The video highlights the importance of self-discovery and empowerment through the use of individual skills and strengths. It urges viewers to recognize their unique mix of talents, experiences, and traits and build upon them to reach full potential. By focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses, individuals can make a significant impact, similar to how great leaders and inventors have done.
Through examples and studies, the video illustrates how individuals who thrive in their careers often do so by engaging in fields that truly interest them. This engagement allows them to focus on their strengths, leading to success, wealth, and personal satisfaction. The concept of integrity and courage are emphasized as crucial for following one's heart and achieving self-confidence.
Main takeaways from the video:
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Key Vocabularies and Common Phrases:
1. empowerment [ɪmˈpaʊərmənt] - (n.) - The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life. - Synonyms: (authorization, enabling, enfranchisement)
Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, today we start a journey of self discovery and empowerment that is based on the deep idea...
2. potential [pəˈtenʃəl] - (n.) - Having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future. - Synonyms: (capability, possibility, capacity)
Recognizing and building on these skills not only helps us reach our full potential...
3. self-esteem [ˌself-ɪˈstiːm] - (n.) - Confidence in one's own worth or abilities. - Synonyms: (self-respect, self-regard, pride)
Self confidence goes hand in hand with triumph, self esteem, success, and happiness...
4. discontent [ˌdɪskənˈtent] - (n.) - Dissatisfaction with one's circumstances or conditions. - Synonyms: (dissatisfaction, unhappiness, displeasure)
I call this the feeling of divine discontent. It is a feeling of restlessness and dissatisfaction...
5. integrity [ɪnˈtɛɡrɪti] - (n.) - The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. - Synonyms: (honesty, probity, decency)
We also said that the most important value you can have is the value of integrity.
6. courage [ˈkɜːrɪdʒ] - (n.) - The ability to do something that frightens one; bravery. - Synonyms: (bravery, valor, guts)
In addition to integrity, courage is the most important quality you can have if you want to be happy...
7. self-assessment [ˌsɛlf əˈsɛsmənt] - (n.) - The evaluation of one's own performance or abilities. - Synonyms: (self-evaluation, self-analysis, introspection)
Success comes from staying focused on a particular, most valuable and important thing...
8. weaknesses [ˈwiːknəsɪz] - (n.) - A disadvantage or fault in something or someone. - Synonyms: (flaw, fault, vulnerability)
weaknesses are an inevitable fact of life...
9. strategic planning [strəˈtiːdʒɪk ˈplænɪŋ] - (n.) - An organization's process of defining its strategy and making decisions on allocating resources. - Synonyms: (strategy, foresight, blueprint)
The critical issue in strategic planning is to increase the return on the capital invested in the corporation.
10. incompetence [ɪnˈkɒmpɪtəns] - (n.) - Lack of the ability to do something successfully or as it should be done. - Synonyms: (ineptitude, incapacity, inefficiency)
The one thing we will always have in abundance is incompetence
Want To Bring Out THE BEST in People? - Brian Tracy Motivational Speech
Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, today we start a journey of self discovery and empowerment that is based on the deep idea that we should use our skills to their fullest. Different from others. Each of us has a unique mix of skills, experiences and traits that make us unique. Recognizing and building on these skills not only helps us reach our full potential, but it also speeds up our path to success and happiness.
Come with me. As we explore the methods and ideas that help us find, develop and use our individual skills. In a world that often focuses on fixing flaws, we move our attention to making the most of what makes us unique by using our natural skills and getting better at the things we're already good at. We put ourselves in a situation to do amazing things and leave a lasting impression. Great leaders and inventors have followed this theory for a long time, using their individual strengths to drive, change and inspire others.
Today we're going to talk about how you can use these ideas in your personal and work life to encourage growth and self empowerment. Let us think about the special skills and gifts that make us who we are as we start this journey together. Let us make a promise to work on these skills with purpose and commitment, knowing that they are the key to reaching our full potential and creating a future full of success and happiness.
