The video discusses Vinod Sharma's perspective on transforming one's mindset and lifestyle to achieve success. He introduces the concept of "Kaash," an acronym for Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, and Habits, emphasizing the importance of a strong attitude and decision-making. Sharma shares how knowledge must be transformed into habits and skills to be rewarded and appreciated in practice.

Sharma further elaborates on the need to upgrade from "Kaash" to "Shakti"—where Shakti includes Skills, Habits, Attitude, Knowledge, Time management, and Intelligence. He underscores the value of intelligence over mere knowledge, explaining that the ability to listen is equally crucial to success. A successful person manages time efficiently and has a willingness to understand and offer back to society.

Main takeaways from the video:

Transform knowledge into skills and habits to achieve lasting success.
Intelligence combines strong values with a sharp mind, differing from cunningness.
Success involves contributing to society with wisdom and integrity, not just accumulating wealth.
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:

1. conviction [kənˈvɪkʃən] - (n.) - A strong belief or opinion. - Synonyms: (belief, certainty, assurance)

But we need to convert or change that preference into conviction.

2. preference [ˈprɛfərəns] - (n.) - A greater liking for one alternative over another or others. - Synonyms: (inclination, choice, liking)

In all over the world, whole world, most people have the same preferences.

3. permanent [ˈpɜːrmənənt] - (adj.) - Lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely. - Synonyms: (enduring, everlasting, perpetual)

And if you keep doing that particular thing for 90 days, it becomes permanent.

4. reflex action [ˈriːflɛks ˈækʃən] - (n.) - An action that is performed without conscious thought as an automatic response to a stimulus. - Synonyms: (automatic reaction, involuntary response)

And once any knowledge becomes your reflex action, it becomes a skill.

5. intellect [ˈɪntəˌlɛkt] - (n.) - The faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively. - Synonyms: (intelligence, mind, brainpower)

And the mentors and the educators, the intellectual people like they are coming on TEDX stage also they tell you so successful

6. cunningness [ˈkʌnɪŋnəs] - (n.) - The quality of being skilled at achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion. - Synonyms: (slyness, craftiness, trickiness)

Having a strong brain without morals and values, this is cunningness.

7. struggler [ˈstrʌɡlər] - (n.) - A person who has difficulty achieving success in a particular area or activity. - Synonyms: (underdog, fighter, contender)

Every field has two people. Strugglers and winners.

8. materialistic [məˌtɪəriəˈlɪstɪk] - (adj.) - Excessively concerned with material possessions or money. - Synonyms: (money-oriented, material-minded, consumerist)

Success is not only chasing money and accumulating the kind of materialistic things.

9. competency [ˈkɒmpɪtənsi] - (n.) - The ability to do something successfully or efficiently. - Synonyms: (capability, proficiency, aptitude)

competency without wisdom is dangerous.

10. vision [ˈvɪʒən] - (n.) - The ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. - Synonyms: (foresight, insight, imagination)

What is vision? That means to see the invisible.

The Sure Formula for Success - K, A, S, and H - Dr Vinod Sharma - TEDxSDMIMD Mysuru

Thank you so much all intelligent people over here and TEDx S STMIMD Mysoru. I am Vinod Sharma and I just want to talk to you about Kash. Because when I was struggling I used to say kash, Kash that happens. Caste that should not happen. So in my life journeying what I could understand that if you want to be a successful person you just need to convert the Hindi caste into English cash.

So English caste is K A S H. K stands for knowledge. A means attitude, S skills and H habits. And when I could do something in my life, I converted or I changed this Kash. I upgraded this Kash to Shakti. So I would start with Kash and end with Shakti. I am a brain science trainer. In brain science field I was a struggler. One day in 2003 I was a student and I was struggling to remember anything. That time I came to know why do we remember some things better? And why do we forget always what we do want to remember? And then I got so many ideas and methods. And I could become a memory trainer. From my journey to become a good memory trainer or kind of memory trainer. A successful memory trainer. I found this cash.

The cash has four letters. We start with a attitude. Whenever you want to do anything, you just need to be having a strong attitude. That means converting the preference into conviction. preference is. You know when you can change the decision. This is preference. In all over the world, whole world, most people have the same preferences. Name, fame, money, success, happiness. But we need to convert or change that preference into conviction. Under pressure, its preferences become weak. But conviction becomes stronger. So attitude means having a strong conviction. Making a strong decision. Right decision. Decision can be right or wrong. But your conviction can convert into right.

So attitude defines anything. It is not about that kind of. What do you say this attitude in a kind of. You know the kind of this when we show our attitude, it is not like that. It is having a strong decision. Strong conviction, not changeable. But once you decide, once you have attitude, okay, I will do this or I will become this. It will not do anything for you unless you have a knowledge. Suppose you want to become an aircraft pilot. So you have an attitude. I will become pilot. But making a choice will not make you a pilot. You just need to know how to make how to become a pilot. So for this knowledge is important. What is knowledge? Knowing the unknown is knowledge.

You can see with these eyes. Two eyes. But with knowledge you can see anything. What these two eyes cannot see. So knowledge is important. But only knowledge cannot do Anything for you. For knowledge you have books. For knowledge you have Google. For knowledge you have mentors. For knowledge you have faculties. For knowledge you have. You know researchers, research papers. But knowledge will only tell you what to do. You need to convert the knowledge into habit. H. What is habit? Habit is a secret. You know. We all know that going to morning walk is healthy for us. Yes or no. But very earthly people go, why knowledge? We know what is good for us. But to practice that good, we need to get into the habit.

