The video focuses on the importance of adopting a proactive mindset towards financial stability and personal growth. It challenges conventional beliefs, emphasizing that wealth building is not solely dependent on hard work in traditional jobs but rather on making smart financial decisions and embracing entrepreneurship. The speaker highlights that a proactive approach, financial education, and strategic investment can lead to financial independence and success.
Furthermore, the content underscores the idea that taking responsibility for one's own life and finances is crucial. It discusses the difference in mentality between the wealthy and the middle-class, stressing that mindset defines the trajectory of financial freedom. By embracing entrepreneurship, self-reliance, and a willingness to learn and adapt, one can break free from conventional financial and societal constraints.
Main takeaways from the video:
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:
1. entrepreneur [ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜːr] - (noun) - An individual who creates and operates a business, taking on financial risks to do so. - Synonyms: (businessperson, founder, capitalist)
I would say that everyone should be an entrepreneur.
2. mindset [ˈmaɪndˌsɛt] - (noun) - A set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determines one's behavior and outlook. - Synonyms: (mentality, attitude, outlook)
The difference between the rich and the poor, it starts with what mindset you have.
3. scalable [ˈskeɪləbəl] - (adjective) - Capable of being expanded or scaled up, especially in business or economic terms. - Synonyms: (expandable, adaptable, flexible)
Now the question is, how can you make your hard work the most scalable?
4. resiliency [rɪˈzɪliənsi] - (noun) - The ability to recover quickly from setbacks or difficulties. - Synonyms: (perseverance, toughness, endurance)
I need you to tap into your resiliency.
5. liability [ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti] - (noun) - An obligation or debt owed to someone, often reducing financial worth. - Synonyms: (debt, obligation, responsibility)
The classic example of a liability is a car payment.
6. holistic [həˈlɪstɪk] - (adjective) - Considering the whole of something rather than just individual parts. - Synonyms: (comprehensive, integrated, unified)
So you need to live a holistic life and understand how money plays a part.
7. insecurity [ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊrəti] - (noun) - Uncertainty or anxiety about oneself, lack of confidence. - Synonyms: (uncertainty, anxiety, self-doubt)
We talk about all these insecurities people have with money.
8. disruptor [dɪsˈrʌptər] - (noun) - A person or thing that interrupts an event, activity, or process by causing a disturbance. - Synonyms: (agitator, innovator, revolutionary)
And if nobody breaks it, nobody's a disruptor.
9. persevere [ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪər] - (verb) - To continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success. - Synonyms: (persist, endure, continue)
You just got to persevere no matter what it is.
10. proactive [prəʊˈæktɪv] - (adjective) - Creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened. - Synonyms: (enterprising, dynamic, initiative-taking)
The video focuses on the importance of adopting a proactive mindset towards financial stability and personal growth.
Billionaire Lifestyle Motivation 2024 #2
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What are you doing on your phone all day? There's probably something within there that's a billion dollar opportunity. Same thing on what you're doing outside, same thing what you're watching on content and just being a little bit more curious and then taking action around that. Because we assume that you have to have this in order to make money. You have to have this job in order to make good money. You have to have this career if you want to be financially stable. Complete lie.
I think that is one of the biggest myths, is saying I gotta work harder. I've never met a person working two or three jobs that actually was doing better because all you did was sell more time. I would say that everyone should be an entrepreneur. Everyone. Because if you get fired today, what's your backup plan? Go on and pray.
People that get wealthy, let me tell you right now, all they think about are solutions. They make no excuses. They take total responsibility for their lives. Building wealth is a very simple formula. Spend less than what you make and invest the difference. Period.
Now, if you want to achieve more wealth, you need to invest more money. How can you invest more money? You can spend less money or you can earn more money. It's as simple as that. Now, there's a limit to how much less you can spend. There is a limit to how many costs you can cut, but there's no limit to how much money you can earn.
So if you've already cut back as much as possible, there's no other way that you can cut back and you still want to invest more and you want to see the return sooner and you got to earn more money. Now, again, how can you earn more money? Well, if you don't want to do it through starting a business or a side hustle, then you got to do it through your career.
Are you at a job that will allow you to earn more money? Are you in a position that will allow you to earn more money? Maybe you have to get a certificate. Maybe you have to go back to school. Maybe you look for a different company. Maybe you look for a completely different career. Maybe you end on a second job. Now, I can't answer that question for you, but this is where you just have to be honest with yourself and see what type of life do you want to live and are you being honest with yourself?
We're all given 24 hours in a day. If you're spending your time on Netflix, if you're spending your time playing video games, if you're spending all of your time doing things that don't add any value financially to your life, if you convert that to somebody who's now working, who's investing in the education, you're going to see two completely different outputs.
Everyone is born with the ability to apply effort. I can't really prove that you're supposed to be something like you should be something, but I can say that with choice and effort, you can go really damn far.
I believe that the difference between the really good ones and the ones that don't make it are the ones that don't make it know how to be a victim. They feel sorry for themselves, they blame the next guy, and they don't take the responsibility as their own. And that's what an entrepreneur does. You're the boss. It's your problem. Period. It's your problem. It rests with you. Now, what are you gonna do about it?
I've come to learn that there's a huge difference between failing and failure. Failing is like stubbing your toe. You know, it happens. It's a verb, you know, it's just something you do. But failure is a noun. It's an identity. And I failed a lot, a lot, a lot along the way. But I was never a failure because I kept trying. I kept doing it.