Let's learn how to make the most of our individual skills and let the amazing potential that lives inside each of us shine through. Self confidence goes hand in hand with triumph, self esteem, success and happiness in everything you do. The more confidence you have in yourself, the more things you will attempt. The more confidence you have in yourself, the less you will be affected by temporary setbacks and disappointments.
The more confidence you have in yourself, the more likely you are to have a long, exciting life full of riches, rewards and personal satisfaction. One of the starting points of self confidence is recognizing that you have enormous strengths of ability and character that you can use to achieve almost anything you desire. You are extraordinary. The odds are more than 50 billion to one against there ever being anyone with the unique combination of talents, abilities and skills that you bring to your life and your world and the incredible things you can do and be. No one knows, not even you. But the one thing we do know is that virtually everything remarkable you will ever achieve will come from your ability to identify your areas of greatest strength and then capitalize on them in every situation.
Every person has one or more areas of excellence which if properly exploited, would allow them to be, have and do almost anything they could ever want. Every person, as a result of years of education and experience has developed possibilities that make them different from all other people. And the men and women who achieve the most in every field are invariably those who have taken the time to identify their areas of greatest strength and then continually capitalize on them.
We said before that life is the study of attention. Where your attention goes, there will also be your heart. The people, things, and events that catch your attention are indicative of your entire mental structure. The things that interest you are an indication of what you should do more of. In a longitudinal study that examined 1500 men and women who began their careers with enthusiasm and ambition, it was found that only 83 of them over the course of 20 years became millionaires.
When they went back and studied the attitudes and decisions of these people as they had evolved over 20 years, they discovered that every millionaire had one thing in common. Each of them had chosen a field they enjoyed. They had gone to work in an area of activity in which they were extremely interested and which attracted all their attention. Then they devoted their hearts to becoming very good at it, developed the strengths necessary to succeed in that area, and then capitalized on those strengths to become progressively better over time.
The conclusion of the study was that success, wealth, and happiness seemed to occur when a person was completely engaged in doing something they loved. The wealthy people in this study never set out to make a lot of money. Instead, they set out to find a field they truly enjoyed and then dedicated themselves to it. The money came as an afterthought. The flip side of this equation is that you will never be truly happy or satisfied until you have found a way to apply your unique human capabilities to your life and your work.
I call this the feeling of divine discontent. It is a feeling of restlessness and dissatisfaction that arises when you do not feel completely challenged by what you are doing. To enjoy high levels of self confidence and self esteem, you must work at the edge of your abilities. You must be continuously expanding your capacities. You must have the feeling that you are growing day by day with the challenges that your work is presenting to you. Without that sense of challenge and growth, you will experience discontent. And this is a good sign. discontent and dissatisfaction almost always precede constructive change that puts you on the fast track and makes you grow.
We once talked about how important values are to self confidence. Men and women with clear values who live their lives according to their highest aspirations are those who have a deep sense of self confidence and well being. We also said that the most important value you can have is the value of integrity. integrity is the value that guarantees all others. Having integrity means not compromising on what you believe is right in any area. integrity is absolutely essential if you want to capitalize on your strengths. It means, more than anything, looking at yourself honestly and making your decisions based on the fact that you are an extraordinary human being. Your feelings are very valuable clues to your choices and behaviors. Your peace of mind and personal satisfaction are perhaps the most accurate guide you will ever have for doing the right thing for you.
In addition to integrity, courage is the most important quality you can have if you want to be happy and have self confidence. If integrity means being honest with yourself, then courage means having the ability to follow where your heart leads you. It means having the ability to set aside all other considerations to stay true to the best within you. We said earlier that fear is the greatest enemy of self confidence and personal fulfillment. It is not that people do not know what to do. They are generally afraid to do what their heart tells them to do. But when you build yourself up step by step and gradually overcome the influence of fear, your entire world opens up to you. Your self confidence increases so much that there are no longer any limitations on what you will try or what you will commit to.
