The video discusses the political landscape and media dynamics around the 2020 U.S. Presidential elections. It critiques former President Barack Obama's alleged perpetuation of false narratives surrounding Donald Trump and examines the role Kamala Harris and others played in the unfolding political scenario, eventually impacting the perception of mainstream media's credibility. Simultaneously, it highlights how figures such as Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and Vivek Ramaswamy huddled around Trump, creating an intriguing coalition driven by a unified love for America.

The video further draws parallels between these political shifts and changes in media consumption, characterizing 'new media' figures like Joe Rogan and others as purveyors of open discourse, contrasting them with traditional media's partisan leanings. This environment fosters an information-savvy audience that seeks multiple sources, oftentimes avoiding the pitfalls of misinformation which the mainstream media fell for. In stark comparison, the legacy media is portrayed as monolithic and stagnant, becoming increasingly disconnected from nuanced public conversations.

The political strategy of using misinformation was significant in the 2020 elections.
The collaboration among unconventional political figures signifies a shift in American politics.
The contemporary media landscape is evolving towards more diversified and decentralized information channels.
Open discourse and agenda-free discussions are crucial in countering misinformation.
There is an underlying criticism of how legacy media operates compared to new, flexible information platforms.
Joe Biden might have a unique opportunity to redefine his legacy during the transition between administrations.
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:

1. debunked [dɪˈbʌŋkt] - (verb) - To expose or disprove a fallacy or false claim. - Synonyms: (disproved, invalidated, refuted)

The fact that he ran with that hoax again after it has been debunked by people who wouldn't debunk it unless it was seriously not true.

2. inarticulately [ˌɪnɑːrˈtɪkjʊlətli] - (adverb) - Lacking the ability to express oneself clearly or effectively. - Synonyms: (unclearly, incoherently, vaguely)

And then Bill said, well, it was worded inarticulately or something to that effect.

3. avatar [ˈævətɑːr] - (noun) - In this context, a person or figure that represents an idea or concept. - Synonyms: (embodiment, representation, symbol)

Trump then became the avatar that was sort of wrapped around that thing. And then she became. Kamala, basically became the avatar for the machine.

4. perennial [pəˈrɛniəl] - (adjective) - Enduring or continually recurring. - Synonyms: (lasting, enduring, permanent)

One of the things that makes Rogan so perennially popular is that he's just trying to figure out what's going on.

5. iconoclastic [aɪˌkɒnəˈklæstɪk] - (adjective) - Attacking or ignoring cherished beliefs and long-held traditions. - Synonyms: (unconventional, unorthodox, radical)

And all of those people were. And are iconoclastic.

6. deceitful [dɪˈsiːtfəl] - (adjective) - Misleading or not truthful. - Synonyms: (dishonest, deceptive, untrustworthy)

The liberal end of the legacy media have doomed themselves to perdition because they got partisan and deceitful.

7. monolith [ˈmɒnəlɪθ] - (noun) - A large, powerful, indivisible, and inflexible organization or system. - Synonyms: (institution, system, structure)

And so the information pipeline that you have isn't a legacy media monolith by any stretch of the imagination.

8. placate [pləˈkeɪt] - (verb) - To soothe or pacify someone, often by making concessions. - Synonyms: (appease, mollify, pacify)

You have no reason to placate to the left.

9. cognitive [ˈkɒgnɪtɪv] - (adjective) - Relating to mental processes such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. - Synonyms: (intellectual, mental, analytical)

Joe Biden has clearly the beginnings of dementia or something cognitively wrong with him.

10. perdition [pərˈdɪʃən] - (noun) - A state of eternal punishment and damnation; complete ruin. - Synonyms: (damnation, ruin, destruction)

The liberal end of the legacy media have doomed themselves to perdition because they got partisan and deceitful.

If the Democrats Had Been 10 Percent Better... - Dave Rubin

If they would have been, I bet you. I bet you 10% better, we would not be in this situation right now. We would probably have Kamala Harris as the president elect, because most people are willing to swallow a lot of shit. You know what I mean? Like, we all have our own problems, all of our own stuff. But they went so in on all of the lies. The fact that Barack Obama, two days before the election, gave a speech, I think it was, in Wisconsin, where he said that Donald Trump went to a white supremacist rally and said there were very fine people on both sides. The fact that he ran with. With that hoax again after it has been debunked by people who wouldn't debunk it unless it was seriously not true. I think the first time that got to mainstream media was me on Real Time, because James Carville brought it up with Marr, and I had never heard it said on mainstream, and I wasn't gonna let him get away with it.