I understood over time that my value wasn't representative of the things that worked or didn't work. If you decide that you want to run a marathon, oftentimes the person who stops you from running the marathon is nobody else but you. If you want to start a business, the person who's stopping you is the only else but you.
If you decide to run the marathon, somebody's gonna have an opinion of you. While they're sitting on their couch, no less, they will have an opinion that you decided to run the marathon or you didn't decide to run the marathon. While somebody is sitting on their couch behind their keyboard, they're gonna have an opinion of you starting a business or not starting a business. The fact of the matter remains, are you going to let somebody else's opinion dictate what you are going to do in your life and the reason you are put on this earth?
Oftentimes, the person who stops ourselves from doing other things, while we would like to point at other people because they have an opinion, it is actually us we choose to believe. Listen, adhere to somebody else's opinions, but somebody else's opinion of us doesn't pay our bills. The person who has an opinion about what it is you're doing was most likely never going to become a customer.
When it comes to the differences between the rich and the poor, it doesn't start with how much money you make. It doesn't start with what degree you have. It doesn't start with who your parents are. It doesn't start with what background you have. It starts with what mindset you have.
I'm not very nice or fair minded with rich kids. The problem with investing in a business owned by a rich kid is usually raise money already rather easily. It's not sweat equity, so you got a chunk of change to get started. Okay, that's nice. Now you would think that would make things easier. I think it makes things difficult. You don't spend your money wisely. It's Papa's money, or your parents friends money, or wherever you got it from.
So it's not valuable money. And I've seen more people stand and say, well, we pivoted. We lost that and we pivoted. What happened to the guys that gave you the cash? What happened to them? No regard at all. Okay. When you get a poor kid, they typically have something to prove. They really have to stretch every penny. It's their own money. They're dying just to get a little bit more. There's so much a greater need, and it's also a desire to do well and living in their life. They want to go on vacations. They too want to get a sports car. They want to get a nice apartment. These rich kids have had it all before. They've been on vacation everywhere. They've always had rich cars, rich parents.
So I think it's so much harder for a rich kid to succeed as an entrepreneur. I just love poor kids. And I have to tell you, out of my whole portfolio, I don't have a single rich kid who succeeded. What held you back is what can push you forward. And that's conceptually, I feel like a lot of people could benefit if they really looked at the problems they're facing right now.
There are massive solutions within those problems that can take you to a new level of life if you look at them from a different perspective. Now the question is, how can you make your hard work the most scalable? Because that's now what will take you from, okay, I don't want to be broke. So now you start working hard, which is great. The next question is, how can you make your hard work the most rewarding. What can you do to make that hard work? Give you the biggest dividends and the highest returns.
And this is where people say, work smart. You know, some people say work smart, don't work hard. I think that's a bunch of crap. I think you need to work smart and work hard. They go hand in hand because that hard work is going to allow you to scale your smart work. But you now have to understand, okay, I want to become more financially successful. So now, how do I do that? What is the financial education? What am I working for when I make more money? What am I going to do with this money? Where am I going to invest it? How am I earning this money? What can I do in terms of taxes to protect my wealth? What can I do with my investments to scale them?
What can I do to build an asset? What can I do to build a business? What can I do to scale the assets that I do own? So now you start asking these questions, and I know this is getting very deep in some of these topics, but it all starts with that mindset of believing that it's possible for you. Because if you don't believe it's possible for you, you're right. But if you believe it's possible for you, you're also right. And whatever your belief is, is going to change what output you take in the time that are very hard moments.
I always think to myself like, there is no good reason I had no business starting a business, and yet I started one. And I have found ways to create and make and sustain multiple seven figure revenue streams. And while that may or may not be the case for everybody else, I strongly believe that every single business owner, once armed with what they know how to do, and once armed with the marketing and what's armed with the discipline, and once armed with a consistency, that they too can build a six figure revenue stream. I believe that with every fiber in my bones can you deliver on the promise that you are making?
Can you sustain those customer relationships? Because if then I believe, hands down, you can create a six figure revenue stream. And in America, if you are creating a six figure revenue stream, you are in the 1% of the 1%. But I don't think I'm special. I believe everybody can do this.
I learned that you get back up and all the opportunities and getting back up just got to be a habit of getting up. You get up and you're gonna find something that you could do something with. Just get up.
Building wealth is a very simple formula. Spend less than what you make and invest the difference, period. Now, if you want to achieve more wealth, you need to invest more money. How can you invest more money? You can spend less money or you can earn more money. It's as simple as that. Now, there's a limit to how much less you can spend. There is a limit to how many costs you can cut, but there's no limit to how much money you can earn.
So if you've already cut back as much as possible, there's no other way that you can cut back. And you still want to invest more and you want see the return sooner, then you got to earn more money. Now, again, how can you earn more money? Well, if you don't want to do it through starting a business or a side hustle, then you got to do it through your career.
Are you at a job that will allow you to earn more money? Are you in a position that will allow you to earn more money? Maybe you have to get a certificate. Maybe you have to go back to school. Maybe you look for a different company. Maybe you look for a completely different career. Maybe you end on a second job.
I can't answer that question for you, but this is where you just have to be honest with yourself and see what type of life do you want to live? And are you being honest with yourself?
I've never met a person working two or three jobs that actually was doing better because all you did was sell more time, sleep less stress, more like that. I think that is one of the biggest myths is saying I gotta work harder. We're exchanging our hours for dollars. You go to work every single day and you get paid.