One of the greatest impressionist painters was a man named Paul Gauguin. He had a family and worked in the Paris post office for many years. But in the evenings, he would visit the cafes frequented by the painters of Paris. He got to know them and ask them questions. He was fascinated by painting. The whole idea of painting absorbed his attention. It was all he thought about. And yet, with a family and a full time job, there was no way he could dedicate himself to the painting he so desired to do.
One day, after turning 40, in a move that surprised everyone, he quit his job as a postal inspector, left his family, and moved to the island of Tahiti in the south Seas. There, he began to paint. His paintings are now worth hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars, and are displayed in the finest museums in the world. Many consider him one of the most important painters of the last 300 years. In a way, he was like Grandma Moses in that he finally decided to follow his heart and focus on what had interested him all those years.
Now, to follow your heart, you do not necessarily need to make dramatic changes in your life or relationships. What you do need to do is look at yourself honestly, as you really are, and have the courage to channel your energies and focus your strengths on your areas of greatest potential. And I promise you that when you do this, you will know without a doubt that you have made one of the best decisions of your life.
Every person has great strengths and potentialities and every person is in this world to take advantage of those strengths and apply them for their own benefit and that of humanity. The life stories of all great men and women are simply stories of people discovering their strengths and using them to the fullest. Churchill was a great statesman and orator. Florence Nightingale was a tremendous organizer. Florence Chadwick was an incredibly strong swimmer. Abraham Lincoln was a compassionate and forward thinking politician and president. Mother Teresa was a truly loving human being with an infinite capacity to care for and support the sick and dying of Calcutta.
Joe Montana is a quarterback with an incredible throwing arm playing for the San Francisco 49 ers. All around you you see men and women who have harnessed their greatest talents, like catching a pass in a football game and running towards the goal post. And you can do the same if you have the courage to follow your heart before continuing.
No discussion about strengths would be complete without a discussion about weaknesses. Strong people also have strong weaknesses. In fact, people have many more weaknesses than strengths. You may be strong in some talents, but weak in hundreds of areas. weaknesses are an inevitable fact of life. As Peter Drucker said, all innovations must be simple to work because there are only incompetent people to carry them out.
The one thing we will always have in abundance is incompetence. Now, Drucker was not being cruel, he was being realistic, pointing out that most people are incompetent in just different areas. The challenge with human weaknesses is that unhappy and unsuccessful people tend to focus on them. They worry about their weaknesses and think about their inabilities too much. They lose sight of the fact that every person also has strengths that may need to be developed and that these strengths can bring them everything they desire.
Instead, they continually focus on their areas of incompetence rather than their areas of excellence. You might do the same from time to time. You have areas of great potential strength and multiple areas of weakness where you perform averagely or mediocrely. We said earlier that the law of concentration has a disproportionate impact on the person you become. Whatever you dwell on grows. Strong people are those who focus on their strengths and abilities. Weak people are those who dwell on their weaknesses and inabilities.
But to develop and maintain high levels of self confidence and the success and happiness that come with it, you must consciously choose to dwell on your strengths most of the time. One of the best questions you can ask yourself repeatedly is what can I do? And only I that if done well, will make an extraordinary difference. In my situation. Success comes from staying focused on a particular, most valuable and important thing until you achieve success. Every great human achievement is preceded by long periods of dedicated and concentrated effort, but little is gained by frantically digging in the wrong place.
This brings us to the importance of self assessment concerning your strengths and weaknesses. The critical issue in strategic planning is to increase the return on the capital invested in the corporation. It's about allocating and deploying assets in such a way that the rewards the company reaps are greater than they would be without the planning exercise.
We start by establishing clear values, a clear vision of what the company wants to be in the future. A written mission statement that describes the company's strategic objectives and positioning. Every person should do the same for themselves. The purpose of your personal strategic planning is to enable you to increase the return on your energy.