And I said, what are you talking about? The next sentence is out of his mouth, was, but I'm not talking about the white supremacists and the neo Nazis who should be condemned entirely. But Carville literally crumbles to the table because he did not know what to do with. When confronted with reality. And then Bill. Bill said, well, it was worded inarticulately or something to that effect. And I thought, well, that's an interesting way of playing a little bit of cleanup on that. But the point is, they thought, I think Obama. Well, what would your psychological analysis of Obama be right there? It's two days before the election. He either believes it. There's no way he could be that dumb and ignorant. Simply impossible. But maybe you want to give him 5% chance. You want to give him 5%? What do you want to give him on that? Let's give him 20%, right? Yeah. Okay, great. 20%. So he's unbelievably dumb and ignorant, and he ran speech by nobody who's willing to confront him with reality, or what would the only alternative be? He knows he can lie. It doesn't matter how big the lie is. And he thinks the lie will accomplish the goal, that the ends justify the means. I think they got to the end of that road. I think that's what this election was.

You cannot tell us that there are very fine people on both sides. You can't tell us that Brett Kavanaugh is a serial rapist or that the Covington kids are racist or that Ky Rittenhouse is a White supremacist. I mean, we could do a million versions. That six foot social distancing was scientifically backed. And I think that's actually what this election was about. It really. Trump then became the avatar that was sort of wrapped around that thing. And then she became. Kamala, basically became the avatar for the machine. We talked, too, about the fact that in the last month, a lot of radical things happened around Trump. The last month. Oh, yeah. I mean, the fact that this weird coalition gathered around him, which is, you know, completely preposterous. It's completely preposterous that Elon Musk is now going to be running the Department of Governmental Efficiency, and that has the same acronym as doge. That was a coin and it's a funny dog. And it's Do Only Good every day. It's like, what the hell is going on here?

It's ridiculously comical that Musk is actually an X man, because that's the name of his platform. And that idea has been obsessing him for years. And that Gabbard is on board and that Robert F. Kennedy came along and that Vance is along and so is Vivek Ramaswamy. I mean, these are very unlikely, very unlikely Republicans. Very unlikely. And so that's weird as hell. And it's like, seriously, surreally. This is Pulp Fiction weird. It's really. What do you think the unifying principle is? To me, it's that they love America. Like, that's sort of like the, you would say, low resolution. I think it's analogous in some ways on the political side side to what happened with the media, the new media that we were describing. There wasn't anything really that we had in common, let's say you and I, or Weinstein or. Or Rogan Shapiro, like that. That was a very diverse group of people. It was free speech in the most. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess in the essence. Yeah, yeah, it was. Well, I think the thing we had in common, essentially, was our approach to discourse. Yeah.

That was really all. Yeah. I mean, you know, each of us, taken in pairs, had things in common, but it was devotion to discourse, open discourse, conversational discourse, essentially. Yeah. And in a way, in a sense, an agenda, free conversational discourse. I mean, one of the things that makes Rogan so perennially popular is that he's just trying to figure out what's going on and. And that really is the case. Yeah. You know, Rogan, you know that what you see is what you get. He's exact. All you people, all the people in that group are exactly the same on camera and off. Exactly. There's no Persona. They're just exactly who they are. And, and so. And I. And. And all of those people were. And are iconoclastic. Right. They didn't fit well in organizations. They all started their own thing. And that's really the same thing that's characteristic of these people that have gathered around Trump.

And then, as we alluded to, we also have this other strange occurrence, which is the death throes of the legacy media most. Douglas Murray, I talked to him the other day and he said, well, don't throw all of the legacy media under the bus. There is the New York Post, for example. The Fox News people are trying to do their best. Sure, you know, you have the free press with Barry, but that's new media, too. So by and large, the liberal end of the legacy media have doomed themselves to perdition because they got partisan and deceitful. And they were also willingly blind because they didn't pay attention to the new media at all. Well, nobody could be that bad at their job. No janitor could be so horrible at his job and still have a job the next day. Joe Scarborough lies every day he sits in a chair at msnbc at a giant corporation to lie. Somebody up there, I don't know who his boss is, but somebody up the chain of the corporation knows that he's lying about all of these things. They know that Joy Reid is, in essence, a neo racist, or that Rachel Maddow spent three years relentlessly lying about vaccines and Covid. So what people, I think, have to understand is they're paid to lie. Well, they are well paid to push a particular narrative. Part of the difference with the old media, let's say the corporate media and the new media, is that those organizations are corporations and the people that you see are the front men for the right, for the organization.

Exactly. They're. They're not investigative. They're not independent investigative journalists. Now, I know you claim that, you know that you're not a journalist, and technically that's true. But that's the roughest equivalent because I don't know, apart from podcaster, I don't know what the definition is. So, yeah, it's something like, I'm trying to translate the nonsense, but that's not a talk show host. Yeah, I'm a talk show. I'm a talk show host. Whatever Phil Donahue was. That's what I was. Yeah, yeah. Well, that's. Yeah, yeah, that's right. That's right. That's what I'm doing with my podcast, too. They're talk shows like. But. But why is it then that for the last four, let's say starting when Covid started like that day, all of the hoaxes that we've all been through, why is it that I didn't fall for any of them? Why is it that my track record. I get political predictions wrong all the time? I thought DeSantis could win the primary. I have no problem admitting that. I thought there was a different way the Republicans could go. And by the way, I'm thrilled with the result. I couldn't be happier. I fought for Trump and all that stuff.