But what are wealthy people doing? They're not working just to use their money as a way to buy hours. They're using the money to buy their time. Yes, because now you can build things and build processes and invest your money. Because now you can use your money as a tool instead of as a fool.
Education and information changes the conversation. If you change the conversation, you can change the compensation. If you can change the compensation, you can change the realization. If you understand money, you become financially educated. You're willing to talk about it well, now you can be financially stable, doing whatever you want, and you can follow something you love and still be financially okay.
Because we assume that you have to have this in order to make money. You have to have this job in order to make good money. You have to have this career if you want to be financially stable. But that's a complete lie. But that goes down to not us being willing to talk about money. The reason people are scared to talk about it is because we're insecure about it, and that's because we don't understand how money plays a part in our lives. It's one aspect I say that there's four. You have to be physically healthy, mentally healthy, spiritually healthy, and then financially healthy.
If you're not financially healthy, well, it can make everything else much more miserable because you can't pay your bills. But if you're financially healthy, you're rich, but you have nothing else. More money just makes you more miserable. So you need to live a holistic life and understand how money plays a part in your life. That way, the finances can have the biggest power, and then you understand that more money just amplifies who you are. It's like fire. It's like fuel. It fuels your fire. If you're a good person and you have more money, you have a tool to do more good. If you're a bad person, you have more money. You have a tool to do my bad.
When I started teaching my homes about investing, I was like, yo, in order to be wealthy, you gotta own something. You cannot create wealth if you don't own nothing. If you don't own nothing, you just a consumer. And if you don't own nothing and you a consumer, and you don't teach your kids how to own nothing, then now you let them inherit it, being a consumer. And if nobody breaks it, nobody's a disruptor, right? No one becomes a disruptor. So now it's, well, I've never seen wealth, so I probably can't be wealthy.
Let me just live my life, like, whatever. Let me live my life for me. Let me just keep buying things, right? Let me work hard every day. And the little time I do get some free cash because I work so hard for it, I need some type of self gratification. I need some type of reprieve from this. I don't care if I can't afford it. Sacrifice. What am I sacrificed for?
It's hard paying these bills. I'm not about to do that. And so now Christmas becomes the day where we go broke buying liabilities, right? We have more month left than money all the time, right? We are, again, we are financially deprived because we have no relationship with money. Whereas this other class says, let me teach you about taxes. Let me teach you the importance of life insurance. Let me teach you the importance of this. Right? Let me teach you the importance of.
You may not like this person. Check this out. You may not like this person. But just because you don't like them don't mean you can't do business with them, right? Because they have access to such and such that you don't. So what over here is if you don't like them, kill them. You don't like them. You know, let them know you don't like them. Let them know there's animosity right there. Cause I want it to like, the way that the world is viewed is two completely different ways. You feel me?
And so because of that, this set of people, until they get exposed to it, until this class of people gets exposure, everyone will repeat that cycle. The first thing everyone has to understand is what money is. And I don't mean in terms of, like, in terms of wealth, but, like, money is just paper. It doesn't make you a good person. It doesn't make you a bad person. It just is paper.
And we talk about all these insecurities people have with money. I grew up being told, don't talk about money, don't worry about money, don't stress about money. Yet here I am seeing my parents work their butt off every single day. So trying to make money, trying to make money. What is the strategy to get us out of this situation? And if we in a bad situation, sacrifice has got to be made, right?
So, okay, cool. How do we get out of this situation? Alright, cool. So maybe you do take on another way. Maybe you do take on another job, right? Okay, that's cool. How long are we taking on that job? And are we using this other job specifically for paying off debt or getting me out of this hole? Because the objective is not to work the two jobs, right?
Or I would say the world we in right now, that smartphone is so amazing, so powerful. So find a way to create some passive income for that. It's limited. And you can use your money as a tool to buy your time back, or you can use your money as a tool to make you and attract you more money. That's what wealthy people do. And so you want to be able to use money in that way. Invest in what you understand. So now wear Nikes. Yeah. You should be looking at apparel brands, right? Nike, Lululemon. Because you understand that, right?
If you a workout person, then you should be looking at like planet fitness, things like that. Like if you are a tech person, you use an Apple phone, you should 100% be on the looking at Apple, right. Your car person. Right? But one of the things I like now is fintech financial technology. So everybody uses PayPal or square. Right. That is the way money is changing. The way we use the money is completely different now. So I think everybody should be investing in fintech right now, 100%.
But I look at it as, so every investor has what's called an investor identity. Like what you're willing to risk, your risk tolerance. If you're a doctor, then you know more about medicine. So you should be in biotech or pharmacies, healthcare, you should. That should be your thing. Invest where your strong points are. I remember Warren Buffett said for a long time he didn't understand technology. So he didn't buy technology. He didn't buy Apple stock until, like, 2017, right?
So I learned that from him. He says I put things in a too hard box. It was too hard for me to understand. I don't do it. And what I love about investing is it's not an IQ sport. It's not about who has the biggest iq at all, because it's mostly about how do I stay in my circle of competence and what I understand, because that's what gives me that advantage.
You don't want to be now just buying a whole bunch of Gucci and Louis Vuitton. It's now actually improving your life. There are almost certainly a lot of things that you're doing that are going to keep you broke. I've done a lot of things, Mandy, and I've been swinging for a long time, and that's something that's available to everyone, and I do think that's missed out on that. There's a lot of ordinary people being rich and being successful, and people think it's an exclusive club, and that's just not true.