Since your time is your life and your mental energy is your most valuable resource, your job is to organize your efforts in such a way that they bring you the maximum reward and satisfaction for the energy invested. Every company and every product or service has, or should develop a unique selling proposition. This is the way to differentiate the company and its products and services from the competition. It is often called a competitive advantage. Sometimes we call it an area of superiority.
In all cases, it is essential to determine how, where, why, and to what degree a particular company differentiates itself from any other company competing with it for the right to create and keep customers. And what applies to companies applies to you. You are the president of your own company. You are the president of your own personal services corporation. Do you have your own business?
Regardless of who signs your paycheck, you work for yourself from the day you take your first job until the day you retire. You may go to someone else's office or company, but you always work for yourself. The fact that many people do not recognize this and do not behave as if it were true is one of the main reasons for low self confidence, low performance, unhappiness, and failure in working life.
As the president of your own company, selling your services in the market to the highest bidder, you are completely responsible for identifying your unique selling proposition. What do you do better than anyone else? Why are you special or different? What is your area of competitive advantage? If you had to write in 25 words or less exactly why someone should hire you, promote you, and pay you to do a particular job instead of hiring, promoting and paying someone else, what would you point to as your area of superiority? Many people will struggle with this question.
However, what matters at this point is that you are asking the question the mere fact that you are thinking this way is rapidly moving you toward the top 3% of american workers. Your first question is, what is my unique selling proposition? Your next question is, what will be my area of competitive advantage or unique selling proposition in the future if I don't make changes to what I am doing today? Your next question is, what could be my area of competitive advantage?
Of all the areas where you could develop an area of superiority and become really good considering your values and goals, what could they be? And the last question, perhaps the most important on this topic, is, what should be my area of competitive advantage? If you could be good at anything in the future, whether in three months or three years and according to your desire to live a great life, what should be your area of superiority?
A friend of mine created a company and sold it a couple of years ago. He had money in the bank and decided to change careers. He had a lot of time to think about it and make the right decision. So he went to an industrial psychologist, a friend of his, and underwent a series of tests and several interviews to discover what would be ideal for him to do in a new career.
At the end of this process, his friend, the industrial psychologist, sat him down and told him that his greatest strengths were in consulting and delivering professional development seminars for managers and salespeople. My friend got a little upset. He said, but you know, I'm afraid of speaking in front of a group. You know, it makes me nervous and tense even thinking about it. His friend said, yes, I know that's true, but you didn't ask me to tell you what would be convenient and easy to do. You asked me to tell you what would be right for you and the area where you have the greatest potential strength right now is in consulting and training managers and salespeople.
My friend realized that what he was saying was true. Then he went out and took courses where he learned to overcome his fear of public speaking. He learned to make presentations to a professional audience. It didn't take long. Six months later, he started his own consulting and training business. Now he is doing very well and has never been happier in his life.
It often happens that your strengths are like undeveloped muscles that require a long period of exercise to build up to the point where you can start winning competitions. Your starting point is to sit down and set goals, decide where you are now and where you want to be in the future. What additional strengths and skills will allow you to increase the return on the energy invested in what area will a particular strength be useful and valuable to you and allow you to stand out from others.
Then you begin a process of self discovery. In determining your strengths for the future, you begin to engage in a search process to explore all the different areas where you may have hidden talents. One form of self discovery is to complete a series of questionnaires and tests that examine parts of your personality and abilities that you may be unaware of. Some years ago, I personally went to an industrial psychologist and took a battery of tests to learn my strengths and weaknesses, and much of my adult life has been influenced by what resulted from those tests.
The tests pointed out areas where I had natural talents and abilities. They also revealed my personality weaknesses and areas where I had little interest or talent. And they can do the same for you. They can save you years of hard work and the wrong job if you have the time and money. A detailed process of personality and career counseling is a very valuable exercise that can have a great influence on the rest of your career.