So putting aside political predictions, why is it that I didn't screw up? Why didn't I fall for all of the hoaxes? Why, when the Jesse Smollett thing came out and they said that two black guys or that he was lynched by two guys with MAGA hats, who said, this is MAGA country, and it turned out to be these black brothers that he paid. Why is it that I didn't immediately fall for the hoax yet Kamala Harris immediately tweeted out that this proves we're a white supremacist nation. And I think that's still. I think that tweet is still up. Why is it that MSNBC fell for every hoax? Why is it that I didn't fall for all of the COVID hoaxes by day 15, I thought, okay, two weeks to stop the spread. We're done now, and now they've moved on to something else.

It's not because I'm some kind of genius. Why did you not fall for all these hoaxes? Why did Rogan not really fall for all these hoaxes? And everyone. I'd say, to some degree, we all got screwed up by Covid in some ways. And, you know, I think you've even said that you got. I think I did your first interview back after your health stuff, and you said that you got vaxxed and you thought the whole idea was, now the government, if I can quote you directly, was leave me the alone. Yeah. Yeah. That is what I thought. I thought, okay. And it's interesting. I remember thinking when you said that to me on air, I thought, that's interesting, because I never thought that.

Yeah, Yeah. I thought, if I do it, they'll never leave me alone. And I think that that actually turned out to be more true. Oh, definitely. 100%. Yeah. Well, I. But what is it. What is it about us, then? Well, I think partly we. We put our finger on it with regard to the fact that you don't have a whole corporation behind you composed of people and advertisers that are all thinking the same thing and purveying the same message. Right? So you can go out and scavenge for information. That's the other thing too, is the information environment that surrounds you. This is a point they made on msnbc. I think it was the guy who runs Axios, who was the commentator. I think we're going to probably clip that into this show. He pointed out that, you know, people who are on the cutting edge of the technological world, let's say the online media world, they're information scavengers. Like, I gather information from. Well, I'm on X a fair bit, but I gather information from a lot of different sources. It's not an easy thing to do.

And so the information pipeline that you have isn't a legacy media monolith by any stretch of the imagination. And I think a lot of these people, rather than. I mean, the charitable interpretation is rather than being outright purveyors of falsehoods, they're in an ecosystem where it's like a monoculture. Everybody thinks the same thing, right? It's like. It's like a fish swimming in water that's so polluted, a tank that's so polluted that he can't see right in front of him, even though his memory is short anyway, but now he literally can't see where he's swimming. I mean, think about it. How is it that we all. Why is it that I did a video in 2019, people can find it saying, Joe Biden has clearly the beginnings of dementia or something cognitively wrong with him. 2019, again, I'm not a doctor. I was just watching the videos like everybody else. I watched the corn pop video. How much time do you spend every week looking at media information? No, an awful lot. How much? How much? I mean, I would say I'm definitely within the X Twitter ecosystem a couple hours a day. So that's a pretty significant amount of time.

I try not to do it on the weekends. I do my August off the grid thing, which I think also has helped me stay sane throughout this, because I get out of the hamster wheel basically once a year for eight years now. But the Biden cognitive issue, they lied and lied and lied and they kept saying, don't see what you see. President. And he's still president right now. I know. Although something seems to have turned on because I think he's starting to realize, man, he's got A legacy, and he can figure it out in the next two months. And I think his legacy, if he's smart, and I don't know that he. I don't know what's left of him, but if Jill and whoever else is around him that has sense with them, they have an incredible opportunity right now, and I hope they'll take this.

The opportunity is you have no reason to placate to the left. You were brought in because you were old Joe the moderate. You weren't crazy, Bernie. You weren't Elizabeth Warren. You weren't one of the radicals. You governed like one of them. They took advantage of you, but now they clearly tried to screw you by forcing him out. He's basically said that. I mean, that's what he said on the View, that they forced him out. He thought he was gonna win. So we'll find out what happened there one day, cuz eventually the truth will come out. But what an interesting moment he has right now. He has two months to say, I have no reason to play with you children anymore, and I can build a legacy. So what could my legacy be? Well, maybe Donald Trump's not Hitler, and maybe I could do a few things like, I don't know, maybe somehow winding down some portion of the Iraq war or helping Israel win their war, getting our hostages back, the American hostages, if the Israelis, or maybe doing something about the border, which they are doing a little more now. He has an interesting moment right now where his legacy could be. He took us to the precipice of hell. He got taken advantage of. Right? The, the. They'll write about it one day. But then right there, when he had a moment, the two months between administrations, he did something right. And I really, I, I don't think that's completely. A lot of people are saying I'm nuts for that. But, but if you were, if you were Joe Biden, and again, we don't know what's, we don't know what's really in his mind or what he's capable of cognitively at this point, but wouldn't that be a pretty good ending to the story?