There's a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one's ready for a thing until they believe that they can acquire it. Now, you're in a solution oriented mindset, and people that get wealthy, let me tell you right now, all they think about are solutions. How do I solve this problem? Because you are. If you're wealthy, you must remember your parents. You're paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems you solve. And if that's true, you better get very good at solving very difficult problems.
And if you have something that's holding you back, like, I'm not as smart as a lot of people, and that really pisses me off, but the reality is, pissing and moaning about it is not going to make me any smarter. All I can do is go make the most of what I have. Entrepreneurs have one thing in common. They keep going, they'll change the roles, they'll reinvent the rules. You know, they don't just take one answer. So a real entrepreneur, it really makes no difference which country you're in, you know what I mean? It's just a mindset.
If you, you mess with me, I'll find a way around. They make no excuses. They take total responsibility for their lives. In fact, many people that fall into that category will take responsibility for things that clearly don't even have anything to do with themselves.
People are spending all of their money, death habit number one, you're spending all of your money on liabilities and not assets. So the key is to understand what an asset is, to understand what a liability is, and to buy appropriately. An asset is something that when you buy, it's going to go up in value and not cost you money or even pays you money, more money, obviously, than it costs you. If you have a liability, it's the exact opposite.
So the classic example of a liability is a car payment. The second you drive a car off the lot, it's going down in value, and with very rare exception, it is never going to go back up. So it's going down in value and you've got to keep making those payments.
So you've got money going out while value is declining. Another one that people often think of as an asset, but is usually a liability is your own home. Now, the reason that your own home is so frequently a liability is odds are you have a mortgage. Odds are it's the most expensive thing in your life. And it's not like you can just get out from under that liability, especially if the bottom falls out.
You're going to have property tax depending on where you live, and you're going to have upkeep no matter where you live. So now you're pouring money into this thing, and maybe the value is going up, but maybe not always. And between the property taxes and the upkeep, you may be paying more then the value is going up over time, especially if you account for opportunity cost.
So the odds of your house, after taxes, fees, upkeep, all of that being a better use of capital if you're living in it, being a better use of capital than taking that same money and putting it into an index fund or something like that, a diversified portfolio, let's say the odds of the house returning more on that are very low, unless obviously, if you get into rental properties and things like that and you're not living in it. So now it can actually generate cash flow. Well, then it's just a math equation.
A lot of people are chasing content creation, or they were chasing crypto last week, or they were chasing blogging years ago, and now AI, everyone's chasing. And so what I'd recommend for other people out there, and I've been able to do this literally. Fuck, man. I've chosen so many trillion dollar markets to be around, and a lot of my success is just because I'm in the market and in the market as well. But I'm curious about these things, number one.
So I was curious about social networking, and I was like, oh, that's big. Cause I got onto it, and I finally, I was able to see, like, wow, you can connect with the entire world, even though there wasn't really the entire world at that point.
So curious. Same with i was like, man, money. I think worldwide it's pretty important. I think there's gonna be something. If you have a free money tool, that's gonna be big. Same thing then with Facebook games, that was going to be big.
Then I did payments for games that was big. Then I did kind of a groupon business which became appsumo. That was big. Then we built dot, that was big, which is software tool. So, ideally, number one, you're curious so I can talk about my crypto thing, because I think that's kind of an interesting example of it. Number two, how do you get a part of it today, right now? Not how. Don't worry that you don't have a website. Don't worry you don't have a big social media presence.
But what can you take action on to put yourself in that space? Can you be in a community online? Can you geographically move? Can you start creating in that space? So I think people are curious, maybe, and they couldn't find it, but they don't necessarily try it and understand it, and they don't do anything about it.
So even with crypto, got involved, I heard about it in 2012, didn't do anything. I thought it was stupid. And then in 2016, I had to buy an illegal NFL stream. That's how I got into crypto.
And so I bought this illegal NFL stream on a website, seasons four, and I saw the power of what this could be, and then I started buying at that point, and that's where it's now become a multi million dollar portfolio.
And I think the biggest thing for everyone out there is, what are you doing on your phone all day? There's probably something within there that's a billion dollar opportunity. Same thing on what you're doing outside, same thing what you're watching on content and just being a little bit more curious and then taking action around that.
I would say that everyone should be an entrepreneur. Everyone. Because if you get fired today, what's your backup plan? Go on and pray.
Like having an entrepreneurship where you can have your own business and if you start it right now, not how you just get started. And that a lot of what we cover, that is exactly a million dollar weekend. You could do it in a weekend which everyone has. They can change their life in 48 hours. You have the option and a lot of people, let's take dot.
We have a lot of people who have very successful side businesses and they're happy with their day jobs and that's great. And there's other people like myself that were always frustrated having a day job. And so I wanted to create work that I didn't have to work at. And I do believe there's a misconception and something that most people get wrong is that you can't do what you enjoy or passion or dream about and make a lot of money doing it. I don't believe that.
But when I make a million bucks, I keep a million bucks. And the reason is because I don't make it by working for money. See, if you work for money, you're taxed. So that's why lesson number one in rich dad, poor dad, is the rich don't work for money. What we do instead is we create businesses. As entrepreneurs, we acquire real estate.
I don't invest in the stock market. So the reason is because as entrepreneurs, I have more control over my income, how much I make and how much I pay in taxes. And because I'm an entrepreneur as well as an investor in real estate, I pay zero tax.