But if you lack time or money, there are many books filled with self assessment tests available in bookstores. You can take these tests yourself and they will provide you with very accurate feedback. Several companies have developed complete batteries of self assessment instruments, each of which can give you information about your strengths and weaknesses in particular areas. There are also a number of self analysis and self discovery exercises that you can perform yourself with just a pencil and paper. These exercises can often open your eyes and help you see possibilities that may surprise you.
From childhood, you have learned to do and accomplish a remarkable variety of tasks. You have an enormous number of skills and talents that you have developed over time, many of which you simply take for granted. Perhaps one of the reasons why so many people have so little self confidence is because they have never sat down to make a list of how talented and capable they really are.
So this first exercise for you is to write a list of everything you habitually do. Write down all your roles and the parts they play from the moment you get up in the morning until the moment you go to bed at night. If you are a parent, cook, dishwasher, driver, shopper, reader, writer, worker who performs various jobs, buyer, seller, negotiator, teacher, manager, salesperson, typist, a person who answers the phone, anything else you can think of. Be as detailed as possible.
Go through your day, minute by minute and hour by hour, and write down everything you do over a day, a month, a year. When you have completed this list, you will be surprised by how many skills you have developed and which ones you use regularly. The second part of this exercise in self discovery and self analysis is to now make a new list where you start grouping the various things you do into categories.
One of your categories can be parent. Under the heading of parents. Write down all the things from your list that you do as a parent and that are part of parenting. If you are a manager or salesperson, or hold any other position, jot down everything you do in your job, day in and day out. If you engage in sports, put sports as a title and write down all the physical activities you perform. If you are interested in reading, write down all the topics you regularly read about.
Once you have completed this group, all your roles and activities into clusters. The final step of this exercise is to prioritize each group. Which group of activities is most important to you? Which group of activities is the second most important to you? If you were going to be sent to a deserted island indefinitely and could only take two or three of these activities, which ones would they be?
When you have numbered your clusters or groups by priority, you will have created a very clear picture of who you are and what is valuable to you in life. Your next questions would be, what should I do in each of these areas to gain the greatest satisfaction and enjoyment from this area? What do I need to do more and less of? What do I need to get into or get out of? What is more important within each group and what is less important? If I had to choose, how would I choose and select among the various things I do?
You will be surprised by the kind of answers you begin to find. In my experience, you will be surprised by the clusters that rise to the top of your list and the groups, some of which consume a huge amount of your time but are not really important to you. But to truly know yourself, you must take the time to analyze it this way on paper.
One exercise that is very useful for learning more about yourself and has been a turning point in many people's lives, is to go to someone close to you and ask them what they think you should do with your life. Ask some someone you trust what they believe are your strengths and weaknesses, your strengths and vulnerabilities. What advice would someone who cares about you give you about the kind of work you should do and the kind of talents you should develop?
Even people who don't know you very well can often provide you with information about yourself and your possibilities. This will be extremely accurate and may even occur in areas you hadn't even thought of. I remember driving with a business partner to an appointment that was a bit far from the city. We had the chance to talk as we drove and I was mentally wrestling with what I should do in the next stage of my career. I was seriously considering getting into the business of conducting seminars and eventually producing audio cassette programs like this one.
At a lark, I turned to him and asked him honestly if I were to change careers, what he thought I would be good at. He sat there and thought for a while as we drove, and then he turned to me and said, Brian, I think you would be very good at speaking, training, and giving seminars. You read and research a lot and seem to enjoy sharing your ideas with other people. In my opinion, the best use of your time would be sharing your ideas with the public. Now, up until that point, I had rarely spoken in public and had never attended a seminar before.
I won't say that incident was the turning point for me, but it was the final assurance I needed to make the decision to become a professional speaker and trainer. This business partner and acquaintance could see it clearly. Whatever seems most enjoyable is a very good indication of where your strengths lie. Your strengths may be completely hidden, but if you ask yourself these questions and face the answers without blinking, you will begin to uncover them.