So habit is a formula. 721 90, 187 days. We make a choice. If we keep doing that thing for 21 days, for first seven days, it becomes a kind of the piece of happiness. Okay, we have decided to do this. But from the 7th day to 21th day, it becomes harder, right? Going to the gym, going for the yoga, going for what you say this morning walk, you know very good eating habits. Or anything like you want to practice music, practice, any technology. So this is habit. If you keep doing that particular habit, particular thing for 21 days, the habit starts establishing.

And now you become slowly you become comfortable doing the same thing. What you were uncomfortable when you started. Once it becomes habit. If you keep doing that particular thing for 90 days, it becomes permanent. It becomes permanent. And if you keep doing the same thing for. Because after 21 days it will become comfortable doing for the same thing. And then from 90th day to 1-80th, 180 days, it will become your behavior, your reflection, your reflex action.

And once any knowledge becomes your reflex action, it becomes a skill. Remember, knowledge is appreciated. But only skills are rewarded. So you will become skilled, skillful and definitely then you are the thing. At the start it was very difficult for you. It seems to be. And now it is very easy for you. You can learn from your mother, right? Once you start how to cook food, you start to learn. It becomes difficult. But after some time, if you keep doing the same thing, it becomes a part of your reflex action.

So this is Kaash. And I could do the same thing. When I practiced Kaash, I realized it must be upgraded to Shakti S H A kti s for skill, H for habit, A for attitude, K for knowledge, T for time management. And I for intelligence. Knowledgeable people are everywhere in India and everywhere in in the world. But we require intelligent people, yes or no. So because you know only knowledge, only education cannot give you all things as a peace and happiness. And cannot make this world at a better place to live. We need intelligent people, intelligent community. Intelligent society, intelligent minds.

So this formula help you as for skill, you know, if you keep doing the thing and you keep practicing the particular knowledge and you keep it into habit, that becomes skill. Once you are skilled, you can do anything, right? So once you are skilled it manages to reduce your time. That means if you want, if you want to do anything, if you can earn a time, if you can reduce the time now it is a real success. So if you are successful, that means you can do the things within the time or in a less time. So it is time management.

In all over the world, most people in organization, government organization, private organization, companies, most people are struggling for two things. Team management and time management. They don't have time and they don't have good teams. So if they manage to have a good skill as well as they manage to manage the time they have, they most problems are solved. So what do one person successful people do? They practice their shakti, they practice their kash values. And once you manage the time, you become intelligent. Do you know what is the difference between knowledge and intelligence? Knowledge means ability to speak. Yes or no? If I ask about your name, you will refer from a knowledge in your brain. So ability to speak is a knowledge.

The person who knows more can speak more. Yes or no? So ability to speak is knowledge. What is intelligence? You know, it is contrast ability to listen is intelligence. What is the problem around? People want to say, people want to speak, people want to tell but nobody wants to listen. So ability to speak is knowledge is important. Yes, yes, of course. But to become an intelligent, a wise person you need to be have having an ability to listen. Listen, understand, observe and react. Right? And once you have this Shakti S H A K T I you are Shakti Maan. You are successful and you can do anything.

You put this Shakti, this formula in any field you will be successful automatically. In science, in technology, in entrepreneurship, in what you say, if you want, if you are an aspirant of government job, if you want to become a scientist, anyone, any field. Every field has two people. Strugglers and winners. So this, these attributes differentiate the winners from the strugglers. So let me you know, tell. This is brain science. What? Actually I belong to brain science. I feel that most people want to be happy. And for becoming happy we want to become successful. But what is the real meaning of success?

We do not know. And most people do not know. And the mentors and the educators, the intellectual people like they are coming on TEDX stage also they tell you so successful. Becoming successful is very easy. When you know you have a clear cut goal. So you know vision. You need to have a vision. What is vision? vision. That means to see the invisible. If you can see the invisible, you can achieve the impossible.

So vision, desire. You need to convert the desire into vision and decide. And this factor is attitude. So there was usually we say Kash. Now you have come to know. You change the Hindi caste into English cash and you will become successful. Once you upgrade yourself, you will come to know. Now you can manage the time and you are intelligent. You know, there are two people living in the society. One cunning and the other one is intelligent. Do you know what is the difference? Cunning, shrewd.

The common thing between a cunning shrewd and an intelligent person is both have sharp brain. They can use the brain better. They have strong brain, brain power. But what is the difference? You know, having a sharp brain with morals and values. This is intelligence. Having a strong brain without morals and values, this is cunningness. Shrewd for society. The shrewd and cunning, they are threat for the society. And the intelligent and wise people, they are need of the society.

So success is not only chasing money and accumulating the kind of materialistic things. Success is when you have a power to give knowledge or anything as a help. So this Shakti, you know taught me that I must become that successful. So I can give. It can be knowledge, it can be skill, it can be anything. What I can actually give back to the society. So I suppose if you are practicing values, if you are chasing your dreams, you can. You should have these attributes as. As defined in Shakti.

My life journey says that I was a forgetful person. And now I train people on memory. Because I practiced these common values. And we don't have to fight to find these values. These are easily available. You can see in your parents, you can see in good and wise people. So wisdom is important. Education without wisdom is dangerous. People say competent person, people are required. competency is important. But competency without wisdom is dangerous. The people is the person who is competent enough to fire or to use the kind of weapon.

But that has no values, no morals. That is not. That person is a greedy person. So giving weapon to this kind of person is dangerous. So the person must be having some kind of strong values and a good human being. So what should be our motto? Our motto is to be successful. So that we can make a better world, a better life.

Thank you so much.

Motivation, Philosophy, Education, Self-Improvement, Memory Training, Brain Science, Tedx Talks