So every time I make, let's say, a million dollars as an entrepreneur, I immediately invested in real estate and I have a four to one step up. So I put a million dollars in real estate, I get 4400, I get 4 million from the bank. That's why I love banks, but the banks are screwing everybody else terrible. But it's good for me.
We are all the same everywhere in the world. I don't care if you go into China, going to Kosovo, going to Buenos Aires, going to New York, we are all the same. We look different, we sound different, but when you get past the culture and culture is nothing but group habit, that's exactly what it is. When you get past the culture, we are all the same.
There is one mind. There's not millions of minds. There is one, and we are an individualized expression of it. And when we tap into that universal mind, it operates by law. The idea must move into form.
That's one of the first laws of the universe, the perpetual transmutation of energy. You understand that winter never follows winter. When the tide goes out, it always comes back in. I got a beautiful japanese maple just outside my studio at home. Every fall, the leaves fall off that. Every spring, they come back.
All the great paintings, Rembrandt, van Gogh, all of them, they were inspired to do the great work. We have to understand that whatever Rembrandt or van Gogh used, we have available to us. We're God's highest form of creation. Spirit flows to and through us.
It's our responsibility to decide what we're going to do with it. I think we've got an obligation to do great work. We're only here for a short time, not a long time, and we've got the faculties and the ability to do great work. I think we should.
So money doesn't bring you happiness? It's never made me happy. I don't measure happy. What do you measure? I measure accomplishments. I measure targets. I measure, you know, who I'm helping. Things that I can actually physically measure.
You know, the reality is most of us don't dream big. Hmm. You got the mindset. Are you looking? Are you paying attention? You can do it, bro.
You got to give something up. It's not. You have to add something. You always have to give something up. Really, I have.
I've never been able to go from here to there and not give up something. They got me here. If you're going to go from zero to a millionaire, when you get to a millionaire, if you want to go to the next level, you want to go to 10 million, you will have to give up the million in your life. That's why I said I got to hold myself accountable to the goal.
If I have to keep reselling myself on this goal. If people want to create wealth for themselves, it's not just money. It's people. Not how much money I have. I mean, we all know about the wealthy person that has no friends.
He's on a yacht by himself. That's not wealth, right? A bunch of money and material collections. To me, there's no way to create real wealth by just going inside. You got to go.
I got to add people. How do you get people to know who you are. I say almost yes to almost everything. Why do you say yes to everything? Because. Because it connects me to another person. I need people to get to know who I am.
I'm going to become somebody. I want to contribute more. I don't think about. I want to be more happy. I'm not thinking about joy. I'm not thinking about contentment. I'm not thinking.
I'm thinking about action. I want the action. I want the grind. I want the possibility. I want legacy. I'm trying to figure out how to extend 100 years. How could grant cardone still be relevant in 21, 23? Do I want more happiness?
Dude, I want more time is what I want, and I want more health with time and health bring you more happiness. As long as I have people around me that I want to be around, I don't like being around people that don't do stuff. I don't like people that talk about doing something and don't. I don't like being around people that and can't pay meals and can't throw in and can't contribute. Cause I know they can.
Most of the people watching right now, everything you have budgeted for in your life, you can pay for. It's the things you didn't budget for. The big dream. But everything else you got covered. Everything people pay attention to. House note, car note, electric bill, water bill basics, everything gets covered.
What if you just added a whole bunch of other stuff to the list? What if we were all brought up to say, hey, we're going to cover all this stuff. People will be even more productive.
What would you say are the top three ways? The best way is to multiply money down. Get rid of it. You got to get rid of it first. You got to make it. I mean, I got to collect it.
I got to collect some. Then I got to figure out, okay, this pays for this basic living, everything above that. Don't spend any more money like the rest of it. If this is four grand and I make seven, the entire three has got to go into investments every month. Every single month.
At some point, you got to quit being a saver. Got to start being an investor. This is what we should have been taught in school, man. This is what we should have been taught as kids. Like, how do I do money? You do it with time, okay?
You don't do it with a job. You're not going to get $823,000 a year at a job. There's no job that's going to hire you and pay you 823 without you having to go back to college and spend time and invest money just doesn't work like that.
What do you think people in the middle class are doing that they should shift in their mindset in order to start getting out of that? Well, you don't borrow money to go to college. Why would you trade five or six or seven years of the income? Time is money. So I wouldn't go to college. I would never buy a home.
I would never put debt on a home. If I bought a home, I wouldn't put debt on it. And these are nevers for me. On the come up. On the come up? Yeah, on the come up. Once you have the cash, once you're, you're wealthy and you want to go buy homes and, you know, would buy yachts and stuff, go do whatever you want to do.
But, but on the come up, you would never spend your income, you would never spend primary income on improving the quality of your life. You would only invest. And that's what I'm trying to teach my kids. Like Sabrina's. I let her pay all the bills. I've been doing this since she was probably six. You pay the bill, we don't give them an allowance. I don't think any kid should be given an allowance.
Interesting. Why not? They want money. They become an employee of the company, they work for the company. We give them a series of things to do. We pay them once a year. Okay. We give them a big check at the beginning of the year. That money goes into cardone capital. Wow. And they live off the distributions. Come on.
Sometimes they'll get a bonus for doing extra stuff, but they don't get the money. They never get the money. It's invested and they get the money. That money is invested. They get the distributions. They will create wealth over the next ten years. But it'll be their own will. It's not something I gave them.