And it's when you discover a potential strength and start developing it to be able to use it in your life that you start to feel truly fantastic about yourself. Your most important job is to strive for what can make the greatest positive difference. This will be the area where you get the greatest return on energy. When you work on expanding your capabilities in an area of greatest strengths, you feel amazed by yourself. You feel like a winner. Enjoy wonderful feelings of self confidence and self esteem.
Furthermore, it is also very important for your happiness that you develop a proper perspective on the inevitable weaknesses you will have in almost every area. And here are some thoughts regarding weaknesses that may be helpful. The first thought is that almost all weaknesses can be seen as strengths applied inappropriately. If you use one of your strengths when it is neither necessary nor useful, it can often be perceived as a weakness. For example, I recently had a gentleman working for me who is extremely aggressive and found himself in a managerial position as a manager. His aggressiveness made him the type of person no one wanted to cooperate with.
What he had forgotten was that his primary skill lay in sales. In an area of individual achievement. His aggressiveness was a strength in sales, but a weakness when placed in a managerial position where his strength could not be properly used. Many of the so called weaknesses you may have are simply strengths used in the wrong place and for the wrong purposes.
A weakness may be simply situational. There is an old saying that when you go into the woods you should expect mosquitoes. Sometimes you will be criticized for the things you do, and you may tend to think you are weak in these areas, but it may be that the criticisms simply come with the territory. Sometimes people approach me and say they didn't like my talk. Now more than 99% of the feedback I receive is very favorable, but inevitably there are individuals who for some reason are not pleased.
These are the inevitable mosquitoes that come with my profession. You will find that there are complaints and criticisms that inevitably accompany anything you do. They may not indicate any weakness, but simply be another person's opinion or observation. You may have a personality weakness caused by a previous experience. Perhaps some took advantage of you in the past and now you are hypersensitive to being taken advantage of again in the future. The slightest hint that someone does not fully approve of your behavior can trigger a negative reaction.
This can be seen as a flaw or personality weakness when it's actually just the result of your past reinforcement history. It could also be something useful for you to work on. Overcoming your weakness may be trainable often the only thing standing between you and extraordinary achievements is a bit of learning. Taking the right courses, listening to the right audio tapes, and reading the right books may be all you need to excel in your field. And finally, what seems like a weakness may be a key indicator of the type of work or activity you should not be pursuing. You may not enjoy that area of effort at all.
If you consistently perform poorly in something, it could be a way to discover that this is an unsuitable field for you. Take the time to thoroughly analyze yourself. By practicing self disclosure to yourself and to others, both in writing and verbally, you will develop a higher level of self awareness and honesty. As you become more aware of your strengths, you will come to accept who you really are.
And as your level of acceptance increases and you truly respect yourself for your unique talents and abilities, your self esteem and self confidence will also grow when you minimize or mitigate your weaknesses while simultaneously identifying and maximizing your strengths. You will become a high performing artist in everything you decide to do.
Let us move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity as we wrap up our discussion on how to make the most of your unique skills. Remember that your biggest potential is not in following the rules or trying to copy other people's skills. It's in developing and maximizing your own. Accepting what makes you skilled and passionate in a way that no one else does will not only make you happier, but it will also have a positive effect on the people around you.
Think about the ideas and plans we talked about today. Think about how you can use them to improve your personal and business life. Your unique skills give you an edge over others and set you up for success. Whether you're in leadership, business or personal growth.
As you go forward, I want you to keep putting intentional and persistent effort into your skills. Challenges are chances to learn and get better at what you do. Remember that every step you take toward using your skills brings you closer to your goals and making a difference. Thank you for taking the time to read and share. May the ideas we've talked about help you create a future where you succeed by using your unique strengths and leaving a legacy of excellence and inspiration.
Inspiration, Self-Discovery, Leadership, Education, Motivation, Personal Growth, Achievemore