillionaire. No, no, no. You have $138 billion. And I can do math, right? If you. If you get rid of 99%, I'd have 1.3 billion. I'm. I'm so sorry. I. I wouldn't want anyone. I wouldn't want anyone to have only $1.3 billion. That's what Bernie said. What are we talking, Mark Cuban money here? Love you, Mark. Love you, Mark.
Do you think. Do you think I would enjoy being a billionaire? Yes. You think I would enjoy it? Well, yeah. Yeah. Because I'm telling you, for the price, the low, low price of $1 billion, I'm willing to disagree with Bernie Sanders right here and right now. What's the best thing about being a billionaire?
I'd say two things. One is you don't have to worry. You know, you can send your kids to any school. You know, you're not going to have any problems. And if you're charitably minded, then you can pick things you believe in, malnutrition, whatever it is, cause you wanna work on, and you can be incredibly generous and help improve them.
And you're planning on giving most of the money away, right? Don't you have. I forget what it is. You and a bunch of other billionaires have got this sort of charity pledge that you've signed. What does the pledge actually say? Yeah, it's called the giving pledge. You know, I've committed to give over 95% of my money away to join the pledge. You only have to commit to give the majority away. Okay, 51% and above. There you go. Yep, that's it.
Wow. So a lot of people these days are concerned about the rise of AI. Does it frighten you? Does it worry you, AI? Somewhat? What worries you about it? Like our robot overlords rising up to enslave us, or the fact that we'll kind of get intellectually lazy and the evolution of our own intellect will stop because we're outsourcing that need to a machine.
Well, it's the first technology that has no limit. I mean, when you invent a tractor or even a cell phone, you kind of figure out, okay, we can figure out how that's going to change life here, where the AI is very intelligent, and when you put it in robotic form, it can do a lot of both blue collar and white collar jobs. The fact that's happening over the next decade, the idea of, do we really trust government to adjust the tax policies and make sure that, okay, we're shortening the work week. So it's happening very fast and it's unlimited.
A lot of it is super good, like inner city personal tutors for all the kids, great healthcare, even in the poor countries. So the good stuff, which maybe gets crowded out by these fears. That's so exciting and, you know, but that's also not a personal relationship. It's AI. It reminds me of the sort of the cruel experiments with the baby monkeys who had a bottle that was wrapped in carpet to simulate a mommy and a bottle that was just on a wire frame, and they both got food. But the wire frame monkeys died from the lack of warmth that they wanted from a physical mother.
An AI teacher isn't a human being who can perceive my needs and a doctor, even though AI has no bedside manner to understand, to see the person who needs the help. Isn't there also a bit of a rhesus monkey danger there? Probably not. I had examples. You just said, no. The ideal for learning is to have a personal tutor who understands your motivation, who's seeing what you're getting right and wrong, and the AI's can learn from the very best personal tutors.
Until you use this stuff, it's pretty surprising. It was two years ago when I first saw this chat GPT, and it was kind of mind blowing because it came all of a sudden. And yes, its ability to learn from the best and provide advice and be there 24 hours a day to have your mental health advisor there 24 hours a day to have your personal tutor immediately giving you feedback.
There's been a lot of science fiction movies like her where you really are. You are connected. Yes. Well, Bill, thanks so much for stopping by. Thanks for your efforts to make it a better planet. You can read the 2024 Goalkeepers report on the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation website. There's the QR code. Bill Gates, everybody. We'll be right back with Dr. James Goodallena.
Bill Gates, Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Inspiration, AI Developments