If you could only teach your kids three lessons about money. Yeah, what would those lessons be? People. Number one, meet people. No one's a stranger. Money's a people gain. Two, once you get it, don't lose it.
And number three, invest in things where you can never lose your capital. Now, the person watching this, she's a waitress and she's got two kids at home. She's like, I'm never gonna make 800. It's cuz you already gave up on the idea. Like, you know, you never, you never said, that's the target. And you keep thinking you got a weight, tape boy, and you quit already.
How many people are in debt in America. 40% of people that make a million dollars a year still are living paycheck to paycheck. 60%, 40%, 40%. But that's not because of inflation. That's because they spent money they shouldn't have spent. They thought they were entitled to. Because they're millionaires. They live above their means.
They live above their investments, not their means. How can we shift the relationship to money that we have so we can have a better experience emotionally and spiritually about money? Anything you're hiding, you're gonna have problems with. The secret keeps you sick.
First thing I look at every day is my money. I have a great relationship with my money. I'm not just gonna think about it. I'm gonna be somebody today. I'm gonna grow into who I should be. What I've done already is impossible.
From where you came from and all these things. From where I came from, I should be dead. I should have been dead at 25 years old or in jail. Messed up forever, you know. Instead I became this guy. And I mean, I'm grateful and I had, I don't know that I had any breaks. I know when people say, oh, you had luck, I'm like, you grinded, right? I've been grinding and I'm proud of the grind.
But I wanted to turn into something more than money. I'm gonna feel good about a lot of places I go to and a lot of people I be, because I made more contributions than I didn't, I gave more than I took.
If you're lazy, I mean, there's nothing that can help you. Andrew Carnegie said it best. Tom Watson Sr. The founder of IBM, said it best again. Henry Ford one said it again, and I've said it. If you have to motivate employees, they're not worth having. Nobody ever had to motivate me in my life.
And my big, one of my big bosses on Wall street, who's the godfather to our youngest son, and he hates hearing this. When your dad was 26, 27, 28, we would have to have security drag him out of the office because he'd sleep at his desk for seven or eight days. His secretary used to get flattened by new shirts and underwear and he sponge bath in the men's room. I mean, our kids don't like hearing that story, but it happened to be true.
Nobody ever had to motivate me. I've never, ever been corrected for making a mistake. In my 51 years in business, never once. I'm always the most prepared in the room. Always. Even now.
Did you know that Elon Musk doesn't hang? Bill Gates doesn't chill yet. Millennials, that's what they want to do. So if you surround yourself with four or five or six people that want to hang when you're hanging, you're not. Now, I know you're supposed to be decompressing, and I understand all that.
I don't believe if you have to decompress at the weekend or go on a holiday, because holidays are really important here. I mean, in the UK, you know, everybody because they lost a down payment because they're Covid.
But if you have to go on a holiday and decompress, you got the wrong job, or you don't love what you do. I've never. You know, from 1971 to 1997, I didn't think I. A day off, not a day off. And I got married on one of those days.
Did you know that 21% of all the people that bought bitcoin in the last twelve months here in the UK don't have a clue what bitcoin is? Did you know that the average price for an order and 2019 for bitcoin was 280 pounds, which is about $350. And 2021, the last twelve months, it's about $100 more. So they're spending $500 or less.
How are you going to change your life with $500 investment? Even if bitcoin went to a billion dollars, it's not going to change many lives.
Find something you love, find something you're passionate about, and only surround yourself with other people that are passionate about the same thing, and then if it's work to you, it's not worth pursuing. I don't consider myself working. I consider myself. This is like a hobby, and I haven't had to work in 35 years.
A young lady interviewing me that explained to me why millennials buy these stocks that are worth nothing. And she says, basically, we don't have any option, legal option, how to get rich. I used to give a lecture in universities. Wealth, risk, reward, not the system that was devised 70 years ago. After World War two, you go to work with a company, you work 30, 45 years, you get a pension, you don't get a gold watch as nice as mine, and you can live in a picket house with two 2.4 dogs, 6.4 grandchildren, and hopefully your original wife. Well, that model is dead. That is impossible anymore. And on top of it, you have $150 to $250,000 in debt for going to school. Some kids will be 45 years old and still be paying off student debt.
Well, that's a load of crap. You want people with a like mind and that are better than you, smarter than you, more intelligent than you to get on your bus. Don't be so concerned about what you're going to do with those people. But you want to, you know, the joint brain is, you know, there's nothing the joint brain, collective brain or brains can't overcome.
And I give the example of the atomic bomb Manhattan project, and they were put together and they were told we need to develop a weapon of mass destruction, which they didn't call it that back in those days in the middle forties to end the war in the Pacific, and they did. They didn't know if it was implode or explode, but they did.
But if your team doesn't look like that, then you should. I won't say you should give serious thought, you should just change the number one. You want to be in a business where there's big margins, big gross margins. Not, for example, retail, forget about it. Restaurants, forget about it. Things that you want, big margins. Unfortunately, in my opinion, most Internet businesses have big margins. That's why you flock to it.
First of all, you want between 20 and 40% gross margin. So even if it misses manage it, you'll come out with a decent net margin. Number two, if you're not first, you have to be different. What I see kids doing is just replicating the same business idea over and over again. How are you different? Well, who's your market? You really understand who your market is? More money than you think.
Being made in green. I'm not a believer that the world's going to end in because of global warm me, but there's little niches I would look at government contracts because unfortunately, the canadian government, the us government, the british government doesn't have a level of expertise that you have to have to bid on government contracts. So that means you, young lady, could bid on government contracts in Canada for whatever. There are 3 million contracts daily being let in the canadian government.
There's 10 million contracts daily in the us government. We've had kids that never attended the seminar that have made tens of millions of government contracts. But most kids wanted to be handed to them on a planner. Most kids think they go to a three day seminar in Montreal, that it's going to be the end all, be all, and they're going to turn that $3,000 or $1,800 into millions. That's just not true.
Follow what you're passionate about, what you love. It's not work if you love what you're doing. Okay. Most people, when I say they're living quiet lives of desperation, is because they're involved in a business and or a job that they don't enjoy, they're not passionate about. Okay. So if you found somebody that you're passionate about, it doesn't matter if you work 3 hours a day or 13 hours a day, that's where you start. And most people aren't there. Most people have to find that.
So what should we do? Gary vee, let's wrap this up. What should we do?
What should people do? To me, hustle is maximizing the energy you're putting into somebody. I'm blown away by people saying that they're hustling and they want to achieve these great things, and then their actions don't match. It's like saying you really want to lose weight while eating a big Mac, right?
So, to me, hustle would be putting all your effort into achieving the goal at hand. And for me, that means making every minute count.
There are a million reasons why not, but there's one great reason why, which is you've just got to persevere. No matter what it is. It's just the way it is.
It's hard being an entrepreneur. It's hard building a business. Everybody thinks it's so easy, that there's an entitlement. There's a disaster. Zinging China, here comes my Us zing right now. There is an insane generation of 18 to 25 year olds right now that think they're entitled to having a business because they saw the social network movie, and everybody's decided, if you're a kid and you know what tech is, because you used instagram early on, you're entitled to actually build a business.
Building a business is hard. And you know what makes it really hard? Everything that happens every day of every moment. So you can pick time, you can pick money as the one or two things that you think stop you from winning your game. But the truth is, there's a million reasons. 99% of businesses go out of business for a reason.
And that reason is it's hard. Hustle is putting it all on the line. Hustle is waking up one day, the day before you die, and realizing you gave it your all into the parenting of your children. The building of your businesses, the philanthropy that you wanted to do, whatever you define, it's just, you know, all in emotionally and executionally, in theory, in strategy, and in execution, don't complain about it.
You've made that choice. Don't bullshit me like, you want to spend more time with your family. Spend more time with your family.
This is back to what we said about keyboard warriors. I'm trying to be very careful about what I'm saying versus what I'm doing, because that's how you get exposed. And I don't mean, like, people calling you out and being like, you suck. I mean, to yourself, I don't want to be exposed by myself.
It's looking yourself in the mirror and saying, like, am I doing this right? So, to me, there's so many people that are talking shit about how big of an entrepreneur they're going to be and how much they're going to achieve, and they don't work on weekends.
You know, I worked every Saturday of my twenties, like, and I talked to 20 year old entrepreneurs every single day. Lately, I've been saying to them, this Saturday, you're gonna have more time off than I've had in my entire twenties on a Saturday.
So, like, before you tell me how you're gonna be bigger than me, start thinking about what you're actually doing. For the first two years that I ran Vaynermedia, we had no rent. We first worked out of a conference room. A conference room.
We then worked out of a co working space before the whole we work and co working space revolution. And I bartered my time to help that company in exchange for a very small space. We didn't buy furniture. We scrapped, and I'd already made it. I was already rich, and we scrapped.
And so the biggest thing that I would want to implore everybody here today to do is to take a step back and think about how fancy are they? Are you willing to be really, really, really ghetto? Do you really need that chair?
Do you really need that piece of technology? Do you really need to fly that class? Like, I just think that we're living through an incredibly fancy culture of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and CEO status is quite sexy.
People are selling a lifestyle that is filled with lots of fun and trips and champagne and bikinis and bling bling and all sorts of horseshit. Right? And I just think that that era of this era is going to come to an end somewhere within the next five years.
And very honestly, I just don't want a lot of people in this room that dream to build their own businesses, to have to go work at a bank, go work at a retail store. And so I would highly recommend something that I think is stunningly not talked about enough, which is, if you're building a business, you have to be making money.
Everybody thinks they're going to be zucks. Everybody thinks they're going to build Snapchat.
Go look at the data. The data shows that the far majority of this room will not succeed. Not even close to building an actual business.
And I don't come here to be somber. I come here to remind you that there's only one thing you can do, the only thing you can do that can trump the moment mommy and daddy had sex to make you. The only thing that can trump that, the only thing that can trump your DNA, the only thing that is controllable. If you want it, if you want.
This is work. If you've got a big mouth, and a lot of you do here, search the hashtag, and a lot of you say CEO, founder, owner. I call that big mouth if you've got the audacity to do it. And so many of you have heard this from me when I audit you, and I do because I'm curious.
People talk a big game. I especially love when somebody hits me up on social like, garyvee, you're going to buy the jetse, I'm gonna buy the Rams. You know, everybody is buying a sports team. And I love.
And I love to look at what that person does, and then I'll dm that person and be like, yo, bro, nobody, nobody, unless they were a trust fund baby, ever bought the Rams when they go skiing for a week when they're 24.
Nobody you know. Nobody you know, nobody you know has become successful outside of it being given to them from their family. Nobody you know has actually created success without working their face off.
It doesn't exist. So you can sit and talk about luck, and you can sit and talk about this, that, or the other thing, but I promise you, the only controllable thing you have is your work ethic. What is the definition of winning?
And I think we all have different definitions, right? And I think that one of the things that I also want to say is that I'm getting scared that a lot of people that are following my journey hear me talking about buying the New York jets. And I do aspire to buy a $3 billion sports franchise.
I do. It is what I want. You can look at my fifth grade yearbook, long before business was cool. It's what I want to do. But I'm awfully scared that it's pressuring the people that follow me into trying to achieve things that they don't necessarily want.
They just think it's the thing you do. If you're trying to be a successful business person. Let me promise you something. I know tens of thousands of people. I know thousands of people extremely well. I know hundreds of people deeply well. There is no correlation between how much money someone makes and their level of happiness.
I have friends who make $47,000 a year and are the happiest people I know. Their work life balance is on point. They're part of two soccer teams. They play video games, they watch every show they want. They take two vacations that they scrap together, and they're freaking happy as hell. And I know tons of people who I grew up with in the Silicon Valley boom who have hundreds of millions of dollars in their bank account and are as miserable as, and as lonely and as broken as you'll ever see.
So I implore all of you to please reverse engineer and figure out who you are. You got a job to do. It's time for you to get it done. Did you not hear what Michael Jordan said? Some people want it to happen. Some people wish it would happen.
But the greats, they go out and make it happen. Setbacks won't stop them. Doubt won't stop them. Fear won't stop them. You won't stop them.
So many people say they want to be where the money resides. So many people say they want to be where greatness resides. But so many people refuse to do what they need to do on a daily basis.
Don't tell me what you gonna do. Tell me you got it done. Don't tell me you wanna rise above the peck. Don't tell me you wanna be ahead of the rest. When your daily actions are below average at best.
See, the late great Nelson Mandela said, it always seems impossible until it's done. So there will be days that you don't feel like getting out of that bed. There will be days that you don't feel like getting started.
Let me give you a little piece of advice, because sometimes you gotta trick yourself and say, self, I'm just gonna do 1 minute, and watch that 1 minute turn into two, and once that two minutes turn into three and watch that three minutes turn into four and watch that four minutes turn into five, and then five turns into ten, and then ten turns into 30, and 30 minutes turns into an hour.
And when you look up, you're hoisting the banner because you won that day. I don't care what you gotta do. If you gotta put your favorite music on, if you gotta toss your hair back in the bun, put yourself in a position to do the work put yourself in a position to get the job done.
Put yourself in a position to not stop until what you had written down on that list of things to do today is completed, and then some.
Will you put in the work until you find your. Yes. Will you put in the work until you find your blessed. Will you put in the work until you alleviate all stress, all strife? Will you put in the work until you're living your best life?
You got a job to do. Get it done.
I love when TD Jake says, don't tell me what you're gonna do. Tell me you got it done. See, the resilient mindset keeps going and going and going.
When so many others will quit, I need you to tap into your inner grind hard. I need you to tap into your inner go get it. I need you to tap into your never quit. I need you to tap into your resiliency.
I need you to tap into the mindset of getting the job done no matter what. You gotta pay the price to live a next level life.
It's time for you to get off your hind parts and make it happen. Don't you realize there's millions of lights? You can be impacted, but you're only touching a fraction, and that's on a low level.
You don't have a story. You're not leaving a legacy because you struggle with adversity. You struggle with the setbacks. Don't you get it? The resilient mindset knows that a thousand nos may come, but it keeps grinding into your inner grind, hard, like you want to live.
So many people resort to not giving their best, and then they wonder why they have less than the next man or the next woman who made the choice to sacrifice and refuse the advice of those that wanted them to go hang out at the party, those that invited them to the game because they weren't where they wanted to be.
And they had a mission. And their vision told them if they put in the work now, the day will come. Well, they could go to any party they wanted to. Matter of fact, they could build a club at their house. They could build a club at their mansion.
Get it done now or die irrelevant or die broke. If you're not strong enough to say no, well, you know, you got work to do. And your friends or family approach you to do something that you really have absolutely no time to do, but you do it anyway. That's a setback, and it's gonna take you longer to reach your desired destination.
See, the mindset of success shuts down a negative vibes and proceeds to grind to win by only aligning with positive tribes. Show me your and friends, I'll show you your future.
It's not gonna happen overnight. Success can be a bitter pill to swallow. Success will push you to your limits. It takes time. It's not easy.
Life often gets in the way. But no excuses. I need you to still get it done.
The late, great Jackie Robinson said, this ain't fun, but you watch me, I will get it done. And that's the thought process. That's the mindset you have to subscribe to.
If you try to achieve any type of success, the greats will tell you about some rough patches. The greats will tell you about some tough days. The greats will tell tell you about some adversity. The greats will tell you about some setbacks. The greats will tell you about some failures.
But the greats will also tell you this. They kept going. They kept going. They kept going. They refused to lose.
They refused to quit. They refused to give up. And they lived by the motto, I will win. I will get it done. No excuses.
The late, great Muhammad Ali said, you don't lose if you get knocked down, you lose if you stay down.
There will be days that you don't achieve your desired outcome. And that's what separates the winners from the losers. See, losers give up, winners give on.
The late, great Jim Rohn said, if you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse. What champions reside resides there is absolutely no excuses.
This is a great day to win.
Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Mindset, Inspiration, Finance, Self-Improvement, Business Motiversity